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Search engines have assumed a central role in the World Wide Web's infrastructure as its scale and impact have increased. In the Web's earliest days, people found pages of interest by navigating (quickly dubbed surfing) from pages whose locations they remembered or bookmarked. Rapid growth in the number of pages gave rise to Web directories like Yahoo that manually organized Web pages into a hierarchy of topics.
Web search engines like Google have made people “smarter” by providing ready access to the world's knowledge whenever they need to look up a fact, learn about a topic or evaluate opinions. The W3C's Semantic Web effort aims to make such information more accessible to computer programs by encoding it on the Web in machine understandable form.
Since its emergence in the early 1990s, the World Wide Web has rapidly evolved into a global information space of incomparable size. Keyword-based search engines such as GoogleTM index as many webpages as possible for the benefit of human users. Sophisticated as such search engines have become, they are still often unable to bridge the gap between HTML and the human. Tim Berners-Lee envisions the Semantic Web as the web of machineinterpretable information that complements the existing World Wide Web, providing an automated means for machines to truly traverse the Web on behalf of their human counterparts. A cornerstone application of the emerging Semantic Web is the search engine that is capable of tying components of the Semantic Web together into a traversable landscape. This paper describes both an architecture for and a prototype of a Semantic Web Search Engine (SWSE) using Jena that provides more sophisticated searching with more exacting results. To compare keyword-based searc...
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2015
The main idea of this paper is to show current state of the Semantic Web concept. The large growth in the volume of data and with the extreme growth of web pages, today's search engines are not suitable anymore. Search engine is the most important tool to find any information in World Wide Web. Most existing Web search engines only generate a result list matching the user's query accurately. Based on extremely large and dynamic source of information, both normal and professional users obtain relevant information from information retrieval system with respect to the query that expresses the user's needs. Semantic Search Engine is born of traditional search engine to overcome the above problem. The Semantic Web is added advance features of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning. Every page in semantic web contains semantic metadata that holds additional information's about the Web page. In this paper we made a brief survey on various assure ...
The World Wide Web ("WWW", or simply "Web") is an information space that allows us to share information from global data repositories. To find out user specific data the web uses specialized tools known as web search engines. These search engines are a remotely accessible program that does keyword searches for information on the Internet. As there is tremendous growth in the volume of data or the information it is difficult to get syntactically relevant documents with in less time using conventional search engines. It can be possible with semantic web by providing sufficient context about resources on the web and building the semantic search engines that use the context so that machines can find out the meaningful documents. In this paper we present study on the general search engines and semantic search engines and have done a survey on how the keyword based search engine work for a user query practically and how semantic search engines provides results differently depending upon their specific performance
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2019
Search engines play important role in the success of the Web. Search engine helps the users to find the relevant information on the internet. Due to many problems in traditional search engines has led to the development of semantic web. Semantic web technologies are playing a crucial role in enhancing traditional search, as it work to create machines readable data and focus on metadata. However, it will not replace traditional search engines. In the environment of semantic web, search engine should be more useful and efficient for searching the relevant web information. It is a way to increase the accuracy of information retrieval system. This is possible because semantic web uses software agents; these agents collect the information, perform relevant transactions and interact with physical devices. This paper includes the survey on the prevalent Semantic Search Engines based on their advantages, working and disadvantages and presents a comparative study based on techniques, type of results, crawling, and indexing.
Current web search engines return links to documents for user-specified keywords queries. Users have to then manually trawl through lists of links and glean the required information from documents. In contrast, semantic search engines allow more expressive queries over information integrated from multiple sources, and return specific information about entities, for example people, locations, news items. An entity-centric data model furthermore permits powerful query and browsing techniques.
Current keyword-based Web search engines (eg Googlei) provide access to thousands of people for billions of indexed Web pages.
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Communicatio, 2020
The era of Web 1.0 implied the connection of web-based documents via links, which enabled search engines to scan for information and guarantee the search and availability of webpages. Web 2.0 represented the next evolutionary stage. Known as the collaborative web, the emphasis in this case was on the establishment of services and content by the community. Search options were complemented with labelling and frequently undesirable clickstream analysis coupled with push technology-supported information provision. The semantic web is a revolutionary development, which, in addition to processing information by humans, assures the readability of datasets by machines and facilitates communication between devices. In order to promote data and information processing by machines, the semantic web relies on a special ontology allocating the respective meaning to the given data along with relying on the global indexing and naming schemes of the web. Several ontologies emerged with differing bas...
The World Wide Web (WWW) allows people to share information or data from the large database repositories globally. We need to search the information with specialized tools known generically as search engines. There are many search engines available today, where retrieving meaningful information is difficult. However to overcome this problem of retrieving meaningful information intelligently in common search engines, semantic web technologies are playing a major role. In this paper we present a different implementation of semantic search engine and the role of semantic relatedness to provide relevant results. The concept of Semantic Relatedness is connected with Wordnet which is a lexical database of words. We also made use of TF-IDF algorithm to calculate word frequency in each and every webpage and Keyword Extraction in order to extract only useful keywords from a huge set of words. These algorithms are used to retrieve much optimized and useful results to the user., 2019
Semantic Search is a search technique that improves searching precision by understanding the purpose of the search and the contextual significance of words as they appear in the searchable data space, whether on the web to generate more relevant result. We highlight here about Semantic Search, Semantic Web and discuss about different type of Semantic search engine and differences between keyword base search and Semantic Search and the advantage of Semantic Search. We also give a brief overview of the history of semantic search and its feature scope in the world.
