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We illustrate the crucial role played by decoherence (consistency of quantum histories) in extracting consistent quantum probabilities for alternative histories in quantum cosmology. Specifically, within a Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological model sourced with a free massless scalar field, we calculate the probability that the univese is singular in the sense that it assumes zero volume. Classical solutions of this model are a disjoint set of expanding and contracting singular branches. A naive assessment of the behavior of quantum states which are superpositions of expanding and contracting universes may suggest that a "quantum bounce" is possible i.e. that the wave function of the universe may remain peaked on a non-singular classical solution throughout its history. However, a more careful consistent histories analysis shows that for arbitrary states in the physical Hilbert space the probability of this Wheeler-DeWitt quantum universe encountering the big bang/crunch singularity is equal to unity. A quantum Wheeler-DeWitt universe is inevitably singular, and a "quantum bounce" is thus not possible in these models.
We review the application of the consistent (or decoherent) histories formulation of quantum theory to canonical loop quantum cosmology. Conventional quantum theory relies crucially on "measurements" to convert unrealized quantum potentialities into physical outcomes that can be assigned probabilities. In the early universe and other physical contexts in which there are no observers or measuring apparatus (or indeed, in any closed quantum system), what criteria determine which alternative outcomes may be realized and what their probabilities are? In the consistent histories formulation it is the vanishing of interference between the branch wave functions describing alternative histories -- as determined by the system's decoherence functional -- that determines which alternatives may be assigned probabilities. We describe the consistent histories formulation and how it may be applied to canonical loop quantum cosmology, describing in detail the application to homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models with scalar matter. We show how the theory may be used to make definite physical predictions in the absence of "observers". As an application, we demonstrate how the theory predicts that loop quantum models "bounce" from large volume to large volume, while conventional "Wheeler-DeWitt"-quantized universes are invariably singular. We also briefly indicate the relation to other work.
The European Physical Journal C, 2019
In this article we present a new outlook on the cosmology, based on the quantum model proposed by Michael and Hall (Phys Rev X 4(1–17):041013, 2014). In continuation of the idea of that model we consider finitely many classical homogeneous and isotropic universes whose evolutions are determined by the standard Einstein–Friedmann equations but that also interact with each other quantum-mechanically via the mechanism proposed in Michael and Hall [1]. The crux of the idea lies in the fact that unlike every other interpretation of the quantum mechanics, the Hall, Deckert and Wiseman model requires no decoherence mechanism and thus allows the quantum mechanical effects to manifest themselves not just on micro-scale, but on a cosmological scale as well. We further demonstrate that the addition of this new quantum-mechanical interaction lead to a number of interesting cosmological predictions, and might even provide natural physical explanations for the phenomena of “dark matter” and “phan...
A sum-over-histories generalized quantum theory is developed for homogeneous minisuperspace type A Bianchi cosmological models, focussing on the particular example of the classically recollapsing Bianchi IX universe. The decoherence functional for such universes is exhibited. We show how the probabilities of decoherent sets of alternative, coarse-grained histories of these model universes can be calculated. We consider in particular the probabilities for classical evolution defined by a suitable coarse-graining. For a restricted class of initial conditions and coarse grainings we exhibit the approximate decoherence of alternative histories in which the universe behaves classically and those in which it does not. For these situations we show that the probability is near unity for the universe to recontract classically if it expands classically. We also determine the relative probabilities of quasi-classical trajectories for initial states of WKB form, recovering for such states a precise form of the familiar heuristic "J · dΣ" rule of quantum cosmology, as well as a generalization of this rule to generic initial states.
A fundamental issue for any quantum cosmological theory is to specify how probabilities can be assigned to various quantum events or sequences of events such as the occurrence of singularities or bounces. In previous work, we have demonstrated how this issue can be successfully addressed within the consistent histories approach to quantum theory for Wheeler-DeWitt-quantized cosmological models. In this work, we generalize that analysis to the exactly solvable loop quantization of a spatially flat, homogeneous and isotropic cosmology sourced with a massless, minimally coupled scalar field known as sLQC. We provide an explicit, rigorous and complete decoherent histories formulation for this model and compute the probabilities for the occurrence of a quantum bounce vs. a singularity. Using the scalar field as an emergent internal time, we show for generic states that the probability for a singularity to occur in this model is zero, and that of a bounce is unity, complementing earlier studies of the expectation values of the volume and matter density in this theory. We also show from the consistent histories point of view that all states in this model, whether quantum or classical, achieve arbitrarily large volume in the limit of infinite 'past' or 'future' scalar 'time', in the sense that the wave function evaluated at any arbitrary fixed value of the volume vanishes in that limit. Finally, we briefly discuss certain misconceptions concerning the utility of the consistent histories approach in these models.
