Loss Estimation Module in the Second Generation Software QLARM


Currently, we are constructing our second-generation loss estimation tool QLARM (earthQuake Loss Assessment for Response and Mitigation) and upgrading the input database to be used in real-time and scenario mode. Our tool and database are open to all scientific users. The estimates include: (1) total number of fatalities and injured, (2) casualties by settlement, (3) percent of buildings in five damage grades, and (4) a map showing mean damage by settlement. The QLARM worldwide database of the elements-at-risk consists of city models constructed with the following parameters: (1) soil amplification factors, (2) distribution of building stock and population into vulnerability classes of the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98). We calculate damage and losses using vulnerability curves, regionally-based collapse models, and casualty matrices pertinent to EMS-98 vulnerability classes as a function of the seismic intensity. We calibrate our tool for different countries and regions world...