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2016
Past few decades have witnessed an informat ion big bang in the form of World Wide Web leading to gigantic repository of heterogeneous data. A humble journey that started with the network connection between few co mputers at ARPANET p roject has reached to a level wherein almost all the co mputers and other communication devices of the world have joined together to form a huge global in formation network that makes availab le most of the information related to every possible heterogeneous domain. Not only the managing and indexing of th is repository is a big concern but to provide a quick answer to the user's query is also of critical importance. A mazingly, rather miraculously, the task is being done quite efficiently by the current web search engines. This miracle has been possible due to a series of mathematical and technological innovations continuously being carried out in the area of search techniques. This paper takes an overview of search engine evolution from primitive to the present.
ABSTRACT Search engines, directories and web browsers all deal with the Internet at the level of individual web-pages. We argue that this is too low a level of resolution for many, including the non-casual surfer, who has detailed knowledge of his/her topic of interest. We present the shopping-mall metaphor that is based on identifying tightly integrated communities of web pages, where pages procure information from each other via hyperlinks.
With the explosive growth of the Web, one of the biggest challenges in exploiting the wealth of available information is to locate the relevant documents. Search engines play a crucial role in addressing this problem by precompiling a large index of available information to quickly produce a set of possibly relevant documents in response to a query. While most Web users make extensive use of the Internet search engines, few people have more than a vague idea of how these systems work.
The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning.The perspective of Semantic Web is to promote the quality and intelligence of the current web by changing its contents into machine understandable form. Therefore, semantic level information is one of the cornerstones of the Semantic Web. The World Wide Web (WWW) allows the people to share the information (data) from the large database repositories globally. The amount of information grows billions of databases. We need to search the information will specialized tools known as generically available search engines. There are many of search engines available today, retrieving meaningfull information is difficult. However to overcome this problem in search engines to retrieve meaningful information intelligently based upon the user requirements semantic web technologies are playing a crucial role. semantic web is working to create machine readable data. Semantic search has the power to enhance traditional web search, but it will not replace it. Semantic web information is described using RDF(S), OWL, XML In this paper we present survey on the search engine generations and the role of search engines in intelligent web and semantic search engine technologies and paper we present the role of semantic web search engines and describes different technologies in semantic search engines and also deals with analysis and comparison of various semantic web search engines based on various parameter to find out their advantages and limitations. Based on the analysis of different search engines, a comparative study is done to identify relative strengths in semantic web search engines.
As the amount of data in the World Wide Web grows, the Internet becomes the biggest and often the primary information resource for many individuals and organizations. To make good use of the data, it is essential to provide effective and intelligent search capabilities. The users more and more often require direct and unambiguous answers, which are often not explicitly present in any document. The Web users also are not willing to learn complex query languages and need interfaces that will be easy to use and as close as possible to natural language. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the advantages that semantics brings to the users of contemporary Web search engines. The concepts of semantic Web and semantic search engines have been described along with some issues related to their development and usage, such as linked data, semantic query interfaces and the ways of publishing semantic data. The authors also explore the semantic features of contemporary search engines and indic...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
Current World Wide Web also recognized as Web 2.0 is an immense library of interlinked documents that are transferred by computers and presented to people. Search engine is considered the most important tool to discover any information from WWW. Inspite of having lots of development and novel research in current search engines techniques, they are still syntactic in nature and display search results on the basis of keyword matching without understanding the meaning of query, resulting in the production of list of WebPages containing a large number of irrelevant documents as an output. Semantic Web (Web 3.0), the next version of World Wide Web is being developed with the aim to reduce the problem faced in Web 2.0 by representing data in structured form and to discover such data from Semantic Web, Semantic Search Engines (SSE) are being developed in many domains. This paper provides a survey on some of the prevalent SSEs focusing on their architecture; and presents a comparative study on the basis of technique they follow for crawling, reasoning, indexing, ranking etc.
The promise of semantic technology presents a better search scenario than traditional/keyword based search engines for applications and knowledge discovery. As the society is transforming into knowledge society, the power of information is increasingly becoming crucial for decision making process and business solutions. Thus, semantic technology is applied to enhance the visibility of content created in different form and publishing them, data coupling through semantic links, forming communities, provenance of concepts and validation, disambiguation and authentication of terms with semantic etc. Feature based analysis has been done with examples on two different semantic web search engines.
The Semantic Technologies for Archaeological Resources (STAR) project has been exploring the development of new tools and technologies for "semantic web" based research. The project builds upon the ontological modelling approach taken by English Heritage staff, in recent years, to modelling their information and data using the CIDOC-CRM standard (ISO 21127:2006). The ontological modelling has enabled the EH archaeological teams to more explicitly identify where 'information gaps' exist within their existing information records and flow lines, which can then be bridged using an ontological information model. The data involved can be derived from legacy datasets, current databases, and hopefully will enable incorporation of a mapping to data yet to be recorded in a newly implemented archaeological recording system. The aim is to provide a model for how new systems and technologies can be developed that enable greater interoperability and better integration of data in the rather disparate archipelago of archaeological project information. This paper will also discuss the emerging use of the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) data model as a W3 standard for sharing and linking knowledge organization systems via the Semantic Web. The STAR SKOS web services currently provide term look up across the thesauri held in the system (including the EH Monuments Thesaurus and the former MDA Objects Thesauri), along with browsing and semantic concept expansion within a chosen thesaurus. Users may browse a concept space to explore and become familiar with specialist terminology or as part of a broader application. In combination with a search system, the services allow queries to be expanded (automatically or interactively) by synonyms or by expansion over the SKOS semantic relationships. Expansion is based on a measure of 'semantic closeness'. The paper will also introduce a new prototype CRM Browser web service developed by the STAR project and explore ideas for how this prototype browser might be developed further in the future to enable linked searching across and between free text reports and structured data in databases, using emerging forms of semantic query languages and interfaces and what such "Semantic Browsing" might look like for end users.