Covered By Concrete

The project considers the latent history of Aboriginal occupation hidden under the strata of urban Australia. It questions whether the spirit of a place can still be perceived regardless of the colonising or 'smoothing over' of the natural landscape. The installation investigates whether a space can be reclaimed and Aboriginal culture reflected on contemporary identities. Additionally, it explores whether engagement with signage of a site, in this instance, Cockatoo Island, might bring understanding of obscured stories in order that non-Indigenous people might come to a new comprehension of a place. The creation of a spatial map of the island gave the opportunity for viewers to reconsider pre-colonial usage. The use of concrete impressed with local native flora and then burnt out using traditional Indigenous fire practices offers a paradox; and a relationship to the name of the work. The work was funded by grants from NAVA, Arts NSW and a BrandX workspace. It was featured on Koori Radio, FBI Radio and Radio National. On completion of the Underbelly Arts Festival, where the work was originally exhibited, the Trustees of Cockatoo Island expressed interest in amending the signage to incorporate Indigenous content, and permanently installing the work as an ongoing installation on the island.