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Abstract Existing models and systems which integrate multimedia documents and collaborative distributed editing have a major drawback. They do not support media specific types of collaboration and distribution in a satisfactory way. We present a framework model for collaborative multimedia editing in which each media type can use its own type of collaboration and distribution.
1993 4th Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems, 1993
Groupware systems have been made possible by developing algorithms and architectures which support collaborative tasks. The main roles of these algorithms are to maintain a global coherence state of the cooperative system and to control the infomation pow amongst the co-users. By architecture we mean the way the cooperative system is organised in order to enable the cooperative algorithm to work. This organisation concerns the distribution of the physical processes and files over the different machines where the co-authors are located, as well as the way the communication as enabled.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 1998
Multimedia documents are composed of di erent data types such as video, audio, text and images. Authoring a multimedia document is a creative exercise. Unlike traditional computer supported collaborative work where documents are composed of static objects, multimedia documents have temporal, spatial and quality of service (QoS) requirements that must be supported by any collaborative multimedia platform. In this paper, we show that most requirements (including temporal, spatial, and QoS requirements) for collaborative multimedia systems can be expressed in terms of a highly-structured class of linear constraints called di erence constraints that have been well-studied in the operations research literature. As a consequence, well known algorithms for solving di erence constraints may be used as a starting point for creating multimedia documents. Based on our di erence-constraint based characterization, we develop e cient, incremental algorithms for creating and modifying multimedia documents so as to satisfy the required temporal, spatial and QoS constraints. We further develop methods to identify inconsistent requirements, and show how such inconsistencies may be removed through constraint relaxation techniques.
This paper addresses the issue of multimedia cooperative work. An ODP based view of the system is discussed taking into account some of the viewpoints of the standard. Special emphasis is given to the modeling of multimedia stream interfaces and the concept of binding object which is a key concept. The paper describes a multimedia distributed platform, DIMPLE, supporting interactive and distributed multimedia applications. The example application implemented allows for a shared synchronized access to multimedia information systems and includes an off-the-shelf videoconferencing system which is a non-ODP product. It is shown that the concept of binding object makes the integration very easy.
Proceedings of the 1992 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative work - CSCW '92, 1992
Future advances in networking and storage will enable a wide spectrum of computer mediated structllred collahmrations among individuals, In this paper, wc present a model that can capture diverse types of structured collaborations. The model combines both efficiency and power via a hierarchy of three abstractions, at the lowest Ievcl of which arc .rtwmns for media communication modldated hy access rights of participants within collaborations. The higher two levels of abstractions are ses.slorrs, which represent collections of semantically related nuxtla streams, and coq~erenc<.r, which represent temporally related sequences of sessions. I Jsin.g these abstractions, the model supports unification of both synchronous and asynchronous collaborations, sophisticated
In this paper, the model and architecture of the multimedia subsystem of a distributed authoring environment called VAS (Virtual Authoring System) axe presented. VAS is an authoring environment that integrates various tools and provides a common communication basis for the tools and the designers who use them. Its underlying model is based on existing actor models, implementing all the society-modeling capabilities these models exhibit, while the Client Facilitator Consultant model is used to model the systemwise tool behaviour. The Multimedia Distributed Filing System (MDFS) of VAS meets many requirements users have from multimedia systems and uses VAS model to provide system users with transparent access to multimedia objects. MDFS consists of many co-operating servers, which implement VAS actor-based model. To take advantage of many well-established standards, MDFS communications have been implemented upon the Berkeley Unix socket library. The distributed nature of VAS offers a new perspective to the authoring process and the system's object-oriented model has led to an open-ended architecture, which permits the integration of new tools and supports the system's evolution to meet new emerging requirements.
A major challenge when accessing protected multimedia content in heterogeneous usage environments is the ability to provide acceptable levels of quality of experience to all involving users. Additionally, different levels of protection should be possible to be addressed when manipulating the content towards the quality of experience maximization. This paper describes the use of a context-aware and Digital Rights Management (DRM)-enabled content
In this paper, we present our contribution to meet the main requirements for providing an authoring environment for interactive multimedia documents. The particularity of our approach is to consider multimedia authoring as a whole, from speci cation issues to execution requirements. The results of these theoretical works are validated into a real running application called Madeus.
