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The present paper intends to illustrate the way the image of the elderly in advertising has been conveyed during the last 25 years, after the fall of Communism in Romania. Ageing became a real issue in Romania, because there is a huge gap between the consumption level and the elderly preferences for specific products. Besides, this social category is not adaptable to changes and approaches technology in a range of different ways. Considering this context, this paper aims to discover how elderly people accept novelty, information and communication technology in a country with an ageing population. Our perspective refers to the variety of product categories the elderly prefer, on the one hand, and to their relationship with young people, on the other. It is equally important to find a connection between seniors’gender, their life environment, product category and, finally, their reactions towards technology. The purpose is to reveal several profiles of ageing in contact with technology, based on the selected sample of advertisements. The main hypothesis is that elderly people step beyond age borders only under certain circumstances they are very interested in the product or when they are deeply influenced by young people. Consequently, the study investigates this problem by using content analysis applied to a sample of approximately 100 advertisements running on television on the Romanian market for global and local brands. The most relvant categories for this study are electronics, cell-phones, and computers. In conclusion, ageing was not completely ignored in Romanian advertising, but its perception has different perspectives. Keywords: elderly customers, ageing, advertising, technology.
Revista Română de Sociologie, 2011
THE AROMANIANS IN CONTEMPORARY ROMANIA Romanians are one of the native people from this part of Europe, the only heirs of the eastern Roman Empire. Romanians were born, as showed in historical and linguistic studies, on both sides of the Danube River, an ethnical continuity on both banks of the river, until the Slav people arrived in the 6th and 7th centuries AD. The political situation created after the First World War caused serious problems for the Aromanians in the newly created Balkan states. There were substantial population exchanges among the Balkanic countries (Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria). This situation led to the change of the ethnic composition in these countries There were three main emigration centers: Meglenia, Veria and Vodena. The idea of the Macedo-Romanians' migration to Cadrilater represents a consequence of the demographic pressure put on the Aromanian population living in Greece. The difficulties, which appeared, caused the migration to Cadrilater of an important Aromanian segment (more than 25 000), between 1925 and 1933. But these circumstances did not mean the end of their tragedy because they were displaced to Constanţa and Tulcea when territory in Cadrilater was ceded to Bulgaria (September 1940). In Dobrudja, the Macedo-Romanians are a linguistic and cultural community, but, at the same time, south-Danubian Romanians, due to hostile historical events, were forced to settle here. In their native lands, they were in contact with other Balkan people, being separated from the body of Carpathian and Danubian Romanianhood. Looking after sheep, carrying merchandise and trading were the main issues that shaped the common ethnic and linguistic aspects of survival on both sides of the Danube River. The paper is focused upon the situation and specific problems of the Aromanians living in contemporary Romania.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Digital marketing for modern business is of significant importance. Businesses must take advantage of this opportunity to survive in the turbulent world. Due to the digital environment, companies are able to demonstrate their products in a different way than the traditional one, virtually, not being limited by space, time, and geolocation, and they can also reach their target audience globally. With the help of online communication channels and digital strategies, businesses are better connected with their target audience and can provide information at a higher level. The article aims to research the evolution of the digital environment, the definition of digital marketing concepts and digital marketing strategies, and the analysis of the digital market in the Republic of Moldova that can serve as the basis for the customization of future companies marketing strategies.
