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1997, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
Substrates and contacts play a critical role in thin-®lm solar cell device and module performance. They in¯uence light trapping, ®lm growth, impurity levels, doping, stability, yield and laser scribing for monolithic integration. The substrate is also a major cost factor, often accounting for the largest component of the module cost. The interaction between the substrates or contacts with the semiconductor layers can also limit the range of the subsequent semiconductor layer processing parameters. The panel and audience discussed these factors in relation to fabrication, performance and characterization of today's thin-®lm solar cells and modules.
In this paper, we investigate the development of a robust handling process for thin (<50 μm) substrates in the framework of the monolithic multi-junction solar cell (MJSC) technology. The process, designed for its versatility, is based on a temporary front side bonding of the cell with a polymeric adhesive and then a permanent back side soldering, allowing classical cell micro-fabrication steps on both sides of the wafer. We have demonstrated that the process does not degrade the performances of monolithic MJSC with Ge substrates thickness reduced from 170 μm to 25 μm. Then, we investigate a perspective unlocked with this work: the study of 3D-interconnect architecture for multi-junction solar cells.
online ordering: Printed on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper, including 20% postconsumer waste i SUMMARY The overall mission of the Institute of Energy Conversion is the development of thin film photovoltaic cells, modules, and related manufacturing technology and the education of students and professionals in photovoltaic technology. The objectives of this 12 month NREL subcontract are to advance the state of the art and the acceptance of thin film PV solar cells in the areas of improved technology for thin film deposition, device fabrication, and material and device characterization and modeling, relating to solar cells based on CuInSe 2 and its alloys, on a-Si and its alloys, and on CdTe.
This publication was reproduced from the best available camera-ready copy submiited t.y the subconuactor and received no editoriai review at NREL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States goverment nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees. makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liabiiii or responsibility for the accurxy, completeness. or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily consiiute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or tavoring by the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or any agency thereo".
Energy Procedia, 2014
We investigate the wafer-thickness dependence of double-side contacted rear junction n-type solar cells, theoretically by PC1D simulations and experimentally. To get the correct input parameters for PC1D, we first fit PC1D simulation to a rear junction cell fabrication of a complete ingot. The simulated cell performance of thin cells is mainly influenced by short circuit current J sc. For wafer-thickness < 100 μm, light trapping becomes challenging and causes a steep decline in J sc. This J sc loss can also be seen in an IQE drop at long wavelengths of fabricated thin cells. For wafer-thickness > 100 μm, only minor variation in efficiency is predicted by simulation, which makes the cell concept suitable for 100 to 200 μm thick wafers. Median cell efficiencies of 20 % for 100 μm thin-6" Cz Si cells are reported.
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2011
This paper proposes a novel concept for integrating ultrathin solar cells into modules. It is conceived as a method for fabricating solar panels starting from back-contact crystalline silicon solar cells. However, compared to the current state of the art in module manufacturing for back-contact solar cells, this novel concept aims at improvements in performance, reliability, and cost through the use of an alternative encapsulant, namely silicones as opposed to ethylene vinyl acetate, an alternative deposition technology, being wet coating as opposed to dry lamination; and alternative module-level metallization techniques, as opposed to cell-level tabbing-stringing or conductive foil interconnects. The process flow is proposed, and the materials and fabrication technologies are discussed. As the durability of the module, translated into the module's lifetime, is very important in the targeted application, namely solar cell modules, modeling and reliability testing results and considerations are presented to illustrate how the experimental development process may be guided by experience and theoretical derivations. Finally, feasibility is demonstrated in some first proofs of the concept, and an outlook is given pointing out the direction for further research.
2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2012
− − − − Light induced plating (LIP) chemistry and tooling that are scalable to industrial solar cell processing are used to deposit layers of nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), and tin (Sn) on previously defined front grid patterns of large area solar cells. The Ni plated layer is in direct contact with the silicon surface enabling the formation of a nickel silicide (NiSi) contact after annealing. This Alternative Seed Layer (ASL) process involves many variables that influence the formation of the NiSi contact. This paper will investigate two different aspects of the contact formation: 1) the position of the annealing step in the process flow; i.e. after Ni plating or after Ni/Cu plating and 2) the resulting contact formation for monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) versus polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) substrates. A decrease in the series resistance (R series) measurement and increase in efficiency after annealing has been demonstrated for both mono-Si and poly-Si cells with Ni only and Ni/Cu annealing.
