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Glomus tumors are benign, subcutaneous neoplasms of the perivasculature. Though facial location is rare, the diagnosis of a glomus tumor should be considered in cases of undiagnosed painful facial nodules or chronic facial pain. Imaging aids in defining the tumor and planning a complete excision in order to avoid recurrence. Histological examination is mandatory after every attempted excision. A case of glomus tumor of the cheek along with the possible pitfalls of diagnosis and treatment and a brief review of the limited associated literature are presented.
Ear, nose, & throat journal, 2017
Our objectives in reporting this case series are to familiarize readers with the rare occurrence of paragangliomas originating along the facial nerve and to provide a literature review. We describe 3 such cases that occurred at our tertiary care academic medical center. Two women and 1 man presented with a tumor adjacent to the vertical segment of the facial nerve. The first patient, a 48-year-old woman, presented with what appeared to be a parotid tumor at the stylomastoid foramen; she underwent a parotidectomy, transmastoid facial nerve decompression, and a shave biopsy of the tumor. The second patient, a 66-year-old man, underwent surgery via a postauricular infratemporal fossa approach, and a complete tumor resection was achieved. The third patient, a 56-yearold woman, presented with a middle ear mass; she underwent complete tumor removal through a transmastoid transcanal approach. All 3 patients exhibited normal facial nerve function both before and after surgery. Paragangliomas of the facial nerve are extremely rare, and their signs and symptoms are unlike those of any other temporal bone glomus tumors. Management options include surgical resection, radiologic surveillance, and radiotherapy. The facial nerve can be spared in selected cases.
Advances in Bioscience and Clinical Medicine, 2015
Glomus tumors are neoplasms arising from the glomus bodies, neuromyoarterial units found within the reticular dermis functioning as a specialized arteriovenous anastomosis. These rare tumors are benign and located anywhere in the body, and their cells closely resemble those of a normal glomus body. In this article, we report occurrence and administered treatment for a large glomangioma in the malar region of an 8-year-old male.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2010
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2015
Introduction Glomus tumor is a neuromyoarterial tumor. It is a rare tumor which accounts for about 2% of all hand tumors. The diagnosis is based on the triad of symptoms, clinical examination which includes three tests, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound imaging. The most common treatment is surgical excision, using transungual or lateral subperiosteal approach. Sclerotherapy and radiotherapy may be the treatments of choice, but they are less effective. The recurrence rate is high -from 5% to 50%. Case Outline We diagnosed a glomus tumor of 1 cm in diameter in the distal phalanx of the fourth finger of the right hand in a 30-year-old woman. She had been visiting different physicians for more than two years and had been variously diagnosed. We performed a biopsy of the tumor, which was bleeding profusely during the procedure. Upon biopsy results, the tumor was excised with transungual approach. Two and a half months after the procedure the patient was feeling well. Conclusion There should be higher awareness of this tumor in order to diagnose it more easily and treat it accordingly, and thus alleviate the severe pain which the tumor causes. When it is considered as the possible cause of the lesion, the diagnosing is easier and treatment is immediate.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology, 2018
Malignant glomus tumors are rare tumors of mesenchymal origin arising from the smooth muscle cells of the glomus body. A vast majority of the glomus tumors are benign and are commonly found in the distal extremities. Occasionally, malignant variant of glomus tumours present with a large size, infiltrative growth pattern, aggressive biological behavior such as recurrences, wide spread metastases and even death in some instances. Malignant Glomus tumors were believed to be low grade malignancies. However, from subsequently reported cases it has been evident that 38% of the MGTs have lead to fatal metastases. Malignant Glomus tumors have been reported in other organ sites like mediastinum, kidney, lungs, however their occurrence in the head and neck region is rare. This review discusses in detail about this rare but important soft tissue neoplasm.
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 2009
Glomus tumors are a tumor of perivascular, temperatureregulating bodies; 75% occur in the hand, 50% of these are subungual, and 50% occur with erosion of the distal phalanges. They are typically less than 1 cm in diameter. The tumor may often present as a small, bluish-red nodule. Nail ridging is a common finding. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is helpful in making the diagnosis. Treatment is marginal excision.