In the last years the Web became a great communication medium for publishing and delivering online multimedia documents. Therefore, the production (authoring, generation, transformation) of such documents became one of the most active research fields. This paper presents a web-based environment for cooperatively editing documents with workflow technology. The workflow technology provides a group of authors scattered across the network the means of guiding the authoring process by controlling the cooperative work. Second, this environment uses the most modern and promising Web technologies, such as XML, SVG, and SMIL to obtain a solution deployable world wide. Finally, we present another aspect concerning the content and user characteristics using CC/PP technology. Following such model offers not only a good description of the environment and its capabilities but defines also strategies about how some efficient interactions can be achieved.
2018 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 2018
Revision control is a vital component in the collaborative development of artifacts such as software code and multimedia. While revision control has been widely deployed for text files, very few attempts to control the versioning of binary files can be found in the literature. This can be inconvenient for graphics applications that use a significant amount of binary data, such as images, videos, meshes, and animations. Existing strategies such as storing whole files for individual revisions or simple binary deltas, respectively consume significant storage and obscure semantic information. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we present a revision control system for digital images that stores revisions in form of graphs. Besides, being integrated with Git, our revision control system also facilitates artistic creation processes in common image editing and digital painting workflows. A preliminary user study demonstrates the usability of the proposed system.
Abstract Desktop video editing plays an important role in the digital video market, and cooperative applications are important for organizations. Cooperative video editing tools can be an interesting solution for large broadcasters or for remote reporting, and such commercial products are lacking. This paper describes a cooperative video editing tool, Coview, which uses Web services to provide the cooperative functionalities.
This paper presents an architecture for a collaborative non-linear editing system whose main goal is to allow people located at distinct places to work together in the composition of MPEG2 video programmes. The system uses an applet as the front-end application, enabling access from potentially anywhere, and some features of the CORBA architecture are used to enable interaction between applets in order to provide the necessary collaboration mechanisms.
In the recent years, the Web became a great instrument for publishing and delivering online multimedia documents. Therefore, the authoring of such content became one of the most important aspect for e-learning environments as they are traditionally large producers and consumers of teaching content. In such environments the, Web may be used not only to present the information to students, but also to connect professionals (for example, professors or students) to create material for e-learning courses. This report presents the CEMT project, including the web-based environment defined for editing multimedia documents with workflow technology. The workflow technology provides a group of users scattered across the network the means of guiding the authoring process by controlling the cooperative work. This guarantees to the proposed environment a very low cost and a wider deployment, specially appropriate to the economic reality of underdevelopment countries.
Decision Support Systems, 1999
Building CSCW applications is still a complex task. This paper presents a software framework based on objects for building collaborative applications mainly on top of the Web. The 10 objects of the framework are box, boxObject, enÕironment, user, role, session, broadcast, Õiew, boxObjectType and floorControl. We argue that these objects can be combined to produce a great number of collaborative applications. The main aspects in the framework and objects design are discussed. Examples of applications that were developed using the framework are also shown. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
We describe the CoCoMA task of the DELOS II European Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries. CoCoMA aims at the unification of the most important aspects of multimedia management and multimedia presentation, i.e., the integration of authoring, annotation and presentation design with ondemand content adaptation, ad hoc media retrieval (semantics-based and content-based), and personalized delivery and visualization of presentations. The paramount goal of the CoCoMA activity is to maximize the added value from task and data integration by the identification and exploitations of connection points and inherent workflow similarities. The paper provides a brief description of the involved research fields, suggests a architecture for integrated multimedia consumption and presentation, and discusses the most prominent connection points (e.g., the reuse of content-based metadata for content adaptation and personalization). Problems and solutions are discussed jointly and illustrated by the components of the application prototype developed for the DELOS project.
Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference
This paper explores the design space of collaborative video editing through a series of design workshops with video editors. Collaborative video editing can be supported by adding awareness features or other well-known collaborative features found in existing software and introducing new features designed specifically for video editing software. The paper identifies different design concepts that illustrate how such collaborative features can be included in non-linear video editing software and discusses the challenges of introducing such features. Some design concepts are explicitly inspired by existing collaborative tools. However, we suggest that introducing such features might not be straightforward. In other cases, alternative abstract representations of time-based media might be necessary to support collaborative video editing.
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work companion - CSCW '13, 2013
Collaborative editing (CE) has been an area of continuous research since early days of CSCW. Various CE systems have been studied in academia as research vehicles to investigate key technical issues in building advanced collaborative applications. In recent years, CE techniques have been increasingly adopted and further developed in industry for supporting real-world Internet or Cloud-based CE systems/services, such as Google Docs, Codoxware, IBM OpenCoWeb, Novell Vibe, and SubEthaEdit. This workshop aims to bring together CE academic researchers, industry developers, and endusers to discuss and exchange ideas on contemporary issues in researching, developing, and adopting CE systems. We have successfully organized this workshop annually at CSCW-related conferences. This year's workshop focuses on CE issues and techniques for supporting complex real-world documents (including but not limited to rich text, xml, spreadsheet, 2D/3D digital media, CAD, video, etc.), and evaluation of CE systems for such complex real-world documents.
Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2017
Not long ago, real time collaborative editing (CE) systems were seen as a novelty to the average user, and a niche area of computer science research. Today, nothing could be further from the truth. Users are increasingly more connected and are creating more and more content online, on mobile devices, and in cloud based applications. Users are increasingly expecting collaborative editing functionalities in all of their applications. The focus of this year's workshop is: 1) to explore recent advances in the technologies that enable collaborative editing systems, 2) to evaluate the adoption of these technologies by commercial industry and the open source communities, and 3) to foster an exchange of ideas between CE researchers and end-user CE systems builders. The goal is to increase the adoption of recent technological advancements in CE research by practitioners and to have practitioners identify real-world challenges for future research.
In the recent years, the Web became a great instrument for publishing and delivering online multimedia documents. Therefore, the authoring of such content became one of the most important aspect for e-learning environments as they are traditionally large producers and consumers of teaching content. In such environments the, Web may be used not only to present the information to students, but also to connect professionals (for example, professors or students) to create material for e-learning courses. This report presents the CEMT project, including the web-based environment defined for editing multimedia documents with workflow technology. The workflow technology provides a group of users scattered across the network the means of guiding the authoring process by controlling the cooperative work. This guarantees to the proposed environment a very low cost and a wider deployment, specially appropriate to the economic reality of underdevelopment countries.
Our main motivation for identifying the metadata present in a collaborative editing service was to offer it through electronic commerce, as we have previously done some work in the definition of electronic commerce of services. In this work we focused in controlling complex services with the help of a workflow for offering them through electronic commerce. We have also identified the metadata present in complex services and now we want to go a step further by identifying metadata present in content generated by a specific complex service, collaborative editing of multimedia documents. To help us in doing this identification, we have taken the metadata defined in Learning Object Metadata (LOM) as a starting point. In this paper, we show the selection and adaptation of this schema to our needs and also the use we make of this information in the collaborative editing service. The final result of this task should be a new schema, completely addressed to the collaborative editing service. The complex service collaborative editing of multimedia documents has been selected in this work for its relationship with electronic publishing.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2012
In ubiquitous computing environments, new interactive multimedia applications need to be mobile, device independent, potentially distributed across devices and to leverage existing services in the environment. Multimedia documents, when combined with scripting technologies, can represent complex interactive multimedia applications. However, they are still not appropriate for the creation of migratable, distributed applications in dynamic environments. We present a framework for interactive multimedia documents, which enables the communication of documents with a changing environment, the mobility of documents and the distribution of communicating document components in this environment. This framework uses an original approach, which describes communication processing outside of the document. It is based on: an abstraction model for dynamic network services; the definition of a binding description language that describes how to connect the network processing with the multimedia document processing; and on associated script programming interfaces. An implementation is presented and several examples, demonstrating in particular document mobility and document modularity, are discussed.