Innovative Application of Waste Tyre in Concrete Mixes

Global movement in worldwide Scenario is going to be carbon reduction and energy saving. Maximum application of resources, efficient construction, economical construction and quality improvements costs have become urgent issues, which promotes overall economic development, strives to improve living standards and solves the problems of shortages in resources. Recycling is accepted to be one of the important bases of sustainability. Now days we are trying to utilize all kind of product, whether they are metal, concrete, plastic, wood, or even glass, will eventually turn into wastes that must be disposed. The best possible way to deal with such kind of wastes is to recycling, recovery and reuse them as raw materials or modifiers. This will reduce the drain on the natural resources of the raw materials, and it will reduce the spaces used as landfills. Among all these wastes rubber, this is worldwide used in our daily life by direct or indirect manners. However, the disposal of rubber is not an easy matter. Rubber tires are a non-biodegradable and ductile material that can exist for a long time without any degradation. The issue is growing amount of waste rubber tires has resulted in an environmental big problem. Most of the countries, open burning and using as a fuel are considered the easiest way to get rid of the waste rubber tires, even though these processes may lead to a very serious health hazard. Since the waste rubber tires cannot be biodegradable even after a long period of landfill treatment, material and energy recoveries are viable alternative to the disposal of this solid waste. Several investigations were carried out on the use of scrap tire particles in cement concrete. In this study rubber tires (waste) were used to replace natural aggregate depending on the fineness of particles. Concrete has become the most widely accepted and used construction material in civil engineering industry, the incorporation of waste rubber tire particles in concrete would be a very good and promising way to utilize the large quantities of waste rubber. Waste rubber tire used as particles in concrete would not only make a use of such waste materials but also help to improve some concrete properties. The concrete containing rubber reflects excellent flexibility, ductility and energy absorbency as compared with conventional or controlled concrete. Tire rubber is preferable for use in self-consolidating concrete since it effectively interacts with cement matrix to produce high flow ability along with good cohesiveness. This work studies the effects of worn rubber tire as aggregate and filler as a partial replacement of coarse and fine aggregate in the cement concrete. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the strength and durability property of rubberized concrete. This Study has shown that replacing some percentage of natural aggregates by waste rubber causes significant change in properties of concrete. The properties studied are 7days, 28days compressive strengths, flexural strength, Modulus of rupture and expensive properties etc.