2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conference, 2006
The Laser Grooved Buried Contact (LGBG) crystalline silicon solar cell is an attractive technology for the production of low-cost concentrator cells. Due to the high-conductivity buried front contact, the metalization pattern may be readily adapted to handle the larger current densities produced at higher concentrations whilst minimizing shading. In the 1990's Efficiencies of 18% at 30X concentration without prismatic covers has been demonstrated in the EUCLIDES concentrator system . A matrix of cell process conditions has been investigated in order to optimize the emitter and front contact design of the LGBC cell for concentration factors of 50-100X. Efficiencies over 18% at 50X concentration have been measured on 2.56 cm 2 cells. Factors limiting the efficiency are discussed and processing improvements are suggested.
online ordering: Printed on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper, including 20% postconsumer waste i SUMMARY The overall mission of the Institute of Energy Conversion is the development of thin film photovoltaic cells, modules, and related manufacturing technology and the education of students and professionals in photovoltaic technology. The objectives of this 12 month NREL subcontract are to advance the state of the art and the acceptance of thin film PV solar cells in the areas of improved technology for thin film deposition, device fabrication, and material and device characterization and modeling, relating to solar cells based on CuInSe 2 and its alloys, on a-Si and its alloys, and on CdTe.
Energy Procedia, 2011
For the fabrication of high efficiency solar cells a full electroplated metallization process is beneficial. In this paper light induced plating (LIP) of thin Nickel seed layers and subsequent Silver metallization has been processed. The antireflective coating is opened by laser chemical doping (LCP). The subsequent front contact was formed by a Nickel/Silver stack deposited by light induced plating. To make electroplating industrial feasible high deposition rates are required. However, high plating rates can influence specific conductivity and uniformity in a negative way. Thus, the line conductivity which is strongly determined by the homogeneity and the morphology of the plated fingers was investigated. To improve these limiting factors the effect of current density and organic additives was investigated in terms of finger resistances and microscope pictures. In order to achieve a good uniformity and conductivity on thin fingers, an organic additive which acts as leveling agent was applied. This leveler inhibits electrodeposition in areas of high electrical field. Therefore, different textures, plating rates and concentrations of leveling agents are compared. Furthermore, different methods for interconnection of electroplated solar cells are discussed. In terms of adhesion, the first results show that bonding of the electroplated busbars is most suitable for interconnection. With bonding, a peel of strength of more than 1,5N on the whole area can be achieved. Also, the relative efficiency loss of bonded cells is in an adequate range with 1.8%.
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2019
Thin film solar cells are desirable due to minimal material usage, cost effective synthesis processes and a promising trend in efficiency rise. In this review paper, remarkable progresses of five major types of thin film solar cell (TFSC) including amorphous silicon (a-Si) solar cell, copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cell, copper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS) solar cell, cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar cell and dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) have been presented from their inception to the state-of-the-art development. Cell configurations, different layers of these cells, their growth procedures, function and modification for working solar cells have also been explored. Critical issues that limit the performance of these cells as well as current scenario have also been addressed. Finally, a summary of this work has been presented as a comparative study among the five major types of TFSCs in terms of the state-of-the-art data for structural, optical, and electrical properties, m...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 1997
Although silicon solar cells based on layers less than 50 Ixm thick have become very popular, little attention has been paid to the role of the underlying silicon substrate. This treatment uses the device simulation program PC-1D and the ray tracing program SUNRAYS to examine the role of the substrate in contributing to the current and efficiency of textured and non-textured thin layer solar cells. For the case of a heavily doped silicon substrate, substrate contributions can be significant for cells with sufficiently thin base layers. For example, for the case of a silicon thin layer cell with a base layer thickness of 20 Ixm and a substrate doping of 6 X 10 ]8 cm-3, the substrate contributes no more than 4% of the total short-circuit current. However, decreasing the base width to 5 I~m results in an increase in this substrate contribution to 20%. Light trapping tends to alleviate the substrate contribution by increasing the effective path length in the base. Examination of the current components under forward bias reveals that for a thin layer cell with a high quality base and good front surface passivation, back diffusion of electrons into the substrate limits cell performance.
Progress in photovoltaics, 2004
o The different thin film technologies o Market share of thin film technologies o The record efficiencies of thin film technologies o Quantity of needed active material o The manufacturing
online ordering: Printed on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper, including 20% postconsumer waste i Summary The overall mission of the Institute of Energy Conversion is the development of thin film photovoltaic cells, modules, and related manufacturing technology and the education of students and professionals in photovoltaic technology. The objectives of this 20 month NREL subcontract are to advance the state of the art and the acceptance of thin film PV modules in the areas of improved technology for thin film deposition, device fabrication, and material and device characterization and modeling, relating to solar cells based on CuInSe 2 and its alloys, on a-Si and its alloys, and on CdTe.
Approximately half the cost of a "nished crystalline silicon solar module is due to the silicon itself. Combining this fact with a high-e$ciency potential makes thin-"lm crystalline silicon solar cells a growing research area. This paper, written in two parts, aims to outline world-wide research on this topic. The subject has been divided into techniques which use native substrates and techniques which use foreign substrates. Light trapping, vapour-and liquid-phase deposition techniques, cell fabrication and some general considerations are also discussed with reference to thin-"lm cells.
