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13 pages
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Abstract. The most common approach to the text classification problem is to use a bag-of-words representation of documents to find the classification target function. Linguistic structures such as morphology, syntax and semantic are completely neglected in the learning process. This paper uses another document representation that, while including its context independent sentence meaning, is able to be used by a structured kernel function, namely the direct product kernel.
Most text classification systems use bag-of-words representation of documents to find the classification target function. Linguistic structures such as morphology, syntax and semantic are completely neglected in the learning process. This paper proposes a new document representation that, while including its context independent sentence meaning, is able to be used by a structured kernel function, namely the direct product kernel.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Text categorization plays a crucial role in both academic and commercial platforms due to the growing demand for automatic organization of documents. Kernel-based classification algorithms such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) have become highly popular in the task of text mining. This is mainly due to their relatively high classification accuracy on several application domains as well as their ability to handle high dimensional and sparse data which is the prohibitive characteristics of textual data representation. Recently, there is an increased interest in the exploitation of background knowledge such as ontologies and corpus-based statistical knowledge in text categorization. It has been shown that, by replacing the standard kernel functions such as linear kernel with customized kernel functions which take advantage of this background knowledge, it is possible to increase the performance of SVM in the text classification domain. Based on this, we propose a novel semantic smoothing kernel for SVM. The suggested approach is based on a meaning measure, which calculates the meaningfulness of the terms in the context of classes. The documents vectors are smoothed based on these meaning values of the terms in the context of classes. Since we efficiently make use of the class information in the smoothing process, it can be considered a supervised smoothing kernel. The meaning measure is based on the Helmholtz principle from Gestalt theory and has previously been applied to several text mining applications such as document summarization and feature extraction. However, to the best of our knowledge, ours is the first study to use meaning measure in a supervised setting to build a semantic kernel for SVM. We evaluated the proposed approach by conducting a large number of experiments on well-known textual datasets and present results with respect to different experimental conditions. We compare our results with traditional kernels used in SVM such as linear kernel as well as with several corpus-based semantic kernels. Our results show that classification performance of the proposed approach outperforms other kernels.
Typically, in textual document classification the documents are represented in the vector space using the “Bag of Words”(BOW) approach. Despite its ease of use, BOW representation cannot handle word synonymy and polysemy problems and does not consider semantic relatedness between words. In this paper, we overcome the shortages of the BOW approach by embedding a known WordNet-based semantic relatedness measure for pairs of words, namely Omiotis, into a semantic kernel.
Abstract Standard Machine Learning approaches to text classification use the bag-of-words representation of documents to deceive the classification target function. Typical linguistic structures such as morphology, syntax and semantic are completely ignored in the learning process. This paper examines the role of these structures on the classifier construction applying the study to the Portuguese language. Classifiers are built using the SVM algorithm on a newspaper's articles dataset.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
The exploitation of syntactic structures and semantic background knowledge has always been an appealing subject in the context of text retrieval and information management. The usefulness of this kind of information has been shown most prominently in highly specialized tasks, such as classification in Question Answering (QA) scenarios. So far, however, additional syntactic or semantic information has been used only individually. In this paper, we propose a principled approach for jointly exploiting both types of information. We propose a new type of kernel, the Semantic Syntactic Tree Kernel (SSTK), which incorporates linguistic structures, e.g. syntactic dependencies, and semantic background knowledge, e.g. term similarity based on WordNet, to automatically learn question categories in QA. We show the power of this approach in a series of experiments with a well known Question Classification dataset.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
We propose a semantic kernel for Support Vector Machines (SVM) that takes advantage of higher-order relations between the words and between the documents. Conventional approach in text categorization systems is to represent documents as a "Bag of Words" (BOW) in which the relations between the words and their positions are lost. Additionally, traditional machine learning algorithms assume that instances, in our case documents, are independent and identically distributed. This approach simplifies the underlying models, but nevertheless it ignores the semantic connections between words as well as the semantic relations between documents that stem from the words. In this study, we improve the semantic knowledge capture capability of a previous work in [1], which is called χ-Sim Algorithm and use this method in the SVM as a semantic kernel. The proposed approach is evaluated on different benchmark textual datasets. Experiment results show that classification performance improves over the well-known traditional kernels used in the SVM such as the linear kernel (one of the state-of-the-art algorithms for text classification system), the polynomial kernel and the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel.
Learning in Web Search Guest Editors …, 2006
Informatica 30 (2006) 163172 163 A Semantic Kernel to Classify Texts with Very Few Training Examples Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa and Alessandro Moschitti Department of Computer Science University of Rome" Tor Vergata" Rome, Italy e-mail:{basili, cammisa, ...
Proceeding of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge mining - CIKM '08, 2008
Previous work on Natural Language Processing for Information Retrieval has shown the inadequateness of semantic and syntactic structures for both document retrieval and categorization. The main reason is the high reliability and effectiveness of language models, which are sufficient to accurately solve such retrieval tasks. However, when the latter involve the computation of relational semantics between text fragments simple statistical models may result ineffective. In this paper, we show that syntactic and semantic structures can be used to greatly improve complex categorization tasks such as determining if an answer correctly responds to a question. Given the high complexity of representing semantic/syntactic structures in learning algorithms, we applied kernel methods along with Support Vector Machines to better exploit the needed relational information. Our experiments on answer classification on Web and TREC data show that our models greatly improve on bagof-words.
Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IJCNN 2000. Neural Computing: New Challenges and Perspectives for the New Millennium, 2000
We propose to solve a text categorization task using a new metric between documents, based on a priori semantic knowledge about words. This metric can be incorporated into the definition of radial basis kernels of Support Vector Machines or directly used in a K-nearest neighbors algorithm. Both SVM and KNN are tested and compared on the 20newsgroups database. Support Vector Machines provide the best accuracy on test data.
The Journal of …, 2002
We propose a novel approach for categorizing text documents based on the use of a special kernel. The kernel is an inner product in the feature space generated by all subsequences of length k. A subsequence is any ordered sequence of k characters occurring in the text though not necessarily contiguously. The subsequences are weighted by an exponentially decaying factor of their full length in the text, hence emphasising those occurrences that are close to contiguous. A direct computation of this feature vector would involve a prohibitive amount of computation even for modest values of k, since the dimension of the feature space grows exponentially with k. The paper describes how despite this fact the inner product can be efficiently evaluated by a dynamic programming technique.
Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Conference on information and knowledge management - CIKM '07, 2007
Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning - CONLL '05, 2005
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-2005), 2005
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, 2008
Proceedings of the 2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2009
Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning - CONLL '05, 2005
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
Information Processing and Management, 2018