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My graduation thesis, AL- BĪRŪNĪ, INDIA: AN ARABIC WITNESS OF THE PHAEDO, dates back to 1998. This thesis a) offers a first edition of the fragments of the Phaedo in al-Bīrūnī, b) also offers a collection and analysis of ALL THE GREEK FRAGMENTS IN THE INDIA OF AL-BĪRŪNĪ.
In dreams we distinguish the personal unconscious from a structure underneath (that which we call the collective unconscious), the energetic nuclei of which would be the archetypes. Normal man has no idea of this reality and experiences it therefore in projection. Through modern Jungian analysis one has begun to discover this substructure of the human psyche and to see that the motivations behind our fate stem from there, and, coming through the filter of the personal unconscious, modify and influence consciousness. In the analytical process we use the word integration for what happens, meaning that the ego relates to these contents, has an Auseinandersetzung, a confrontation, with them, recognizing them as the deeper part of its own psychic substructure. Now, what happens, actually, if you take a mirrored, symmetrical standpoint and look at the thing from the side of the archetypes ? The archetypes are the gods of polytheistic paganism. The Greek gods are the archetypes in the collective Greek psyche.
An old work on unknown caves of Mount Grigna in North part of Italy close to Como city.
La questione dell’Ereignis si presta ad essere interpretata come punto di continuità interna al e nel pensiero della Kehre heiddegeriana. All’interno dei Beiträge zur Philosophie esso è il pensiero dell’altro inizio che prende le mosse da ciò che è rimasto impensato nel primo: l’aletheia greca. Il problema del fondamento si svolge come problema della relazione che intercorre tra Ereignis, Da-sein e Seyn. Tale relazione è equiparata da Heidegger ad un moto oscillatorio o pendolare, che mette in luce il bisogno e lo svoltarsi reciproco di Da-sein e Seyn. L’Ereignis si presenta come il disporre armonicamente ciò che così disposto viene ad esso appropriato e in sé stesso impropriato. La questione della fondazione, per rendere manifesta questa triplice relazione primaria, chiama in causa la problematica dello spazio e del tempo mostrando come solo un fondo senza fondo (Ab-grund) è in grado di fondare autenticamente il darsi della verità dell’Essere che può essere accolta da un Da che solo si sappia appropriato all’Ereignis. The concept of Ereignis (enowning) is apt to be detected as the thread running through the transformative turn (Kehre) that marks the passage between Heidegger’s Being and Time and Contributions (Beiträge zur Philosophie). In the latter work, Ereignis is thought as the “other beginning” whose starting point, i.e. alétheia, was concealed in the “first beginning”. Since the truth of be-ing is thought as enowing, the grounding question develops as such into the relation between enowning, be-ing and being-t/here. This is considered in turn as a rhythmical movement from side to side, a swaying that brings to light the mutual need and turning of being-t/here and be-ing. The enowning is a disposing movement in which what is disposed is also enowned to the Ereignis and established as its own property. The grounding question entails the space-time problems in order to explain this triple relationship, since it shows that only an abysmal Ground, i.e. a groundless ground, is able to establish authentically the self-giving of the truth of be-ing, as it is really suitable for a t/here who knows its being enowned to and by the Ereignis.
Willibald ther Saxon spent several years in the Holy Land studying Monasticism, then he spent 5 years in Montecassino to help restoring the great Monastery previously destroyed by the Longobards
Il mondo ebraico incontra la cultura greca con l'ellenizzazione del Vicino Oriente a partire dalla conquista di Alessandro Magno. Il rapporto con essa si rivelerà difficile e conflittuale, per lo meno per quanto riguarda quella corrente dell'ebraismo, la farisaica o rabbinica, che dal 70 d.C. si affermerà definitivamente sulle altre. Tale ostilità non risparmierà nemmeno due tra le maggiori realizzazioni dello spirito greco, il teatro e la filosofia.
PREMESSA Cum multae res in philosophia nequaquam satis adhuc explicatae sint, tum perdifficilis, Brute, quod tu minime ignoras… (Cicerone, De natura deorum, I, 1)
Ordine Internazionale e diritti umani, 2022
REFLECTIONS ON AGEING AND DISCRIMINATION BY AGE In the general field of the human rights’ protection, the discrimination by age, the so called “ageism”, has become the third cause of discrimination after racism and sexism. This document analyzes the different prospects upon which the violations of elders’ rights are based and the necessary recommendations on methods to combat this social plague. The document also examines the different criteria with which elders have been considered throughout history and the possible solutions that can be found in order to defend elders’ dignity. In these considerations, it is the opportunity to re-evaluate elders’ position in contemporary society and to enhance the accumulation of experiences of a generation that has lived the transition from the 20th to the 21th century.
Fedone 2 I ECHECRATE Di' un po', Fedone, eri presente tu quando, in carcere, Socrate bevve il veleno o ne hai sentito parlare da altri? FEDONE C'ero io proprio, Echecrate. ECHECRATE E che disse prima di morire? E come morì ? Vorrei proprio saperlo; perché, noi di Fliunte, non andiamo quasi mai ad Atene e da quella città non è venuto nessuno che potesse riferirci notizie sicure su questo fatto. Così sappiamo soltanto che è morto dopo aver bevuto il veleno. E nessuno ci ha saputo dire di più.
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Limes: Italian Review of Geopolitics, 2018
Culture del testo e del documento. Le discipline del libro nelle biblioteche e negli archivi, 2012
Lectio Magistralis, 2023
ISSN 2282-5711, 2024
"Rivista di Estetica", n.s., 45 (3/2010), Il paradosso del testimone.
Domus Europa, 2019