Journal of Case Reports, 2015
Glomus tumor is a vascular tumor that originates from glomus body. It is typically seen in young adults and localized in distal extremities and nail beds. It often presents with stuffiness, rhinorrhea and pain. Glomus tumor is rare in the head and neck region. A 79 year-old-male who presented with stuffiness and ear congestion, was found to have a mass located in the posterior of the nasal cavity on rhinoscopic examination. Macroscopically, the excisional biopsy of the mass had an irregular surface and hyperemia. Pathology of the biopsy showed that the lesion consisted vascular structures, which were surrounded by solid epithelioid, acidophilic and smooth muscle actin positive cells. The case was diagnosed as nasal glomus tumor.
Acta Oncologica Turcica, 2017
Glomus tümörü, glomus cisminin arteryal segmentinden kaynaklı vasküler bir tümördür. Oral kavite ve bukkal mukozada nadiren görülen bu oluşum benign ve malign mukozalar lezyonlarla karışabilmektedir. Bukkal mukozada beyaz renkli, ağrılı lezyon ile tarafımıza başvuran 54 yaşında erkek hastadan alınan biopsi glomus tümörü olarak raporlandı. Tedavide total kitle eksizyonu bacak cildinden alınan kısmı kalınlıkta cilt grefti ile rekonstrükte edildi. Bir yılık takibinde nüks izlenmedi. Bu lokalizasyonda nadiren görülen glomus tümörü literatür eşliğinde sunuldu.
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 1995
Haemangiopericytoma and glomus tumours are infrequent neoplasms in otorrhinolaryngology. A case of glomus tumour with haemangiopericytomatous features of the left amygdalar fossa tsaeported. Its clinical, surgical and histological features are described. This case report supports the unitary concept of smooth muscle tumours of the small vascular wall.
Journal of Research in Orthopedic Science, 2022
Background: Glomus tumors are benign perivascular neoplasms generally located in distal limbs, particularly in the nail bed, which present a classic triad including pain, tenderness, and cold hypersensitivity. This study described the epidemiologic characteristics, clinical presentation, diagnosis, management, and post-operative complications of glomus tumors. Methods: Medical profiles of patients with a glomus tumor who underwent surgical excision at Shafa Yahyaeian Hospital, Tehran, Iran, between 2009 and 2021, were retrospectively reviewed. A senior hand surgeon at the same orthopedic center managed all patients with surgical excision. The collected information included demographic characteristics, clinical presentation, tumor characteristics, recurrence, and post-operative complications. Results: The study included 38 females (76%) and 12 males (24%), with a mean age of 38.9±14.3 years (range: 16-75 years). The symptoms at presentation included pain (100%), local tenderness (98%), and cold sensitivity (66%). In all patients, Hildreth's test was positive. The mean symptom duration was 51.2±53.7 months. Of 50 cases, 47 lesions (94%) were in the fingers. The subungual region was the most frequent site of finger involvement (n=35, 74.5%). At a mean follow-up of 6.4±4.5 years, tumors recurred in two patients (4%). Seven patients (14%) had surgical complications, including persistent pain (n=2), numbness (n=2), paresthesia (n=1), limited range of motion (n=1), and nail separation (n=1). Conclusion: Glomus tumors present as painful lesions, most commonly in the fingertips, and are generally associated with long symptom duration. The lesions are more common in females. Surgical excision is an efficient treatment for the local control of glomus tumors.
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Archives of International Surgery, 2020
Journal of Evolution of medical and Dental Sciences, 2021
Hand and Microsurgery, 2016
Journal of Orthopedic and Spine Trauma, 2020
Madridge Journal of Surgery
IOSR Journals , 2019
American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 2014
Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases, 2014
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
Dermatology Online Journal, 2016
Case Reports in Vascular Medicine, 2013
Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 2012
Journal of surgical case reports, 2022
Respiratory Medicine Case Reports