Control, termites and e-learning



ABSTRACT This paper presents an argument from first principles for a powerful method of constructing e-learning environments to cater for the needs of diverse learners. The starting point for the argument is Michael Moore's theory of transactional distance, which predicts an inverse relationship between structure and dialogue in a learning transaction. It is argued that the relationship is more usefully characterized as a tension between the amount of control exercised by learners and their teachers.

Key takeaways

  • Transactional distance measures not the physical separation of teacher and learner but the amount and nature of dialogue between them.
  • Dialogue implies an exchange of control between learner and teacher, each affecting the level of transactional control of the other.
  • There is still a need for more direct forms of communication with others, and for resources from which we can learn, which may provide greater or lesser degrees of transactional control to learner.
  • CoFIND is just a guide and learners can choose not to be constrained by its visual and structural cues, although their influence is strong.
  • The presence of a locking mechanism allows for a richer variety of transactional control than the earlier CoFIND system.