The Economic Consequences of Ageing Populations


The present chapter examines past and projected population trends and assesses the implications of these latter trends for dependency ratio developments. The essential feature to highlight regarding past and current developments is the extent of the demographic upheaval which has and is occurring, due to falling birth rates and lengthening life spans. As regards future projections, while uncertainties exist, especially regarding the evolution of fertility rates, one fact appears indisputable namely that large increases in the share of the over 65s in the populations of the EU15, US and Japan will inevitably occur due to the fact that the post-war baby-boom generations in the latter areas will be reaching the normal retirement age in the early decades of the next century. It is envisaged that this ageing process, leading to higher dependency ratios in all of the three regions, will have major economic and social consequences for the countries affected, although accurate predictions will be difficult given that nothing is available in terms of historical demographic precedents.