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Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione 15 (2), 2006, 79-95
10 pages
1 file
Andere Ästhetik – Studien, 5, 2024
The large city map of Cologne was created in 1570-1571 by Arnold Mercator (1537-1587), the son of the famous globe builder Gerhard Mercator, and is the first city map of the Free Imperial City based on exact surveying. Due to its format of 110 × 173 cm, it shows the town with unprecedented accuracy. On two vertical stripes on the left and right, many Roman antiquities, the so-called Antiquitates Coloniae, are depicted and provided with inscriptions, measurements, and provenance. Thus, the map is the first comprehensive written and pictorial printed source on Cologne’s ancient works of art and architecture. The historiographical focus of the map was significantly influenced by the political and humanistic interests of the Cologne councillors, who also owned most of these Antiquitates. The complex design of the urban topography, as well as the additional elaborate pictorial and textual elements, render it one of the most cartographically sophisticated and at the same time most aesthetically appealing city maps of the early modern period. Besides the description and interpretation of the map and its cartographic process, this article discusses the antiquarian interests of its creator and its patrons. The main purpose of the map was to make the long and glorious history of COLONIA AGRIPPINA and its inhabitants visible and tangible in the urban topography, and hence be an instrument for gaining knowledge.
Article for the Programme, Berlin State Opera, 2010. Conductor: René Jacobs.
Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 1985
majestatem summi et singularis Dei asserit, iisdemque nominibus appellat, quibus nos, Deum et Patrem) und andere Zitate theologi schen Charakters von Asklepius über ,Gott, Sohn Gottes" und seine Fleischwerdung, die von Hermes in Div. Inst. IV, 6 u. 11; VII, 18 vorausgeahnt wurden, während in II, 15 bei der Unterscheidung der beiden Arten von Dämonen die hermetische als die schlimmste genannt wird: immundum, malum, lerrenum. Vgl. De ira Dei 11, der wie der vorhergehendg Text der ciceronischen Schrift De natura Deorum folgt, Hermes ,longe antiquior" als Pythagoras und die Sieben Weisen anzusehen.
Nachrichten der Gießener Hochschulgesellschaft 37, 2004
Antike Welt, 2020
Bei der erneuten Untersuchung der Marmorstatuen von Lucus Feroniae, die vor einigen Jahren begann, spielen die Kaiserporträts aus der prächtigen Villa der gens Volusia eine wichtige Rolle. Diese suburbane Familienvilla liegt ca. 20 km nördlich von Rom an der antiken via Tiberina im Gebiet des heutigen Fiano Romano.
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