Physical Review D, 1993
The role of decohering histories in a quantum description of the Universe is examined. A sufficient condition for different histories to decohere is derived, the cosmological nondemolition condition. This condition automatically ensures that quantum histories decohere regardless of the initial wave function of the Universe.
Some time ago, when I first inquired as to ‘what quantum cosmology is about’, I did approach the hall with a combination of caution as well as eagerness [...]
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011
Infinities in eternal inflation have long been plaguing cosmology, making any predictions highly sensitive to how they are regulated. The problem exists already at the level of semiclassical general relativity, and has a priori nothing to do with quantum gravity. On the other hand, we know that certain problems in semi-classical gravity, for example physics of black holes and their evaporation, have led to understanding of surprising, quantum natures of spacetime and gravity, such as the holographic principle and horizon complementarity. In this paper, we present a framework in which well-defined predictions are obtained in an eternally inflating multiverse, based on the principles of quantum mechanics. We show that the entire multiverse is described purely from the viewpoint of a single "observer," who describes the world as a quantum state defined on his/her past light cones bounded by the (stretched) apparent horizons. We find that quantum mechanics plays an essential role in regulating infinities. The framework is "gauge invariant," i.e. predictions do not depend on how spacetime is parametrized, as it should be in a theory of quantum gravity. Our framework provides a fully unified treatment of quantum measurement processes and the multiverse. We conclude that the eternally inflating multiverse and many worlds in quantum mechanics are the same. Other important implications include: global spacetime can be viewed as a derived concept; the multiverse is a transient phenomenon during the world relaxing into a supersymmetric Minkowski state. We also present a theory of "initial conditions" for the multiverse. By extrapolating our framework to the extreme, we arrive at a picture that the entire multiverse is a fluctuation in the stationary, fractal "mega-multiverse," in which an infinite sequence of multiverse productions occurs. The framework discussed here does not suffer from problems/paradoxes plaguing other measures proposed earlier, such as the youngness paradox, the Boltzmann brain problem, and a peculiar "end" of time.
Quantum Cosmology in the Unified Field, 2023
Quantum Cosmology describes the nature of the universe from a perspective of an unobserved and largely unseen microcosm forming the basis for an experienced and observed macrocosm. It so presents a cosmogenesis, a description of the origins as an ontology for cosmological models. The building blocks of an experienced physical reality in atomic, molecular and subatomic constituents then emerge in models and paradigms of science from an observed and measured wave-particle duality which couples the microcosm of the quantum realm to its macrocosmic cooperator within a collectivized physical reality. Quantum Cosmology proposes the emergence of the quantum world manifesting in an experienced spacetime of energy interactions for a thermodynamically expanding universe to derive from a preexisting timespace forming the reason and purpose for the existence of a physical reality experienced in the world of the macrocosm. The relevant physics for the kaleidoscope and interplay of energy describing the universe modelled in the physics of a Planck-Einstein black body radiator then utilizes the emitted electromagnetic radiation spectrum to derive and apply the initial and boundary conditions for the cosmology manifesting in the experienced spacetime. Quantum Cosmology expands on the premises of Special and General Relativity for a description of spacetime in introducing the concept of Quantum Relativity (QR), emerging from the timespace to become the cornerstone for a Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR). The Unified Field defines the parameters for the microcosmic reality experienced and observed in spacetime from the platform of the timespace in the emergence of space and time from an algorithmically defined energy matrix described in a multidimensional setting of mathematical logistical statements and principles. The birth of space in the formulation of an inflaton and the birth of time in the form of an instanton follow the self-generation of dimensions from a prior abstractly defined existence in timespace to become a multidimensional physicalized reality in the spacetime. The abstract nature of the timespace as originator for the spacetime is defined as a form of universalized consciousness and as a concept of being 'self-aware' of occupying the spacetime from a prior state of being unaware in the spacelessness and timelessness of the timespace. In particular the occupancy of spacetime volumars as the basis universalized consciousness is defined in Quantum Relativity as a spacial awareness in the form of a radius independent form of quantum spin-acceleration as the frequency over time differential df/dt defining an initializing maximized frequency permutation count. The square of frequency then forms a basis to couple maximized and minimized energy states, modelled on a multidimensional 12-dimensional cosmology described as a T-duality modular mirror duality. The nature of quantum gravitation, for example, then is described in gravitational waves using the squared frequency state (as G times density) to couple to the universalized consciousness quantization in the form of the gravitational parameter GM with mensuration units identical to the universal consciousness quantum as the magnetic charge of a Dirac monopole and as evidenced in the charge formulation of Newman-Kerr black hole s(r)ingularities (manifold singularity without thickness). The spacetime realism intersecting the timespace abstraction then becomes the multidimensional energy continuum for the wave-particle duality enabling the microcosm to self-replicate in holographic fractalization to evolve into an observable and measurable macrocosmic physical reality. This book is presented for the scientifically literate reader and researcher and can be said to follow a Newtonian tradition and to be inclusive of an holistic metaphysically overviewing cosmology.
