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ABSTRACT This paper presents an argument from first principles for a powerful method of constructing e-learning environments to cater for the needs of diverse learners. The starting point for the argument is Michael Moore's theory of transactional distance, which predicts an inverse relationship between structure and dialogue in a learning transaction. It is argued that the relationship is more usefully characterized as a tension between the amount of control exercised by learners and their teachers.
Every learner is on a trajectory, an individual path that involves choices and decisions about where to go next. The innovative thought of e-learning is reaching astronomical proportions and is becoming processed into these trajectories, usually under some sort of constraint. Control and Constraint in E-Learning: Choosing When to Choose answers the questions on how those constraints operate, how learning can be achieved, and particularly the role of education in that process. Control and Constraint in E-Learning: Choosing When to ...
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2008
Boers, David (2007) History of American education Peter Lang (New York www. ISBN 978-1-4331-0036-9 152 pp £9.50 Have you ever wondered why the outcomes of educational research often seem to have a limited influence on school systems' organisation? This thin historical book can help you understand that. Looking back over USA's educational history from the seventeenth century to the present, de Boers highlights how the development of American education was strongly influenced by religious, social, economic and political factors-and only in more limited measure by distinct philosophical factors (ie, theory). The historical story leads us to understand the roots of trends and movements in education that developed and alternated in the past under the influence of ideological managers and often still affect at least the US educational system now. de Boers's book is very well structured in a chronological and logical way. To help us notice and fix the main concepts, he highlights key terms in the text and collects them in a glossary. Moreover, he ends each chapter with a number of review questions, as well as with a list of selected topics for further study. This makes it an excellent book for students of education and related subjects. History of American education is not simply a text book, however, but a pleasant and thoughtprovoking read that I recommend to anyone involved in our field-policy-makers first of all, but also teacher educators, scholars and teachers. Nor is it just for Americans-for schools mirror society everywhere, and becoming aware of the educational history of a country can well stimulate all of us to reflect on the roots and development of education where we are.
E-Learning Ecologies, 2017
This book explores a phenomenon we call "e-learning ecologies". We use this metaphor because a learning environment is in some senses like an ecosystem, consisting of the complex interaction of human, textual, discursive and spatial dynamics. These take a coherent, systemic form. Traditional classrooms, with their linear arrangement of seating and desks, their lecturing teachers, their textbooks, their student workbooks, their classroom discussions are also learning systems. Moving from one of these classrooms to another, the modes of interaction are familiar and predictable because they are so systematically patterned. After a while, they seem "normal". However, these are strange human artifacts that were not put together into this configuration until the nineteenth century. They quickly became universal and compulsory sites of socialization of massinstitutionalized education. In terms of the long arc of human history, it was not until our the time of about our great, great grandparents that we first encountered these modern educational systems. But will these institutional forms survive long into the twenty-first century? Is it time for them to be reformed? And if change is to come, what will be the role of new technologies of knowledge representation and communication in bringing about change? This book explores transformations in the patterns of pedagogy that accompany elearning, or the use of computing devices to mediate or supplement the relationships between learners and teachers, to present and assess learnable content, to provide spaces where students do their work, and to mediate peer-to-peer interactions. Our thesis is this: e-learning ecologies may play a key part in the largest shift in the systems of modern education since their rise to dominance in the nineteenth century. Everything may change-configurations of space, learner-to-teacher and learner-tolearner relationships, the textual forms of knowledge to which learners are exposed, the kinds of knowledge artifacts that students create, and they way their outcomes of their learning are measured. Or, we may introduce a whole lot of technology into schools, and nothing changes in institutional or epistemic senses. Technology is pedagogically neutral. So our questions of e-learning ecologies becomes these: how can they be different? And, why should they be different? About this Book This book is a collaborative work, written by the members of the "new learning" research group coordinated by Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis, including colleagues, postdocs and graduate students at the University of Illinois, some of whom have authored the chapters in this book. The work of the group has been in part conceptual, to create an analytical
Learner control became a crucial issue for the utilization and (re-)development of e-learning environments. Learners should be able to control the selection and presentation of content, as well as the transfer process itself, according to their needs, learning styles, and preferences. We revisited two e-learning developments, both strengthening learner self-control, but developed on different grounds and following different development paradigms. Scholion implemented learner self-control in a bottom-up approach putting learner needs and preferences upfront. Lab@Future transformed key characteristics of a pedagogical theory into learner tasks and a process to support learning in a top-down approach. Field studies of both approaches revealed several types of learner control to be supportive for self-managed learning processes.
