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1981, Studies in Second Language Acquisition
47 pages
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A study was conducted to investigate some basic, learning activities in order to identify strategies that make learning more effortless. Study topics focus on acquisition of new second-language vocabulary, students' organization of their notebooks, studying for tests, observation of classroom consunia:ation, and test-taking strategien. Nineteen native, English-speaking students from the United States who were spending their junior year in-Israel were studied. They were taking an intensive Hebrew program for two months, followed. by a field .experience, And then less.intensive Hebrew studies. A languige \ background questionnaire was administered to the students to obtain pre-instruction profiles. Study results suggest that if students used some associational patterns for learning vocabulary, the words were retained successfully over time. No one note -taking or revien method is appropriate for all students, but students did not differ basic note-taking and review patterns, is revealed by, self-report. Students themselves can be a gpod source of information concerning study tips. Good and bad communicative strategies appeared across class levels and were used better and poorer students. It was demonstrated that it is difficult for an outside observer to. establish the actual source of the error and to identify the learner strategy being employed without consulting th'e learners. six suggestions about how to take tests were generated. The language background.guestionnaire is appended. (SW) . '.
The discussion presented here is intended to clarify terminology and concepts of learning strategies and language use strategies for second languages. It first provides working definitions for these terms: language learning and use strategies; language use strategies; language performance strategies; communication strategies; cognitive strategies; metacognitive strategies; and affective strategies. It then considers five issues in the language learning strategies field: (1) the distinction between the term "strategy" and other terminology (substrategies, techniques, tactics); (2) whether learning strategies must be conscious in order to be referred to as strategies; (3) criteria for classifying lanivage learning and use strategies; (4) a broadening of the concept of strategic competence; and (5) the linking of learning strategies to learning styles and other personality-related variables. Finally, an example is offered of how these issues are dealt with in a program of strategy-based instruction at the university level. Contains 32 references. (MSE)
Banwo A. O (2020). “Learning Approaches and Strategies in Second Language Acquisition”. Nigerian Journal of African Studies (NJAS), A publication of the Department of Igbo, African and Asian Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria Vol. 2 No. 1, (ISSN: 2734-3146), 2020
This study examines the learning approaches and strategies of acquiring a second language while adopting the use of theories and different applications as depicted by modern scholars. Data for this work was obtained through purposive random sampling and analyzed through content analysis. Stages of language acquisition such as preproduction, early production, speech emergence, intermediate fluency and advance fluency stages were selected for this study. The framework for this research work emanated from the input hypothesis theory, language output hypothesis and the internal syllabus theory of language acquisition. This study identifies that the acquisition of a second language is based on several factors such as strategies and tactics, beneficial learning environment and the students' personal learning abilities. It suggests that human mental ability is a central feature of learning a second language, although the use of strategies to increase the brain and memory function would go a long way in increasing knowledge processing and information. Furthermore, it does not dissuade the fact that teachers have a fundamental role in this process, they have the power to motivate the learner and identify their individual traits or abilities. They are expected to provide a suitable or interactive learning environment that would increase communicative abilities and processes through students cognitive, social and physiological preferences to ensure a second language acquisition.
The objective of this research was to describe learning strategies employed by the students of English Education Department in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta which pursue in the fourth semester and sixth semester. They were chosen based on their different academic levels. There are sixty students from the Department of English Education that are divided into thirty students for each semester. The participants were examined through Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire version 7.0 as the measurement instrument to check the learning strategy preference. The data were processed and analyzed through SPSS (22.0) to find the most and the least strategy used by the students. The result of the study reveals the FITK students used all learning strategies, including memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective and social. For the most frequently used by the students of the fourth semester students and the sixth semester students is metacognitive strategy. Whereas, the least frequently used by the 4 th semester students is memory strategy and by the 6 th semester is social strategy. vi ABSTRAK Nurliana Oktaviani Lestari (NIM: 109014000087). Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Dari Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di FITK (Studi Deskriptif Komparasi di Siswa Semester Empat dan Siswa Semester Enam). Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2015.
The Modern Language Journal, 2009
The MLJ reviews books, monographs, computer software, and materials that (a) present results of research in-and methods of-foreign and second language teaching and learning; (b) are devoted to matters of general interest to members of the profession; (c) are intended primarily for use as textbooks or instructional aids in classrooms where foreign and second languages, literatures, and cultures are taught; and (d) convey information from other disciplines that relates directly to foreign and second language teaching and learning. Reviews not solicited by the MLJ can neither be accepted nor returned. Books and materials that are not reviewed in the MLJ cannot be returned to the publisher. Responses should be typed with double spacing and submitted electronically online at our Manuscript Central address: THEORY AND PRACTICE COOK, VIVIAN. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching . 4th ed. London: Hodder Arnold, 2008. Pp. xiii, 306. $33.95, paper. ISBN 0-340-95876-6.
