Bohm Tree for the Lazy Lambda Calculus with Constants



Abstract: In this paper we present a Boehm Tree model for the Lazy Lambda Calculus with constants, which extends Abramsky's pure Lazy Lambda Calculus. The Lazy Lambda Calculus with constants forms a basis for modern lazy functional programming languages, which usually provide a call-by-value facility which is able to distinguish between the values _| _ and\ x. _| _, as well as providing strict arithmetic primitives. The Boehm Tree model we present also acts as an improved model for the pure Lazy Lambda Calculus.

Key takeaways

  • The body of this paper provides a general framework for proving B ohm Tree properties for other reduction systems, by identifying the key propositions which require a proof depending on the exact nature of the reduction rules.
  • We will show that the machinery of 3, sections 10.2, 14.3, and 18.3 extends to the Lazy Lambda Calculus with constants, providing proofs of those propositions that rely on the exact nature of the new rewrite rules.
  • Proof : By repeated application of Proposition 6.6.
  • The corresponding proposition for the pure Lazy Lambda Calculus is stated but not proved in 10, p 50 .
  • Proof : F or i and ii the proof is given in Barendregt 3, pp 488 491 , using Proposition 7.1.