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2013, The Lancet Oncology
Cancer is a growing concern in sub-Saharan Africa, exacerbated by increasing life expectancy and insufficient access to treatment. Despite preventable cancers accounting for a significant share of the burden, the region's healthcare services struggle with early diagnosis and adequate treatment. Priorities must focus on primary prevention through lifestyle changes and enhanced access to specialized care, including the establishment of well-resourced cancer centres. Overcoming challenges in education and behavioral change is crucial for improving cancer control and patient outcomes.
Journal Africain du Cancer / African Journal of Cancer, 2012
Cancer in sub-Saharan Africa is a latent public health crisis. Its burden is expected to increase, as people in this region live longer with reduced risk of death from infectious diseases and increasingly adopt lifestyles that include tobacco use, unhealthy diet, the harmful use of alcohol and reduced physical activity. Promotion of healthy lifestyles including anti-tobacco and alcohol legislation, immunization, early diagnosis by screening target populations and surveillance and monitoring are available to stem this tide. Alarm must be raised now, before it is too late. Africa can avoid a significant proportion of the cancer scourge that lies ahead. This requires the development and implementation of proactive national cancer prevention and control programmes, which are guided by sound scientific evidence. Governments and partners need to grasp the importance of the growing cancer burden in the region and reflect this awareness in their budget and funding policies as recommended in the African Regional Strategy for Cancer Prevention and Control.
The Lancet Oncology, 2013
Sub-Saharan Africa has a disproportionate burden of disease and faces a major public-health challenge from noncommunicable diseases. Although infectious diseases continue to affl ict Africa, the proportion of the overall disease burden in sub-Saharan Africa attributable to cancer is rising. The region is predicted to have a greater than 85% increase in cancer burden by 2030. Approaches to minimise the burden of cancer in sub-Saharan Africa in the past few years have had little success because of low awareness of the cancer burden and a poor understanding of the potential for cancer prevention. Success will not be easy, and will need partnerships and bridges to be built across countries, economies, and professions. A strategic approach to cancer control in sub-Saharan Africa is needed to build on what works there and what is unique to the region. It should ideally be situated within strong, robust, and sustainable health-care systems that off er quality health care to all people, irrespective of their social or economic standing. However, to achieve this will need new leadership, critical thinking, investment, and understanding. We discuss the present situation in sub-Saharan Africa and propose ideas to advance cancer control in the region, including the areas of cancer awareness, advocacy, research, workforce, care, training, and funding.
BMJ, 2005
Time to wake up to cancer's toll Editor-As exemplified by your theme issue on Africa of 1 October, cancer has remained comparatively neglected in Africa although increasingly prevalent: 70% of people with cancer live in the economically developing world, where by 2020 the annual death toll is predicted to reach 20 million. 1 In sub-Saharan Africa measures to prevent cancer emphasised in the developed world-such as smoking cessation and screening-are not nationally adopted. One third of African cancers are preventable, but the influence of tobacco companies with mass media advertising and high crop payments is real. Traditional cancers, such as gastric and hepatocellular carcinoma, and newer cancers, such as lung cancer, breast cancer, and AIDS related Kaposi's sarcoma, are increasing in incidence. 2 3 Patients' expectations for oncological treatment are low in Africa. Lack of money, or a concern not to place their family in debt, prevents many from seeking medical help. 4 Lack of awareness of predisposing factors, warning symptoms or signs of cancer, or treatment options mean that patients present late. Cost and difficulty of travel over rough terrain also discourage service use. After diagnosis patients may tend to look for peace of mind and spiritual comfort rather than a physical cure. In Africa disease modifying cancer treatment and basic control of symptoms are largely absent. Even when analgesia is available, patients with cancer may experience severe and inadequately managed pain, as health professionals underprescribe strong analgesics, fearing drug dependency. 5 Individual sub-Saharan countries cannot tackle the challenges of cancer in isolation. A new, cooperative approach and research base are being advocated for preventing, treating, and palliating cancer to bridge the gap between developed and developing nations. 5
s providing particular insights into the topic area were presented orally by the authors in each of the workshops. Workshop leaders were encouraged to conclude their workshops with a brief set of prioritized recommendations to identify the key directions for further development of interventional activities beyond this Congress. The objective of this session was to explore the individual and societal factors that influence cancer and NCD risk. The following four issues were selected for in-depth discussion in the workshops: ‰ Individual and provider-level interventions for reducing cancer risk. ‰ Community-based interventions for reducing cancer risk. ‰ Policy-based interventions for reducing cancer risk. ‰ Regional interventions for reducing cancer risk. Plenary presentations 1. Cancer and NCD prevention from a global perspective Graham A Colditz, Washington University in St Louis, USA The burden of cancer is predominantly experienced in lowand middle-income countries (9). Changing ...