Revista de Marketing Online (Journal of Online …, 2008
In contextul recentei aderari a Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana turismul reprezinta una din oportunitatile reale pe care perioada imediat urmatoare o ofera tarii noastre. Or, experienta dobandita, facilitatile existente, competitivitatea preturilor, recomanda Romania ca o atractiva destinatie, dar ...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
În articol este prezentată teoria elaborată de М.Rokeach cu privire la orientările valorice, inclusiv descrierea valorilor terminale (viaţă activă, înţelepciunea vieţii, sănătate, muncă interesantă, frumuseţea naturii şi a artei, dragoste, bunăstare materială, prieteni buni și fideli, apreciere socială, cunoaştere, viaţă productivă, dezvoltare continuă, distracţii, libertate, viaţă familială fericită, fericirea altora, creaţie, încredere în sine) și a valorilor instrumentale (acurateţe, educaţie, exigenţe înalte, energie de viaţă, executivitate, independenţă, intransingenţă faţă de sine şi alţii, studii, responsabilitate, raţionalism, autocontrol, curaj în susţinerea opiniei proprii, a convingerilor, voinţă, toleranţă, viziuni largi, onestitate, eficacitate în activitate, delicateţe). Autorii subliniază că valorile se plasează în centrul sferei motivaţionale determinând atitudinile, judecăţile şi acţiunile persoanei; valorile redau preferințe sau principii care definesc principalele orientări ale acțiunii umane, care orientează și legitimează regulile vieții sociale. Lucrarea cuprinde rezultatele obținute în cercetarea efectuată cu referire la viziunile adolescenților despre conceptele de valori și orientări valorice care reliefează conținutul și caracteristicile acestora. Cuvinte-cheie: valori, orientări valorice, valori terminale, valori instrumentale, adolescent. CONTENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF VALUE ORIENTATIONS IN ADOLESCENCE The article presents the theory of the author M. Rokeach regarding value orientations, including the description of terminal values (active life, wisdom of life, health, interesting work, beauty of nature and art, love, wealth, good friends, social appreciation, knowledge, productive life, continuous development, entertainment, freedom, happy family life, happiness of others, creation, self-confidence) and instrumental values (accuracy, education, high requirements, life energy, diligence, independence, intransigence towards oneself and studies, responsibility, rationalism, self-control, courage and own opinions, strong will, tolerance, broad visions, honesty, efficiency in activity, delicacy). The authors emphasize that values are placed in the center of the motivational sphere, determining the person's attitudes, judgments and actions; values reflect preferences or principles that define the main orientations of human action, which guide and legitimize the rules of social life. The paper contains the results obtained in the carried out research with reference to the views of adolescents about the concepts of values and value orientations that highlight their content and characteristics.
Psihologia resurselor umane, 2020
This study examined the cultural adaptation of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery II in Romania. Cultural adaptation of the items and the standardization process are described. The psychometric characteristics of the Romanian version are shown to be excellent in terms of reliability and construct validity (intertest correlations and EFA). Further studies conducted in Romania are discussed, both on the correlation with other cognitive ability tests and on the criterion validity of the MAB-II.
Această culegere a fost tipărită cu sprijinul Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni Conţinutul acestei culegeri nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni Culegerea de articole a fost recomandată pentru publicare de către Consiliul Științific al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural (proces-verbal nr. 4, 2019
The article highlights the printing activity in Chisinau in the old period and the circumstances in which the synodal exarchate was abolished. The idea of creating a new religious administrative unit and framing the annexed territory in a new diocese is analyzed. Important contributions regarding the history of printing in Chisinau are reflected
Romanian Statistical Review Supplement, 2012
The liberties won by Romanians in 1989 had a first materialization through the exodus of Romanian population towards external destination. Emigration knew the widest phenomenon in 1990 within Europe, in Romania. Together with this phenomenon, the aging of the population triggered also. The public pensions system, under the inflow of reforms initiated in Europe and abroad, strongly dependent of the correlation employees-beneficiaries was put in the face of vital necessity to change the modality to grant promised benefits to insurants and practically to reform the public pension system. In the article, we shall present a series of approaches of the Romanian insurance model, in the vision of some authors, both from Romania and abroad.
Materialele conferinței științifice naționale cu participare internațională «Probleme ale ştiinţelor socioumanistice şi ale modernizării învăţământului»
The pandemic highlighted the specific vulnerabilities of the elderly, but also the need for specific policies and measures to protect this category of population. During this period, governments applied different isolation strategies, often imposing social restrictions. The imposed isolation overlapped with an existing unfavorable situation in which seniors experienced significant feelings of loneliness. While social isolation is associated with poorer health outcomes, the psychological experience of loneliness makes an additional, unique contribution to illness and mortality. The resulting complex individual and multiple health needs place a burden on health systems and, in combination with social vulnerability during COVID-19, loneliness of the elderly is a growing public health problem.
Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie, 2022
Rezumat Tradițiile lipovenilor din Republica Moldova pentru perioada premaritală, pețit și cununie Tradițiile de familie ale lipovenilor sunt indisolubil legate de obiceiurile bisericești, ceea ce este o garanție indispensabilă a păstrării moralității, a sănătății spirituale și a viabilității comunității. În perioada de dinaintea nunții, flăcăii și fetele, firesc, căutau să comunice, să se cunoască mai bine, să-și aleagă perechea, iar pentru aceasta existau diverse pretexte și metode ("petreceri", distracțiile de sărbătorile de Paști, când instalau leagăne etc.). În mediul urban se întâlneau și în biserică. În articolul sunt prezentate trăsăturile tradiționale ale logodnei (nu erau pețitori aleși, dacă mireasa se învoia, ea dădea gaj-o basma brodată etc.) și ale cununiei (kicika purtată de mireasă și spargerea paharelor din care au băut mireasa și mirele etc.) ale lipovenilor de aici. Multe s-au schimbat și simplificat în ultimele decenii. Unele dintre tradiții s-au păstrat, dar adesea într-o formă diferită. Abandonul ritualurilor de nuntă "de rit vechi" s-a accelerat începând cu anii 70-80. Articolul scoate în evidență dificultățile asociate cu existența interdicțiilor privind intemeierea unei familii cu rude "de sânge" sau "de cruce" până la a șaptea generație. Ca urmare, căsătoriile cu persoane de altă naționalitate nu mai erau o raritate (însă, aceștea trebuiau să accepte ritul vechi). Cuvinte-cheie: credincioși de rit vechi (lipoveni), Republica Moldova, tradiții premaritale, logodnă, cununie. Резюме Досвадебные традиции, сватовство и венчание у старообрядцев Республики Молдова Семейные традиции старообрядцев неразрывно связаны с церковными обычаями, что является непременным залогом сохранения нравственности, духовного здоровья и жизнеспособности общины. В досвадебный период юноши и девушки, естественно, стремились к общению, к тому, чтобы познакомиться ближе, подобрать себе пару, и для этого имелись разные предлоги и способы («вечеринки», развлечения на пасхальные праздники, когда вешали качели, и т. п.). В городской местности знакомились и в церкви. В статье представлены традиционные особенности сватовства (не было специальных свах, в случае своего согласия невеста давала залог-вышитый платок, и т. д.) и венчания (надевание кички на невесту и разбивание бокала, из которого пили жених и невеста, и т. д.) у старообрядцев Молдовы. За последние несколько десятилетий многое изменилось и упростилось. Часть традиций сохранилась, но зачастую уже в иной форме. Отход от свадебной обрядности «по-старинному» ускорился начиная с 70-80-х гг. В статье подчеркиваются трудно-сти, связанные с существованием запрета на создание семьи с родственниками «по крови» или «по кресту» до седьмого поколения. Вследствие этого перестали быть редкостью браки с людьми другой национальности (однако они должны принять старообрядческую веру). Ключевые слова: старообрядцы (липоване), Республика Молдова, досвадебные традиции, сватовство, венчание. Summary Pre-wedding traditions, matchmaking and wedding among the Old Believers of the Republic of Moldova The family traditions of the Old Believers are inextricably linked with church customs, which contributes to the preservation of morality, spiritual health and the viability of the community. In the pre-wedding period, young men and girls, naturally, sought to communicate, to get to know each other better, to pick up a mate, and for this there were various pretexts and methods (parties "vecherinki", entertainment for the Easter holidays, when they hung a swing, etc.). In urban areas, they also met in the church. The article presents the traditional features of matchmaking (there were no special matchmakers, if the bride agreed, she gave a pledge-an embroidered scarf, etc.) and wedding (putting a "kichka" on the bride and breaking the glass from which the bride and groom drank, etc.) among the Old Believers of Moldova. A lot has changed and simplified over the past few decades. Some of the traditions have been preserved, but often in a different form. The departure from wedding rituals "in the old way" accelerated starting from the 70s and 80s. The article highlights the difficulties associated with the existence of a ban on creating a family with relatives "by blood" or "by cross" up to the seventh generation. As a result, marriages with people of a different nationality have ceased to be rare (however, they must accept the Old Believer faith).
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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022