About age of the lunar surface

2011, Vestnik Otdelenia nauk o Zemle RAN


Most part of the lunar surface relief was formed during the last 5 Ma. This conclusion was received on the basis of detail analysis of large craters of the Moon, Earth, Mars and Mercury. Falling of the galactic comets in the period 5-0.6 Ma, and the tectonomagmatic processes induced by the comets falling played major role in shaping of the Moon topography. Processes of tectonics and volcanism are occurring on the Moon today also. We found volcano in the Tsiolkovsky crater on the reverse side of the Moon that can serve as good example of that. The volcano has a height of 102 m and is located almost in the bottom center of the crater with a diameter of 180 km on a low oval elevation of plume nature 24-26 km in size.