The creation and implementation of national cancer control plans is becoming increasingly necessary for countries in Africa, with the number of new cancer cases per year in the continent expected to reach up to 1·5 million by 2020. Examples from South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Ghana, and Rwanda describe the state of national cancer control plans and their implementation. Whereas in Rwanda the emphasis is on development of basic facilities needed for cancer care, in those countries with more developed economies, such as South Africa and Nigeria, the political will to fund national cancer control plans is limited, even though the plans exist and are otherwise well conceived. Improved awareness of the increasing burden of cancer and increased advocacy are needed to put pressure on governments to develop, fund, and implement national cancer control plans across the continent.Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pharmacological Research, 2021
Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, 2017
PLOS ONE, 2022
Background Cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally. In Ethiopia, 5.8% of deaths are attributed to cancer. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the cancers preventive practice and associated factors in North West Ethiopia, 2019. Methods A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among Bahir Dar city residents. A multistage sampling technique was used to select 845 study participants. Data were collected through a validated interviewer administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was adapted from the American cancer association cancer prevention toolkit. Descriptive statistics were computed and presented in charts and texts. The model fitness was checked using Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit (P > 0.05). Bivariable and multivariable logistic regressions were used to identify factors associated with cancer preventive practice. A pvalue < 0.2 at bivariate analysis was candidate variables for multivariable logistic regression analysis. Finally, p-value of < 0.05 was considered as a statistically significant predictor for cancer preventive practice at the 95% confidence interval.
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2012
The goals of cancer control strategies are generally uniform across all constituencies and are to reduce cancer incidence, reduce cancer mortality, and improve quality of life for those affected by cancer. A well-constructed strategy will ensure that all of its elements can ultimately be connected to one of these goals. When a cancer control strategy is being implemented, it is essential to map progress towards these goals; without mapping progress, it is impossible to assess which components of the strategy require more attention or resources and which are not having the desired effect and need to be re-evaluated. In order to monitor and evaluate these strategies, systems need to be put in place to collect data and the appropriate indicators of performance need to be identified. Session 2 of the 4th International Cancer Control Congress (ICCC-4) focused on how to manage population health to prevent and detect cancers and non-communicable diseases through two plenary presentations a...
Ca-a Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 2009
Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2014
It is projected that aged population (≥60 years) will continue to increase globally, including in Africa. This is due to reduced population growth, decreased fecundity and improved medical interventions; factors which increase life expectancy. While this is typical for developed countries, it is not the same for Africa and similar developing regions. In these regions, a significant proportion of death is due to non-communicable diseases (NCD's) such as hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal disease and cancer, among others. Rising prevalence of NCD's due mainly to western style diets and sedentary living is made worse by inadequate nutrition education, high prevalence of low birth weight, poor health services, lack of efficient tobacco control and deficient planning of built environment. In order to halt the possible reduction in life expectancy occasioned by NCD's, efforts by the community, health planners and governments in Africa to address relevant NCD's, must be put in place. Suggested measures are: nutrition education, regular community directed physical exercise, improved environmental planning and development. Others are review of present health service model, early detection, prevention and treatment of NCD's, including improved antenatal care to reduce low birth weights, and establishment of policies and measures that decreased access to tobacco especially by women of childbearing age. Africa and similar developing regions cannot fund the health bill due to NCD's and their complications; hence it is important that this scourge is attended to with all seriousness.