We study the Wheeler-DeWitt quantum cosmology of a spatially flat Friedmann cosmological model with a free massless scalar field. We compare the consistent histories approach with the de Broglie–Bohm theory when applied to this simple model under two different quantization schemes: the Schrödinger-like quantization, which essentially takes the square root of the resulting Klein-Gordon equation through the restriction to positive frequencies and their associated Newton-Wigner states, or the induced Klein-Gordon quantization, that allows both positive and negative frequencies together. We show that the consistent histories approach can give a precise answer to the question concerning the existence of a quantum bounce if and only if one takes the single frequency approach within a single family of histories; namely, a family containing histories concerning properties of the quantum system at only two specific moments of time: the infinity past and the infinity future. In that case, as shown by Craig and Singh [Phys. Rev. D 82, 123526 (2010)], there is no quantum bounce. In any other situation, the question concerning the existence of a quantum bounce has no meaning in the consistent histories approach. On the contrary, we show that if one considers the de Broglie–Bohm theory, there are always states where quantum bounces occur in both quantization schemes. Hence, the assertion that the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization does not solve the singularity problem in cosmology is not precise. To address this question, one must specify not only the quantum interpretation adopted but also the quantization scheme chosen.
This short review is addressed to cosmologists. 1 General relativity predicts that space-time comes to an end and physics comes to a halt at the big-bang. Recent developments in loop quantum cosmology have shown that these predictions cannot be trusted. Quantum geometry effects can resolve singularities, thereby opening new vistas. Examples are: The big bang is replaced by a quantum bounce; the 'horizon problem' disappears; immediately after the big bounce, there is a super-inflationary phase with its own phenomenological ramifications; and, in presence of a standard inflaton potential, initial conditions are naturally set for a long, slow roll inflation independently of what happens in the pre-big bang branch.
In this work, we demonstrate that the recently introduced linear form of the Friedmann equations corresponds to the first-order WKB expansion of a quantum cosmological equation, indicating that both General Relativity (GR) contains aspects of Quantum Mechanics (QM) and that GR itself is part of a more general theory. Solutions of this quantum Friedmann equation are built in terms of a quantum scale factor that encapsulates the quantum effects on a free-falling particle. The quantummodified scale factor reshapes the dynamics of the universe, removing the singularity due to the vanishing of the scale factor. A detailed example within the radiation-dominated context illustrates how these quantum solutions connect to Seiberg-Witten theory, recently applied to black holes, and incorporate resurgence phenomena and complex metrics as developed by Kontsevich, Segal, and Witten. As a result, this reveals an invariance of time parametrization under Γ(2) transformations of the wave function.
Quantum cosmology from the late sixties into the early XXI st century is reviewed and appraised in the form of a debate, set up by two presentations on mainly the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization and on loop quantum cosmology, respectively. (Open) questions, encouragement and guiding lines shared with the audience are provided here.
Modern Physics Letters A, 1998
We attempt to treat the very early Universe according to quantum mechanics. Identifying the scale factor of the Universe with the width of the wave packet associated with it, we show that there cannot be an initial singularity and that the Universe expands. Invoking the correspondence principle, we obtain the scale factor of the Universe and demonstrate that the causality problem of the standard model is solved.
Physical Review D, 2014
Recently it has been claimed that the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of gravity is unable to avoid cosmological singularities. However, in order to make this assertion, one must specify the underlying interpretation of quantum mechanics which has been adopted. For instance, several nonsingular models were obtained in Wheeler-DeWitt quantum cosmology in the framework of the de Broglie-Bohm quantum theory. Conversely, there are specific situations where the singularity cannot be avoided in the framework of the Consistent Histories approach to quantum mechanics. In these specific situations, the matter content is described by a scalar field, and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation looks-like a Klein-Gordon equation. The aim of this work is to study the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of cosmological models where the matter content is described by an hydrodynamical perfect fluid, where the Wheeler-DeWitt equation reduces to a genuine Schrödinger equation. In this case, it is shown that the conclusions of the Consistent Histories and the de Broglie-Bohm approaches coincide in the quantum cosmological models where the curvature of the spatial sections is not positive definite, namely, that the cosmological singularities are eliminated. In the case of positive spatial curvature, the family of histories is no longer consistent and no conclusion can be given in this framework.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2008
A quantum state of the entire cosmos (universe or multiverse) is proposed which is the equal mixture of the Giddings-Marolf states that are asymptotically single de Sitter spacetimes in both past and future and are regular on the throat or neck of minimal three-volume. That is, states are excluded that have a big bang or big crunch or which split into multiple asymptotic de Sitter spacetimes. (For simplicity, transitions between different values of the cosmological constant are assumed not to occur, though different positive values are allowed.) The entropy of this mixed state appears to be of the order of the three-fourths power of the Bekenstein-Hawking A/4 entropy of de Sitter spacetime. Most of the component pure states do not have rapid inflation, but when an inflaton is present and the states are weighted by the volume at the end of inflation, a much smaller number of states may dominate and give a large amount of inflation and hence may agree with observations.
