Structural analysis of greenhouses: A case study in Turkey

2006, Building and Environment


This study was carried out to determine the structural and functional characteristics of the greenhouses in greenhouse enterprises of Turkey. Greenhouse enterprises are widely common along the Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean cost lines. Marmara region was selected as the study area since it is the pioneering region and has large areas allocated to greenhouses, and has various greenhouse types. Information about greenhouse types, material properties, placement, and arrangement of greenhouses in the study area was gathered by a questionnaire; then greenhouses in enterprises were divided into groups based on cover material, load bearing materials and directional placement. A total of four types of greenhouse with the most economic cross-section, one from each group, were selected and load acting on structural members of greenhouses were calculated. Loads acting on beams of each greenhouse were analysed by Force Method and Moment Distribution Method. The results obtained were compared statistically to determine the best methodology for structural analysis of greenhouses. As a result, no statistical difference was found between moments and shear forces obtained from both methods. However, a difference occurred based on greenhouse types and it was determined that the values obtained for trussed block greenhouse were higher than the other ones. r

Key takeaways

  • In this study, greenhouse types in greenhouse enterprises of Marmara region, which is the pioneering region in development of greenhouse facilities in the country, were evaluated and selected greenhouses were structurally analysed by using force method and moment distribution method.
  • A total of four greenhouse type with the most economic crosssection, one from each group, were selected and detailed drawings were prepared for these greenhouses ( Table 2).
  • Since cut-flower is produced in the greenhouses, plant loads were not taken into consideration.
  • This condition prevents the desired success to be obtained from the greenhouses, and a The first value in column one represents the greenhouse number and the second one represents the method of analysis.
  • In order to develop the greenhouse facilities in the region, greenhouses must be designed according to standards and regional conditions.