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The present study aims to analyze how the development of technical skills meets the needs of the labor market. Essentially qualitative, the field research was conducted from October 2010 to June 2011. Fourteen professionals who had graduated from technical schools of different locations in the Rio de Janeiro were interviewed. Additionally, interviews were conducted with a): four leaders of the professional teams, who reported their expectations and difficulties in developing new professional in face of the demands on the day to day business, b): three humans resource professionals who exposed the difficulties of attracting and retaining those professionals. Due to their phenomenographic perspective, declarations by the interviewees were analyzed, interpreted and grouped according to meanings. This procedure made possible the generation of categories according to two types of perspectives: a) contracted parties: professionals who had graduated from technical schools; b) contracting parties: professionals responsible for hiring or managers those who had graduated from technical schools. The findings indicate that contractors perceive the school distant from the professional market both in physical and in conceptual terms. On the other hand, the contracted party reveals that entry in schools for professionalizing education is justified inasmuch as it has to do with a fast professional training.
Journal of Technical Education and Training, 2013
The present study aims to addresses the development of technical skills in fulfilling the needs of the labor market. Essentially qualitative, the field research was conducted from October 2010 to June 2011. Fourteen professionals who had graduated from technical schools of different locations in the Rio de Janeiro were interviewed. Additionally, interviews were conducted with a): four leaders of the professional teams, who reported their expectations and difficulties in developing new professional in face of the demands on the day to day business, b): three humans resource professionals who exposed the difficulties of attracting and retaining those professionals. Due to their phenomenographic perspective, declarations by the interviewees were analyzed, interpreted and grouped according to meanings. This procedure made possible the generation of categories according to two types of perspectives: a) contracted parties: professionals who had graduated from technical schools; b) contracting parties: professionals responsible for hiring or managers those who had graduated from technical schools. The findings indicate that contractors perceive the school distant from the professional market both in physical and in conceptual terms. On the other hand, the contracted party reveals that entry in schools for professionalizing education is justified inasmuch as it has to do with a fast professional training.
This article analyzes the segments of the population benefited by vocational education throughout its history and, more recently and specifically, in the regular technical courses integrated to high school curriculum in the Brazilian Federal Institutes (IFs, in Portuguese). The study was based on a multimethod research on the early days of vocational education in Brazil, considering that, in the past, it has focused on underprivileged students, to tackle marginality and to facilitate their full entry into the labor market. However, this course has changed when selecting students to technical schools, and this dimension is approached by focusing on the particularities of education policies for IFs, as we note that the original priority/target students of these institutions are not included in the current policies, only partially fulfilling IFs purposes.
REVIEW OF LITERATURE Key (1975, p. 72) stated that "One of the main purposes of the review of the literature is to provide a basis for the research questions, objectives, or hypotheses." This review was begun with that in mind. The literature reviewed indicated many studies have been conducted on vocational-technical education, but few studies have been conducted on the comparison of vocational-technical education among developed and developing countries. The literature reviewed in this chapter was selected on the basis of its relevance to the problem under study. The review was divided into five sections as follows: (1) methodology of comparative education studies, (2) process for development of recommendations, (3) extrapolation from one culture to another, (4) relationship of vocational-technical education and training to economic development, and (5) comparative studies of vocational-technical education and training.
This article discusses the process of expansion and repurposing of technical schools in Brazil.
European Scientific Journal, 2014
Held at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Acre, the research aimed to identify the perception of the course of 44 students and 13 teachers from 4 classes of Technical Vocational Education in Middle Level Integrated to computer science of Câmpus Rio Branco, during the academic year of 2013, through questionnaires with five questions. The apparent lack of motivation among students proved to be dissatisfaction with the organizational structure. Teachers agreed that reform is paramount in the course offered.
International Education Forum
The focus of this paper is to study school institutions, specifically the campus of Inconfidentes, of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS), Brazil. The aim was to investigate the transformations that occurred in this institution with Law No. 11.892/2008, which transformed it into the campus IFSULDEMINAS. Through bibliographic research and the study of primary and secondary sources organized in inventories, the significant transformation of expansion is highlighted, and the ongoing field of dispute between integral education and technical education is highlighted. This dispute, which has emerged within the institution itself, is also reflected in today’s society, where individuals face the choice between the desire for integral/complete education or a purely technical/competent education in their relationship with work.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This article aims to discuss and reflect on the formation proposals through Vocational and Technological Education in Brazil. Considering that this type of education has historically been directed towards the training of workers, we ask: Has professional training formed people considering the human development of critical awareness of reality or just labour for the capitalist production system? What formative bases are sufficient to train people in an emancipatory perspective? To answer these questions, we use mainly the ideas of Marx and Engels (1847); Marx (1985); Manacorda (2010); Gramsci (1968); Luckaks (1976); Frigotto (2006, 2018), Saviani (1991), as well as legislations and other authors who discuss the subject. This text is the result of a literature review and demonstrates the need for emancipatory formation proposals that interest the working class.
The purpose of this paper is to present some results of the survey from jobs classified newspaper circulation in the city of Manaus, between the late 1990s and the early years of the 2000s. We used the structure and functionality of the Brazilian Classification of Occupations -CBO 2002, fundamental tool for data analysis, followed by the collection, diagnostic and data analysis in order to identify the features and functions of occupational transformations of electronic engineer and mechanical engineer . The analysis came in from the CBO in three distinct steps described in methodology, but also were compared with research conducted in the early 1990s, and finally presents itself, in general, the prevailing trend in the professional training required engineering in times of complexity and knowledge era.
Policy Research Working Papers, 2015
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent.
Artigo científico, 2020
This article has its genesis in a research carried out in a master's degree course in Education, and here we present part of the studies that we developed with the aim of understanding the historical-social process of Technological Professional Education. To this end, we start from the understanding that reality is not just historical facts, but also the generalizations that people produce and share socially. About that we ask: what meanings have been produced about Professional and Technological Education? In Vygotsky (2009) we look for the basis to explain what the category of meaning and its heuristic value consists in explaining the real, but we also rely on the ideas developed by Marx (1985) Marx and Engels (2006) Saviani (1986; 2007) Manacorda (2010), Frigotto (2005; 2019) among other authors as well as legislations that discuss Professional and Technological Education in Brazil in order to, through an immersion in the history of this type of teaching, highlight the meanings produced and shared. The reflections lead us to the understanding that the meaning of professional education in Brazil has been strongly mediated by this country's social formation, especially if we consider that the model of slave production that prevailed in Colonial Brazil constituted social relations and subverted the value of practical work in a prejudiced way. This is the ideological basis that has historically constituted the framework of educational legislation and, consequently, is appropriated by society in general. Copyright © 2020, Dirno Vilanova dada Costa and Cristiane de Sousa Moura Teixeira. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Brazilian Journal of Development, 2020
International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work, 2009
Revista Brasileira de Educação
Revista Brasileira de Educação, 2022
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Instabright International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2021
Journal of Family, Counseling and Education, 2019
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2021