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Article about CISLANDERUS' first photo exhibition at Columbus Museum (Casa de Colón), Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. The first cultural project about the Canarian descendants in the US. A four-year long research project.
Almogaren, 2005
Canarian archaeology has been dominated by a set of historical texts that have been used to interpret archaeological remains and to contextualise almost all aspects of investigation into the archipelago's prehispanic populations. The current author believes these texts to be heavily flawed in terms of their coverage, biased authorship or date of production, and that the observations contained therein are too readily assumed to be representative of earlier groups. This assertion is explored in the context of Canarian historiography and wider studies of island archaeology.
MIFLC Review, 2021
En cuanto a los Cañaris, lo que intriga en sus pasado aparece en el momento de comparar todas informaciones sobre su historia. Según los datos etnohistóricos, Cañari, un pueblo habitante en la región del sur del Ecuador, fueron subyugados por el Imperio de los Incas a fines del siglo XV d.C. Pero los estudios arqueológicos confirman Ia existencia de este pueblo ya en el siglo X d.C. Las informaciones históricas sobre los Cañaris son controversivas: una vez se les llama ,,traidores" a los que mejor no tener confianza, en otro lugar fueron nombrados ,,un pueblo valiente y bravo". En unas ocasiones los Cañaris se muestran como una nación dedicada a los Incas y muy confiable para ellos, pero en otro momento aparecen como un enemigo obstinado de ellos y un amigo fervoroso del partido español. El artículo "The Cañari: defenders of their independence or renegades of the Inca Empire - An archaeological and ethnohistorical reconstruction of a culture" conforma una prueba de una respuesta a estas preguntas.
Antiquity, 1992
The first contacts between the prehistoric cultures of the Canary Islands and western civilization occurred in the European expansion of the late Middle Ages. Their ultimate colonization was intimately related to this expansion, driven by new economic forms, including ‘commercial capitalism’ or ‘pre-capitalism’, which affected economic and intellectual structures throughout Europe, the economic characterized from then on by innovation, risk and increasing turnover; and the intellectual by the concept of ‘profit’ in place of ‘service’.The practical transition can be seen in the technology that supported expansion: transport (new types of ships, cartography, systems of navigation, etc.); financial systems (nonmonetary payment, insurance, commercial credit, etc.); and mercantile institutions (commercial societies, consulates, postal services, etc.).
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «La Ilustración que llegó a Canarias» principia con la conocida reflexión de Kant sobre el significado de aquel movimiento cultural, para luego realizar un recorrido por las críticas al Antiguo Régimen de los más influyentes philosophes —y por el pensamiento económico de Smith— antes de adentrarnos en las dificultades de difusión de las ideas ilustradas entre las elites peninsular e isleña. This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general context of contemporary times. The chapter entitled «The Enlightenment that came to the Canary Islands» begins with Kant's well-known reflection on the meaning of this cultural movement, and then takes a tour around the most influential critics against L’Ancien Régime, before getting into the difficulties of spreading Enlightenment ideas among the peninsular and insular elites.
Brepols eBooks, 1999
Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 25, 343 - 347, 2017
The article delves into the medieval history of the Canary Islands from their rediscovery in the 1430s to European colonization in the course of the 15th and 16th centuries. The author puts an emphasis on the dark sides of the European intrusion, including ecological imperialism and genocide. Tags: Brothers Vivaldi, Cape Non, Francesco Petrarch, Angelino Dulceti, Luis de la Cerda, Afonso IV, Boccaccio, Jean de Bethencourt, Gadifer de la Salle, Ferdinand of Aragon, Isabella of Castile, Pedro de Vera, Alfonso de Lugo
Revista de Musicología, 1996
Ca stil lo Ma r ti ne z , F a bi o And r e s C3 5 2p P r od uçã o d e ba c te r io c ina po r B ifid ob a c te ri um la ct is a p ar t ir d e le ite de sna ta do / Fa b io A ndr e s C a still o M a r tine z . --Sã o P aulo , 2 0 13 . 1 0 7p Di sse rtação (mestrado) -Faculdade de Ciências F a r ma cê utic a s d a U n i v e r s i d a d e d e S ã o P a u l o . D e p a r t a m e n t o d e T e c n o l o g i a B io q uímic o-Fa r ma c êutic a . Or i enta d or : Olive ir a , R ic ar d o P inhe ir o d e So uza 1. Fe r me nta çã o : T e c no lo gi a de a li mento s 2 . Microbiologia d e a l i m e n t o s I . T . I I . O l i v e i r a , R i c a r d o P i n h e i r o d e S o u z a , o r ie nt ad o r . Dedico esta presentación para mis padres por su amor, confianza y apoyo incondicional, y por la idea de verlos siempre sonreir. A mi mami Virginia y mi Tia Josefina por su amor incondicional y sabios consejos, por los paseos a las fincas, por el queso y el ganado. A Débora Parrine, por ser mi angel, mi norte, mi refugio e meu amor, por cuidar de Cochina, Jack y de mi. Agradeço ao Professor Ricardo Pinheiro, por seu apoio, pelos conselhos e pela grande oportunidade e experiência oferecida ao longo destes dois anos. Ao Eduardo Balciunas, pelo apoio, pelo companheirismo e pela amizade. Ao Carlos Fajardo e ao Joel Figueroa, por apoyarme, acompañarme y compartir grandes momentos aqui no Brasil, tardes de futebol. À Sabrina, pela ajuda e por sempre estar sorrindo e contagiando com sua alegria. Ao Roberto, ao Richard e à Katherine, pelo apoio e pela amizade oferecida. Aos colegas Dante e Anderson, pela ajuda e pelos auxílios quando precisei. A todos os professores do Departamento de Tecnologia Bioquímico-Farmacêutica, pela colaboração e pelo ensino. A todos os funcionários do Departamento de Tecnologia Bioquímico-Farmacêutica, pela colaboração.
The Canary Museum: from transnational trade of human remains to the visual representations of race (1879-1900) Authors, 2023
El Museo Canario" (Canary Museum) was founded in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1879. It holds an impressive collection of the pre-Hispanic past of the Canaries. El Museo Canario built an important transnational network of exchange. This was facilitated by the widespread interest in the human remains of the pre-Hispanic inhabitants of the Canaries. His founder Gregorio Chil, and the Museum Board, were interested in building a regional race to represent the trans-historical essence of the archipelago's population. This was scientifically grounded on different racial classification projects with colonial connotations. Speculation on the possible links between the archipelago's extinct race, the Amazigh (Berbers), and hypothetical primitive European populations became popular. These debates had a material side: racial similarities and differences were exhibited, visualized, illustrated, and thus demonstrated. Lithographs of human remains circulated in Europe and beyond. These supposedly objective representations of race were published in authoritative books and scientific articles. In addition, individuals were drawn and photographed, often with the idea of showing the continuity between the aboriginal population and the current inhabitants of the archipelago. Visual representations of the dead (skulls, mummies) entered a sort of dialectic relationship with representations of the living.
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African Archaeological Review, 2015
Renaissance Quarterly, 2019
La pintura sobre cobre y otras planchas metálicas. Producción, degradación y conservación., 2017
Fundación Canaria Orotava de Historia de la Ciencia, 2007. Págs.: 297.
Colonial Latin American Review, 2013
Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2015
Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, 2017
I Found it at the JCB, 1996
Colonial Latin American Review, 2017