The interaction of polysemy and complementation: a case study

The combination of a diachronic and a synchronic approach has proved to be very fruitful in recent linguistic research. Whereas until relatively recently historical studies had been ignored by the most prominent linguistic theories, such as Government and Binding (GB), Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), which carried out their analyses from an exclusively synchronic point of view, it is now accepted that only by reference to earlier historical periods can we find an explanation to the present state of the language. Sweetser, Traugott, Hopper and Bybee among others have emphasized the importance of diachronic studies. The need of a historical perspective is especially evident in the study of polysemy, because it can bring to light not only the interrelationship of the different subsenses, which are apparently unrelated from a synchronic point of view, but also the importance of the complementation in determining and disambiguating its main senses.