Contemporary Educational Technology, 2021
Background: E-learning is increasingly becoming a preference in higher education institutions worldwide; this is intended to assist educational institutions in achieving objectives to meet the proportion of individuals with their educational opportunities. Nevertheless, instructors and students frequently have concerns with their capacity to succeed in E-learning environments. Objectives: This study aimed to presents common eLearning challenges in regard to e-learning courses structure and its relations to various factors, for instance; students' autonomy, prior knowledge and experience, students-students dialogue, and students-instructor dialogue, and proposes solutions to these challenges based on the transactional distance theory. Moreover, this study presents evidence from Abuhassna et al. / Contemporary Educational Technology, 2022, 14(1), ep338 2 / 23 Malaysian higher institutions based on theoretical models for e-learning course structure and its relations to the factors mentioned above. Methods: Data have been collected from 680 university learners all over Malaysia. Data were then examined using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modelling employing Smart PLS 3.0 software. Results and conclusion: Research findings indicated that e-learning course structure was affected by all dimensions of overall path analysis findings: student autonomy, students background, student-instructor dialogue, and student-student dialogue. However, the e-learning course structure showed insignificant with students' prior experience. Implications: Implications for universities are discussed accordingly. Such findings provide vital support to the integrative association among collaborative control (CC) and transactional distance theory (TDT) regarding e-learning environments experience, which might support universities administrators in the higher education industry to implement, plan and evaluate online learning platforms applications in their institutions.
This research aims to answer the question, "in what ways do mediated learning environments support or hinder learner autonomy?" Learner autonomy has been identified as one important factor in the success of mediated learning environments. The central aspect of learner autonomy is the control that the learner exercises over the various aspects of learning, beginning with the decision to learn or not to learn. But as Candy (1995) points out, there are several areas where learner-control can be exercised.
We propose a central feature of on-line learning environments as transactive communication -where participants respond to and build on to each other's contributions, developmentally toward a mutual outcome. This differs from the more didactic, or at least tutor-controlled, dialogue that takes place in traditional learning environments. In the on-line setting, therefore, communication is particularly perceived to be an essential part of the learning process. This provides a strong motive for research to determine its characteristics and functions. The need for good systems for describing and understanding the contexts of learning activity is also crucial. Who is teaching what to whom and why -and why they are there to learn -is of course critical for the understanding and from this the prediction of good pedagogical strategy. At the micro and macro levels of analysis, then, we need to review, revise, develop and implement tools for research to inform good development of practice.
Proceedings of EDMEDIA, 2004
In E-Learning, the emphasis is often on technical aspects, and the reason for using technology-the desired pedagogical added-value-is in danger of being neglected. The emphasis of this paper is on the actual process of learning, the learning in E-Learning, and how this process can be assisted by interactive educational software. We briefly present five high-level quality criteria which good educational software must satisfy. Two examples of such software show that a high degree of interactivity has its unavoidable price. We discuss the tradeoff between interactivity and cost of development, making the point that interactive learning environments can not be developed with general purpose authoring tools or learning management systems, but instead require extensive, domain-specific development effort. E-Learning: From Interpassivity towards Interactivity Many educators believe that information and communication technologies fundamentally transform and improve the process of learning. This assumption is not new: Each major step in the evolution of modern technology gave raise to new hopes and promises. However, the new technologies have, in most cases, not had the proclaimed effect. In E-Learning, the emphasis is often on the technologies used and on learning management systems (LMS). This type of software is independent from the content it manages, and can therefore not improve the process of learning by itself. Typically, these programs rarely support more than multiple choice questions, mappings, and quizzes. Such rudimentary forms of "interaction" are technically trivial to implement, but they are more "interpassive" than interactive. To get an added pedagogical value from an LMS, the emphasis must be more on the learning itself rather than on content management and distribution.
Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, Second Edition
Strategies and Issues, 2007
In this chapter, we present a framework for planning communication activities according to the level of structure and potential dialogue desired in a given course. This framework serves as a tool for making decisions about how to give students more or less autonomy, how a series of course activities can be scaffolded, and the amount of structure or instructor facilitation that is needed. The framework we have developed uses each variable of the transactional distance theory as a dimension, which displayed as a quadrant allows us to represent instructional strategies and various communication activities for e-learning. This framework is beneficial as a tool for planning the instructional design process, informing pedagogy, and conducting research.
International Journal of Training and Development, 2010
The Proceedings of the 7th European Conference …, 2008
E-learning has made its entrance into educational institutions. Compared to traditional learning methods, e-learning has the benefit of enabling educational institutions to attract more students. E-learning not only opens up for an increased enrollment, it also gives students who would otherwise not be able to take the education to now get the possibility to do so. This paper introduces Axel Honneth's theory on the need for recognition as a framework to understand the role and function of interaction in relation to e-learning. The paper argues that an increased focus on the dialectic relationship between recognition and learning will enable an optimization of the learning conditions and the interactive affordances targeting students under e-learning programs. The paper concludes that the engagement and motivation to learn are not only influenced by but depending on recognition.
