2016, Book2 - Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing/ConferenceProceedings

The complex field of Conservation Science requires a gradual interdisciplinary approach and recently, more and more categories of experts involved in cultural heritage activities use GIS technologies to investigate the aspects of a local heritage. This paper aims to present the current conservation status of some old ecclesiastical buildings of Iasi, a city which represents an ancient religious, cultural, academic and economic urban centre of Romania, correlated to the traces of the human life (socio-cultural and economic) and community attitude towards ecclesiastical heritage. For this purpose, the studies have been conducted on the local monuments using GIS technologies for a better understanding and valorisation of the cultural heritage in an integrated manner. First we created a spatial database of ecclesiastical heritage included into the most recent national list of cultural heritage, in 2015. Then we attached specific attributes such as the year or period of construction, the year of the last interventions/restorations/reconstructions over time, etc. to each vector object. In this way it was possible to generate a number of maps that emphasize the old ecclesiastic city centre, the monuments in unstable areas etc. This attributes data base can be updated in real time, and in this way the governmental institutions can decide their conservation policies in a more accurate way, comparing with the traditional methods. The updated data regarding the conservation status of ecclesiastical heritage represent an important component in monitoring, protection and valorisation processes of local heritage and, in the same time, offer the possibility to involve the members of local community into heritage management for a sustainable development.