Dynamics of solitons in nearly integrable systems


A detailed survey of the technique of perturbation theory for nearly integrable systems, based upon the inverse scattering transform, and a minute account of results obtained by means of that technique and alternative methods are given. Attention is focused on four classical nonlinear equations: the Korteweg — de Vries, nonlinear Schrodinger, sine-Gordon, and Landau-Lifshitz equations perturbed by various Hamil-tonian and/or dissipative terms; a comprehensive list of physical applications of these perturbed equations is compiled. Systems of weakly coupled equations, which become exactly integrable when decoupled, are also considered in detail. Adiabatic and radiative eft'ects in dynamics of one and several solitons (both simple and compound) are analyzed. Generalizations of the perturbation theory to quasi-one-dimensional and quantum (semiclassical) solitons, as well as to nonsoliton nonlinear wave packets, are also considered. CONTENTS