Worldwide, between 1990 and 2001, mortality rates from all cancers fell by 17% in those aged 30-69 years and rose by 0·4% in those aged older than 70 years. 1,2 This deline was lower than the fall in mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases, which declined by 9% and 14% in men aged 30-69 years and 70 years or older, respectively, and of 15% and 11% for women in the same age groups. Age-specific mortality rates for chronic diseases are driven by changes in exposure to risk factors, and by availability of screening systems and treatment. Advances in primary and secondary prevention and in treatment have been effective in reducing mortality from cardiovascular diseases over the past few decades, at least in developed countries. 3 Therapeutic interventions have had less success in reducing deaths from most cancers. For example, in the USA, age-adjusted death rates for all cancers combined fell slightly in the 1990s (on average 1·5% per year in men and 0·6% per year in women between 1992 and 1999). The fall in overall cancer mortality in men was mainly a result of reductions in mortality from lung, prostate, and colorectal cancers. 4 In women, mortality due to lung cancer increased in the 1990s, but there was a decrease in death rates from breast and colorectal cancers. The fall in lung-cancer mortality in men was mostly due to lower incidence, 4 itself a result of a reduction in smoking. The causes of decreased mortality from prostate cancer remain uncertain, since incidence figures over time might not be comparable because of changes in diagnostic techniques and death certification. 5 Rates of death from colorectal cancer might have fallen because of early detection and removal of precancerous polyps, early detection of tumours, and improved treatment. 6 For breast cancer in women, increased coverage of mammography screening 7 and successful treatment with multi-agent chemotherapy and tamoxifen have been effective in reducing mortality. 8 Treatment has also been effective for some cancers in children and young adults-eg, leukaemia and testicular cancer. 9,10 5-year survival rates remain relatively low, however, for lung, oesophageal, liver, stomach, and pancreatic cancers (all Ͻ25%). Although a combination of screening and treatment is increasingly effective in reducing mortality from some cancers, limitations in availability of clinical interventions for other cancers, and in access to and use of existing technologies, clearly constrain the effects of treatment on population trends in cancer mortality, even in developed countries. As such, primary prevention through lifestyle and environmental interventions might offer the best option for reducing the large and increasing burden of cancers worldwide. Policies and programmes to implement such interventions depend Lancet 2005; 366: 1784-93 Summary Introduction With respect to reducing mortality, advances in cancer treatment have not been as effective as those for other chronic diseases; effective screening methods are available for only a few cancers. Primary prevention through lifestyle and environmental interventions remains the main way to reduce the burden of cancers. In this report, we estimate mortality from 12 types of cancer attributable to nine risk factors in seven World Bank regions for 2001.
Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine, 2016
ecancermedicalscience, 2019
Decision makers dealing with resource allocation in Africa have the impression that cancer research is a luxury. As a result of this, very few or no resources are allocated for cancer research in Africa. Since in healthcare, clinical and epidemiological research provides an evidence base for formulation of health policies and facilitates decision making by policy makers, the lack of evidence base makes decision making intuitive. A situation like this is not cost-effective and is unacceptable. It is, therefore, important that for Africa to make effective decisions to improve the health of its population, cancer research informing policy and decision makers is a necessity and not a luxury.
West African Journal of Medicine, 2011
There is an impending cancer epidemic in Africa. In Nigeria, this disease is causing untold devastation, and control measures are desperately needed. Breast, cervical, prostate, and liver cancers are the most common types in Nigerian adults. In children, the predominant malignant diseases are Burkitt's lymphoma, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, neuroblastoma, and Wilm's tumor (nephroblastoma). The focus of efforts to control cancer in Nigeria should be directed at prevention with adequate attention to planning/policy making, early detection, accurate diagnosis, treatment and palliative care. National and regional allocation of sufficient resources is required, accompanied by measurable objectives and appropriate emphasis on accountability. WAJM 2010; 29(6): 408-411.
Annals of Oncology, 2006
The burden of cancer in developing countries is growing and threatens to exact a heavy morbidity, mortality, and economic cost in these countries in the next 20 years. The unfolding global public health dimensions of the cancer pandemic demand a widespread effective international response. The good news is that the majority of cancers in developing countries are preventable, and the efficacy of treatment can be improved with early detection. Currently, the knowledge exists to implement sound, evidence-based practices in cancer prevention, screening/early detection, treatment, and palliation. It is estimated that the information at hand could prevent up to one-third of new cancers and increase survival for another one-third of cancers detected at an early stage. To achieve this, knowledge must be translated into action. To facilitate the call to action in the fight against cancer, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a comprehensive approach to cancer control. The WHO has produced many valuable guidelines and resources for the effective implementation of national cancer control programs. Several milestones in the WHO's efforts include the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, and global strategies for diet and exercise, reproductive health, and cervical cancer. This review examines the strategies and approaches that have successfully resulted into global action to confront the rising global burden of cancer in the developing world.
Key Message 1: Cancer Burden Has A Broad Social, Economic, And Political Impact. New cancer cases and cancer deaths are anticipated to at least double in Africa by 2030, reaching 1.28 million new cancer cases and 970,000 cancer deaths[1]. Cancer takes a substantial toll on the financial security, quality of life and the future well-being of patients and their families. In African culture, burden on families is particularly great, as family members help pay illness costs. Additionally, mothers of children affected with pediatric cancers carry a disproportionate share of caretaking burden, and face challenges from missing work to transportation costs and marital instability. Key Message 2: Research Is Essential To Effective And Cost-Efficient Cancer Control. Research forms the bedrock of health care policy in many international countries and translating research into health practice has been shown to improve patient safety and treatment outcomes[26]. In international settings, locally relevant cancer research has led to substantial cost savings in care. Allocating cancer research funding with respect to the societal burden each type of cancer imposes leads to high impact clinical and policy interventions[27]. Key Message 3: Collaboration Provides Opportunities to Gain Cutting Edge Knowledge. Collaboration with other African governments and regional or international bodies provides opportunities for mentorship and information exchange. In 2015, 473
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