Easifying second language learning

1981, Studies in Second Language Acquisition


A study was conducted to investigate some basic, learning activities in order to identify strategies that make learning more effortless. Study topics focus on acquisition of new second-language vocabulary, students' organization of their notebooks, studying for tests, observation of classroom consunia:ation, and test-taking strategien. Nineteen native, English-speaking students from the United States who were spending their junior year in-Israel were studied. They were taking an intensive Hebrew program for two months, followed. by a field .experience, And then less.intensive Hebrew studies. A languige \ background questionnaire was administered to the students to obtain pre-instruction profiles. Study results suggest that if students used some associational patterns for learning vocabulary, the words were retained successfully over time. No one note -taking or revien method is appropriate for all students, but students did not differ basic note-taking and review patterns, is revealed by, self-report. Students themselves can be a gpod source of information concerning study tips. Good and bad communicative strategies appeared across class levels and were used better and poorer students. It was demonstrated that it is difficult for an outside observer to. establish the actual source of the error and to identify the learner strategy being employed without consulting th'e learners. six suggestions about how to take tests were generated. The language background.guestionnaire is appended. (SW) . '.