Learning strategies play essential roles on students' understanding information and solving problems. Not being aware of learning strategies and how to use them may lead to students' failure. Since conducting research on learning strategies is difficult as they are not observable directly and selecting a reliable method is an issue, this paper aims to investigate the significant contribution to the development of learning strategies within Second Language Acquisition studies through reviewing three research-based related articles to adapt the findings to new research. Regarding different sections of this paper, it explains the learning strategies related to the new study and describes its pedagogical context. Moreover, it discusses the articles' research strategies, research designs, methods of data collection and data analysis, validity, reliability and ethics separately. It also considers their shortcomings and suggests some solutions. Furthermore, conclusion and general implications for the new research project are discussed. Finally, it decides to conduct a case study design, employ mixed method research to collect more reliable data, apply action research and administer Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire, use descriptive and content analysis and cross-check the findings in order to recognize students' learning strategies usage.
Bulletin of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, Kyoto, Japan, 1991
This article is an attempt to review the work on language learning strategies (LLS) in second & foreign language acquisition (SFLA) research, and to give suggestions for future language learning strategies research. In the first section, I will discuss briefly the background of language learning strategies research, and in the ensuing sections, I will review articles on: (i) the identification & classification of language learning strategies; (ii) the variables affecting the use of language learning strategies; (iii) the effects of language learning strategies on second & foreign language acquisition; and (iv) the application of language learning strategies to language education. I also discuss, in the sixth section, the methodology of data collection. In the concluding section, suggestions and cautions on future research will be mentioned.
RESUMEN Esle arlículo llama la alencióti sobre la irtiporlancia de las eslralegias de aprendizaje en la enseñatiza de lenguas exlran~eras. En primer lrrgar, estas eslralegias soti definidas y clasificadas, para a conliniración pasar a examinar los factores gire pueden itlJluir en la seleccióri que los alumnos hacen de las mistrias Las ittplicaciones de carácter pedagógico de dearning lo learti,, o .aprender a aprender. en la clase de letiguas modernas son analizadas a la luz de los principios erpuesros anteriormenre. Una conclusiót~ de esre rrabajo es que los profesores. además de desempeñar utia labor docente y de insrrucción, debeti asimismo converlirse en ~facili~adores~~ del aprendizaje, Iratando de lograr qiie sus alumnos sean cada ve: más aurótiomos. Asimisnio, se setinla que tanro los cursos de idiomas e.xtranjeros como los libros de lexto y orros materiales confecciotindos para esros cursos deben ser lo srrficientemenre flexibles para poder combinar eletnenlos esrricratnenre lingüís~icos, cori la práctica y el enlrenamienlo del aliimno en diversas estralegias de aprendizaje. ABSTRACT This paper draws allention on rhe imporlance of learning slraregies in foreign language reaching. Learning slralefies arefirst defined and classified, and rhe facrors involved in learners' straleg choice are rheti discussed. The pedagogical implicariorls of dearner training~. or rhe.learning / o learn. are then analysed in rhe lighr of al1 rlieseprinciples. One of tlie conclusions of lhis arricle is thal reacl~ers, apari from being insrruc~ors, shorild becorne ~rfacili~ators-of leart~ing by developing sludenls' autotiomy. Furrliermore, it is argued lhal foreign language course designs as irlell as re.rrbooks and reaching malerials should be flexible enough to combine successfully linguistic and srrategy rraitiing componetits.
International Journal of Instruction, 2022
The topic of learning strategies has often been researched in the contexts of second language acquisition and language pedagogy. New developments in these fields and change in the characteristics and needs of new learner populations in different contexts call for additional research in this area which is characterized by change and variability. The objective of this study is to throw more light on the issue of strategy use in specific contexts, namely, the Palestinian one. It hence looks at the strategy preference and use by a group of 73 freshman medical students (how sample was selected). The researchers employed Oxford's Strategy Inventory to Language Learners (SILL) as an instrument to survey the frequency of use of different strategy categories and the specific strategy types that belong to them. SPSS program was used to analyse the data. Results show that compensation strategies are the most frequently used by Palestinian medical students, followed by the metacognitive, cognitive, memory, social and affective respectively. These results might provide insight into "good learner strategies" as these medical students are usually considered high achievers since they have obtained the highest scores in the Palestinian high school exit exam (Tawjihi). Results of this study clearly imply that learners in specific contexts may show different trends, hence, more research in specific contexts around the world is called for. Also, learners in such specific contexts need special guidance in using the strategies that they do not show high competence in.
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The Modern Language Journal, 1990
Dirasat Human and Social Sciences, 2019
Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība, 2017
Language and Education, 2012
Journal of Education and Practice, 2015