This paper describes research that led to creation of principles for e-pedagogy. Despite the popularity of an online element in distance education, we discovered a lack of research into the pedagogic and psychological aspects of online learning. This results in a lack of theoretical background that perhaps would provide teachers with guidelines for teaching online. These facts motivated us to carry out research on the pedagogical and psychological obstacles in online courses. The research was focused on online education at the university level. We identified 4 categories of barriers: technology; communication with course participants; study materials; study activities which were measured by our own instrument OLB questionnaire. The research sample included 234 university students (155 women and 119 men, with an average age of 22.7yrs). Research has shown that students do not perceive the technology as barrier in their online courses. Students have perceived the limited study activit ies and material presented in electronic format as a mild barrier. However, barriers which were related to the social aspect of online learning (communication with peers and instructor) were perceived as significant obstacles.Based on the results, we can say t hat ICT is not the crucial aspect that influences online education. The results implied the need for creating a set of pedagogical principles applicable for online learning. We have formulated 7 core principles for e-pedagogy related to communication, nt centeredness.
Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 2009
The learning and teaching relationship, whether online or in the classroom, is changing. Mentis (2008) offers a typology of teacher roles gathered from current literature on e-learning including instructor, designer, guide, mediator, curator and mentor, which offer the university teacher a striking range of ways in which to develop relationships with students in the mutual development of knowledge and understanding. A study of Higher Education teachers in the UK proposed a shift in their role and behaviour concomitant with the explosion of VLE usage in universities (Greener 2008). As online and blended learning become familiar features in the university landscape, pedagogical discussions are being given more priority and ideas about how students can be enabled to learn appropriate skills for employability and lifelong learning, as well as higher order thinking, claim attention. Online, the teacher's status can easily be eroded, as learners can compare teacher-designed resources with video lectures from across the world on similar topics and chat directly with experts in the field through their blogs. Teachers who are open to new ways of thinking about their subject, and welcome such selfdirected behaviour from learners, are most likely to integrate new technology into their teaching (Baylor and Ritchie 2002), and their own competence with technology will be a factor in how such integration works. But it is vital in these discussions not to lose sight of classroom behaviour in the rush to develop e-moderating and blogging skills for teachers. What teachers say and do in their face-to-face classes has always had a major impact on not only what is learned but also how it is learned. Bandura suggests that most human learning is done by observing and imitating others' behaviour (1977) provided the potential learner attends, can retain, reproduce and wants to do these things. So if we aim to integrate at least the affordances of VLEs into teaching design for blended learning, one of our considerations must be how the teacher uses the VLE in front of the learner. There is no doubt that teachers are increasingly uploading materials and weblinks etc into VLEs to support learners (or are made to by institutional policy). However there is less evidence that teachers are role-modelling effective elearning to their learners. Some of this is about competence, but it is rare for a teacher to lack the ability to learn basic technology use. More of this reluctance is about fear and anxiety, to be shown up as incompetent in class to what are considered the net generation. This paper will explore the concepts and behaviours implied in the role-modelling of effective e-learning in the classroom, drawing on data from teachers and learners involved in using VLEs and other Web resources in face-to-face sessions.
Educational technologies' designers always refer to a model, more or less explicit, of the teaching/learning process. Even when not explicit there is always an idea about how people learn behind the design of an e-learning product as there is for every other formal or informal context of learning (school, training classes, working places, etc.). At the same time there is an implicit model of the role of technology: computers can be seen essentially as a 'cognitive tool' which allows one access to a series of information and contents to isolated users or as a 'social tool' which allows one to communicate, share and negotiate competent practices, identities and meanings. In this paper we outline an analysis of the most widespread educational technologies by investigating the nature of such 'theories' that are 'behind' their design and that supports -more or less-learning social practices. Finally, we outline some principles to follow for the design of effective educational technologies following a social and situated learning theory.
Marc Rosenberg 1 , consultant and specialist in organizational learning, defends that "the elearning will be a success when it will not be necessary to promote it, when we will be comfortable with the platforms and the curricula are integrated. By that time we will no longer have to spend time to discuss this theme", he affirms.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
E-learning has made its entrance into educational institutions. Compared to traditional learning methods, e-learning has the benefit of enabling educational institutions to attract more students. E-learning not only opens up for an increased enrollment, it also gives students who would otherwise not be able to take the education to now get the possibility to do so. This paper introduces Axel Honneth's theory on the need for recognition as a framework to understand the role and function of interaction in relation to e-learning. The paper argues that an increased focus on the dialectic relationship between recognition and learning will enable an optimization of the learning conditions and the interactive affordances targeting students under e-learning programs. The paper concludes that the engagement and motivation to learn are not only influenced by but depending on recognition.