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Breyten Breytenbach DIE NA-DOOD (2016): Resensie/ book review for Die Burger & Beeld.
Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 2008
Embodiments of death in the novels of Lettie Viljoen/Ingrid Winterbach References to death and mortality play an (increasingly) important role in the works of Lettie Viljoen/Ingrid Winterbach. In this article the central role of personifications of death in her novels is investigated. There are mainly two important ways in which death is embodied in her novels since 1993, i.e. as an ubiquitous, but simultaneously absent male figure, such as Jama in Karolina Ferreira (translated as The Elusive Moth, 1993, 2005), Jan de Dood in Buller se plan (Buller's plan, 1999) and Theo Verwey in Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (The book of coincidence and refuge, 2006) and the femme fatale and angel of death, respectively represented by a seductive woman with red hair and pale skin and either an emaciated woman in black, or a black woman as in Landskap met vroue en slang (Landscape with women and snake, 1996) Buller se plan and Niggie (translated as To Hell with Cronjé, 2002, 2007). These personifications function as so-called memento moriiconographic reminders of mortality. Although death obtains a specific personal appearance through personification, it does not become more knowable or representable in the works of Viljoen/Winterbach, however. In fact, these embodiments repeatedly rather underline the ungraspable nature and unknowableness of death. In the novels since Karolina Ferreira there is, eventually, a sustained tension between the attempts to make death more knowable and representable on the one hand and, on the other, the understanding or concession that all these attempts are, ultimately, insufficient and limited.
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 1980
Bystand van die Sentrum vir Afrikaans van die KGN in verband met die verkryging van bronnemateriaal word met dank erkenj Oor L eipoldt se veelsydigheid ho ef daar nie veel gésê te w ord nie. Hy was digter, dram aturg, rom anskryw er, joem alis, geneesheer, kos-en w ynkenner, filantroop, w êreldburger, maar bly tog vir ons in die eerste plek digter. Ons beeld van Leipoldt so oeuvre kan verander-daar is vanjaar al tw ee "n uw e" w erke van hom o n td ekm aar as daar iets van Leipoldt behoue sal bly, sal d it eerder sy poësie as sy dram a, prosa, joem alistieke w erk o f kookboeke wees; so lyk dit altans op die oom blik. Daarom beperk ek my to t sy poësie en sal ek nie probeer om u totaalbeeld van sy ry k m aar erg ongelyke oeuvre te gee nie. Die probleem m et baie van L eipoldt se gedigte deesdae is d at ons d it te goed ken. As ons eers begin m et J o u oë is n at m et die trane van gister; J o u siel is gem artel, deur sm arte gepla; Van vrede en p ret was jy vroeër 'n verkwister; En nou, w at b ly oo r van jo u rykdom m e? Ja , skakel 'n deel van ons brein outom aties af. Ek m oet dus vanaand probeer om d eur daardie outom atism e te breek en u w eer vars en n u u t na L eipoldt te laat kyk.
Literator, 1995
The phenomenology of T.T. Cloete This article is an exploration o f the way phenomena are treated in the poetry o f T. T. Cloete. Four important aspects o f Cloete's way o f looking are discussed, viz. the collecting eye that connects everything with everything, the eye that discovers correspondences, the deological eye that reads signs o f G od' s presence, and the reflecting eye. A critique o f reflection is developed by means o f a more detailed analysis o f "Blydskap " (Joy). These fo u r ways o f seeing indicate links between Cloete's poetry and Husserl' s Phenomenology. ' Die verskillende bundels word soos volg aangedui; Angelliera met An, Jubitaposisie met J, Allotroop met Al, Idiolek met /, Driepas met D en Met die aarde praat met Ma.
Verbum et Ecclesia
To make sense of suffering was always part and parcel of being human. Although the inadequacy of theodicies to provide meaningful theoretical frameworks resulted in a focus on practical responses, in this article a case has been made for the necessity to create theoretical meaning frameworks to make sense of suffering. Brain research pointed to the brain�s fundamental need for creating and maintaining meaning frameworks in the development of purposeful responses to suffering.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: Brain research and the contextualisation thereof in psychology is challenging the notion that the only adequate response to suffering is a practical response. The brain�s fundamental need for meaningful frameworks is challenging systematic and practical theology to develop theoretical frameworks to guide, motivate and evaluate the adequacy of a practical response.
Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 2012
Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 2017
Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 2019
Geraadpleegde bronne Cochrane, N. "'Closure' is vir die tuinvoëls bedoel". Rapport, 10 Sept. 2017, Vermaak/Boeke/closure-is-vir-die-tuinvoels-bedoel-20170909#loggedin. Geraadpleeg op 12 Nov. 2018. L i t N e t. " Ky k N E T-R a p p o r t p r y s e 2 0 1 8 : Commendatio's En Foto's." LitNet, 27 Sept. 2018. Geraadpleeg op 12 Nov. 2018. Steinmair, D. "Taljaard takel omstrede temas in sielkundige riller ". Netwerk24, 28 Jul. 2017. taljaard-takel-omstrede-temas-in-sielkundigeriller-20170728. Geraadpleeg op 12 Nov. 2018.
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Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 2020
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 2008
UMH Sapiens Divulgación científica, 2013
Litnet Akademies : 'n Joernaal vir die Geesteswetenskappe, Natuurwetenskappe, Regte en Godsdienswetenskappe, 2016
Masters Dissertation, 1997
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 2021
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 1984
Verbum et Ecclesia, 2000
Scriptura : international journal of bible, religion and theology in southern Africa, 2018