India’s national security in the Liberal Lens - Ali Ahmed.pdf


The book comprises my commentaries covering the strategic scene in India mid-decade. The principal movement it dwells on is the political makeover in India in the takeover by cultural nationalism of the state. In the main the book deals with the strategic implications of this major development. The commentaries reflect the unease among liberals and rationalists with the right wing lurch in Indian polity. The main current tying the commentaries together is the reminder on the need for caution on the national march towards great power and wariness with the strategy espoused by cultural nationalists and majoritarian nationalists needs to be taken. I have chosen to keep the commentaries chronological in the order they were published rather than club them into themes. Readers who are part of the attentive public would be able to see how India has shaped up on the strategic front and follow the national security debates. By this yardstick, the book is a record of the times in the national security, strategic studies and peace studies framework. I trust the book will serve as a useful refresher for those who have followed the discourse and a useful introduction to national security thinking to those new to it. A recurrent theme in the book is manner of employment of nuclear weapons. Although I am completely anti-nuclear, I have engaged with this issue in order to argue against what I consider an imbecile nuclear doctrine of India. It is to my mind both genocidal and suicidal. I have tried to bring this out and argue that nuclear weapons need to be used if at all unlike as envisaged in the doctrine but at the lowest threshold and both the exchange and the conflict terminated forthwith in case of their introduction into a conflict. On an ideology driven strategy, I note that this cannot but favour militarism and militarization. Strategy requires rationality uncontaminated by ideology. The influence of Hindutva on strategic thinking is easy to see now that the victory for the ruling party at the polls has emboldened strategists to come out of their closet of cultural nationalism. Such thinking glorifies India and in particular takes a dim view of Pakistan. This to my mind renders askew rationality and is liable if uncontested to land India into an avoidable doctrinal and strategic cul de sac. I hope the book creates a niche for liberal perspective in strategic studies. It would be of interest to practitioners, thinkers and students as well as those wanting to keep tab on national security affairs that cannot be left to generals and strategists alone.