Evaluation and Medical Management of Erectile Dysfunction

2006, Mayo Clinic Proceedings


Most men older than 60 years experience some degree of erectile dysfunction (ED). The physiology of erections is complex, with contributions from hormonal, vascular, psychological, neurologic, and cellular components. ED is strongly associated with cardiovascular risk factors, and this fact plays a major role in the prevention and treatment of ED. In this article, we review the evaluation of ED in terms of history, physical examination, and common laboratory studies. Additionally, we review major considerations when prescribing phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors and other medical treatments, including intraurethral alprostadil, penile injection therapy, and testosterone replacement. Proc. 2006;81(3):385-390 BPH = benign prostatic hyperplasia; cGMP = cyclic guanosine monophosphate; ED = erectile dysfunction; LH = luteinizing hormone; PDE = phosphodiesterase; PDE-5 = PDE type 5; PSA = prostate-specific antigen

Key takeaways

  • Treatment options for patients in whom PDE-5 inhibitors have failed or for those who cannot take PDE-5 inhibitors include intraurethral alprostadil and penile injection therapy.
  • The mechanism of action of these medications is to increase penile blood flow.
  • The penile nitric oxide pathway is testosterone dependent, and thus it is necessary to screen for low serum testosterone levels in men in whom medical therapy with sildenafil fails or whose presentation suggests hypogonadism.
  • Decreased libido should raise suspicion of hypogonadism c. Peyronie disease is a contraindication to penile injection therapy d. Physicians should determine a patient's risk for ischemic heart disease before prescribing medications from the PDE-5 class e. Alcoholism is a common risk factor of ED 5.
  • a. First-line therapy for most men with erectile dysfunction is intraurethral alprostadil b. Sildenafil works by enhancing PDE-5 c. One of the PDE-5 medications is generally more effective than the others d. Nitrate therapy is an absolute contraindication to PDE-5 medications e. PDE-5 inhibitors should be taken within 15 minutes of anticipated sexual activity