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 2006
Thin film solar cells (TFSC) have passed adolescence and are ready to make a substantial contribution to the world's electricity generation. They can have advantages over c-Si solar modules in ease of large area, lower cost manufacturing and in several types of applications. Factors which limit TFSC module performance relative to champion cell performance are discussed along with the importance of increased throughput and yield. The consensus of several studies is that all TFSC can achieve costs below 1 $/W if manufactured at sufficiently large scale >100 MW using parallel lines of cloned equipment with high material utilization and spray-on encapsulants. There is significant new commercial interest in TFSC from small investors and large corporations, validating the thin film approach. Unique characteristics are discussed which give TFSC an advantage over c-Si in two specific markets: small rural solar home systems and building integrated photovoltaic installations. TFSC have outperformed c-Si in annual energy production (kWhrs/kW), have demonstrated outdoor durability comparable to c-Si and are being used in MW scale installations worldwide. The merits of the thin film approach cannot be judged on the basis of efficiency alone but must also account for module performance and potential for low cost. TFSC advocates should promote their unique virtues compared to c-Si: lower cost, higher kWhr/kW output, higher battery charging current, attractive visual appearance, flexible substrates, long-term stability comparable to c-Si, and multiple pathways for deposition with room for innovation and evolutionary improvement. There is a huge market for TFSC even at today's efficiency if costs can be reduced. A brief window of opportunity exists for TFSC over the next few years due the Si shortage. The demonstrated capabilities and advantages of TFSC must be proclaimed more persistently to funding decision-makers and customers without minimizing the remaining challenges.
Materials, 2016
The trade-off between transmittance and conductivity of the front contact material poses a bottleneck for thin film solar panels. Normally, the front contact material is a metal oxide and the optimal cell configuration and panel efficiency were determined for various band gap materials, representing Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 (CIGS), CdTe and high band gap perovskites. Supplementing the metal oxide with a metallic copper grid improves the performance of the front contact and aims to increase the efficiency. Various front contact designs with and without a metallic finger grid were calculated with a variation of the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) sheet resistance, scribing area, cell length, and finger dimensions. In addition, the contact resistance and illumination power were also assessed and the optimal thin film solar panel design was determined. Adding a metallic finger grid on a TCO gives a higher solar cell efficiency and this also enables longer cell lengths. However, contact resistance between the metal and the TCO material can reduce the efficiency benefit somewhat.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2010
Monolithic interconnected modules are large-area high-voltage photovoltaic devices that are realized through solar cell segments that are series-connected via interconnection trenches during wafer processing. This paper investigates different processing techniques, giving detailed information about each processing sequence. In the first approach, a wet chemical etching procedure and photo-defined polyimide as dielectric film is used, leading to minimal trench width of 86 µm. Furthermore, we examine the applicability of advanced processing techniques. An alternative dry-etching process using reactive ion etching in inductively coupled plasma is investigated. With this technique, smooth and near-vertical sidewalls could be achieved, whereas the undercuts in etching profile, which are inevitable when using wet chemical etching, could be avoided. Moreover, an accurate processing technique for plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposited SiN x as a dielectric film for electrical isolation is presented. This allowed sufficient isolation to be achieved, as well as enabling precise structuring. With these advanced processing techniques, trench widths of 57 µm were realized, resulting in a reduction of area losses due to interconnection from 9% to below 6%.
Science, 1999
The advantages and limitations of photovoltaic solar modules for energy generation are reviewed with their operation principles and physical efficiency limits. Although the main materials currently used or investigated and the associated fabrication technologies are individually described, emphasis is on silicon-based solar cells. Wafer-based crystalline silicon solar modules dominate in terms of production, but amorphous silicon solar cells have the potential to undercut costs owing, for example, to the roll-to-roll production possibilities for modules. Recent developments suggest that thin-film crystalline silicon (especially microcrystalline silicon) is becoming a prime candidate for future photovoltaics.
Next Generation Multilayer Graded Bandgap Solar Cells, 2018
This chapter presents the characterisation of solar cell devices fabricated using the pre-characterised ZnS, CdS and CdTe layers as documented in Chaps. 3, 4 and 5. For the fabricated PV devices as presented in this book, ZnS was used as the buffer layer, CdS is utilised as the window layer, while CdTe is utilised as the main absorber layer in forming the solar cell structure. Thus, the main solar cell structure explored incorporates a CdS/CdTe heterojunction core. This chapter systematically reports the effect of the incorporation of a buffer layer to base CdS/CdTe configuration and the effect of various window layer conditions on the device properties of PV devices. This is followed by the exploration of the effect of different conditions of CdTe absorber layer and post-growth treatment of the device properties. Further to this, the effect of the extrinsic doping of CdTe, metal contacts, various heat treatment temperatures, etching and the incorporation of pinhole plugin layers into the CdS-/ CdTe-based PV devices was also discussed (see Fig. 1.6).
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