We give an explicit, rigorous framework for calculating quantum probabilities in a model theory of quantum gravity. Specifically, we construct the decoherence functional for the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology with a free, massless, minimally coupled scalar field, thus providing a complete decoherent histories formulation for this quantum cosmological model. The decoherence functional is applied to study predictions concerning the model's Dirac (relational) observables; the behavior of semiclassical states and superpositions of such states; and to study the singular behavior of quantum Wheeler-DeWitt universes. Within this framework, rigorous formulae are given for calculating the corresponding probabilities from the wave function when those probabilities may be consistently defined, thus replacing earlier heuristics for interpreting the wave function of the universe with explicit constructions. It is shown according to a rigorously formulated standard, and in a quantum-mechanically consistent way, that in this quantization these models are generically singular. Independent of the choice of state we show that the probability for these Wheeler-DeWitt quantum universes to ever encounter a singularity is unity. In addition, the relation between histories formulations of quantum theory and relational Dirac observables is clarified.
Physical Review D, 2013
In this paper we study quantum dynamics of the bouncing cosmological model. We focus on the model of the flat Friedman-Robertson-Walker universe with a free scalar field. The bouncing behavior, which replaces classical singularity, appears due to the modification of general relativity along the methods of loop quantum cosmology. We show that there exist a unitary transformation that enables to describe the system as a free particle with Hamiltonian equal to canonical momentum. We examine properties of the various quantum states of the Universe: boxcar state, standard coherent state, and soliton-like state, as well as Schrödinger's cat states constructed from these states. Characteristics of the states such as quantum moments and Wigner functions are investigated. We show that each of these states have, for some range of parameters, a proper semiclassical limit fulfilling the correspondence principle. Decoherence of the superposition of two universes is described and possible interpretations in terms of triad orientation and Belinsky-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz conjecture are given. Some interesting features regarding the area of the negative part of the Wigner function have emerged.
We formulate a "minimal" interpretational scheme for fairly general (minisuperspace) quantum cosmological models. Admitting as few exact mathematical structure as is reasonably possible at the fundamental level, we apply approximate WKB-techniques locally in minisuperspace in order to make contact with the realm of predictions, and propose how to deal with the problems of mode decomposition and almost-classicality without introducing further principles. In order to emphasize the general nature of approximate local quantum mechanical structures, we modify the standard WKB-expansion method so as to rely on exact congruences of classical paths, rather than a division of variables into classical and quantum. The only exact mathematical structures our interpretation needs are the space of solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and the Klein-Gordon type indefinite scalar product. The latter boils down to plus or minus the ordinary Work supported by the Austrian Academy of Scie...
Modern Physics Letters A, 2013
We discuss a spacetime having the topology of S 3 × R but with a different smoothness structure. The initial state of the cosmos in our model is identified with a wildly embedded 3-sphere (or a fractal space). In previous work we showed that a wild embedding is obtained by a quantization of a usual (or tame) embedding. Then a wild embedding can be identified with a (geometrical) quantum state. During a decoherence process this wild 3-sphere is changed to a homology 3-sphere. We are able to calculate the decoherence time for this process. After the formation of the homology 3-sphere, we obtain a spacetime with an accelerated expansion enforced by a cosmological constant. The calculation of this cosmological constant gives a qualitative agreement with the current measured value.
Int J Theor Phys, 2003
In this paper we will present the self-induced approach to decoherence, which does not require the interaction between the system and the environment: decoherence in closed quantum systems is possible. This fact has relevant consequences in cosmology, where the aim is to explain the emergence of classicality in the universe conceived as a closed (non-interacting) quantum system. In particular, we will show that the self-induced approach may be used for describing the evolution of a closed quantum universe, whose classical behavior arises as a result of decoherence.
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