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Inspirasi berarti proses dimana Allah campur-tangan terhadap para penulis Alkitab melalui pekerjaan Roh Kudus atas diri penulis, sehingga apa yang mereka tulis merupakan katakata asli mereka, tetapi sekaligus juga merupakan catatan yang akurat dari wahyu Allah yang tidak mengandung kesalahan. Bukan seperti seorang sekretaris yang secara mekanis didikte oleh atasannya untuk mengetik surat, tapi dengan berbagai cara yang Allah gunakan untuk memberikan Firman-Nya kepada manusia (2 Timotius 3:16; 2 Petrus 1:20-21).
FILADELFIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
We know that the issue of canonization is often used as a hot topic of discussion in theological schools, churches and also becomes the subject of attacks against Christianity by people outside of Christianity. Often raises the question of how the canon was actually formed, which is of deep concern in the canon, namely the arrangement of the books of the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. Many consider that the formation of the canon is the result of human choices and decisions. And the next attack, if it is a human choice and decision, the authority of the Bible as the Word of God needs to be questioned. In addition to the arrangement of the books in the Bible and their authority, another issue that is often a topic of discussion or debate among Christians and non-Christians is what is the standard in determining the canon? What is canon for canon?Before we understand the issue that is the topic of discussion or debate above, we first need to understand and unde...
Verbum Christi : Jurnal teologi Reformed Injili, 2023
This research aims to show that the Bible is a canonical memory with the object of covenant memory so that the people of God in all times and places can communicate covenant memory within their community. By conducting a literature study to explore the connection between theology and cultural memory, this paper discusses the thoughts of Michael Welker and Jan Assmann. The research finds that the Bible is a cultural memory that acquires additional faith value, thus becoming canonical. Besides the Bible, canonic memory is also found in the belief systems of traditional societies. The difference between the Bible and traditional belief systems does not lie in canonic memory but is found in the objects of the covenant within the Bible. This writing finds that the Church, as a covenant-receiving community, has covenant memory as a special memory only communicated and possessed by the people of God.
Phronesis Jurnal Teologi dan Misi
The Bible which is the source of Christian teaching has been doubted by saying that the Bible has been falsified and cannot be used as a basis in building Christian teachings, especially regarding the person of Jesus Christ. The gospels which are the primary source of Jesus Christ have been falsified and as such cannot be the basis for finding the real Jesus. Bible truth and reliability, especially the Gospels are questioned. If the Bible is relied upon in building knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ, what are the criteria in determining the reliability of the Bible? The purpose of this study is to find out whether the Bible has reliability that can be used as a standard in building Christian doctrines, especially regarding the person of Jesus Christ. In this study, a study was conducted on aspects of biblical bibliography, internal evidence tests and tests. external. Based on research conducted on the Bible, historical search, Bible data and from external evidence carried out by ta...
Tulisan ini membahas teladan dan pengajaran Tuhan Yesus berdasarkan telaah kitabkitab Injil, tentang peran-Nya sebagai konselor. Secara khusus, paparan berikut juga menyajikan pemikiran Duncan Buchanan dalam karyanya The Couseling of Jesus. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan memberi masukan bagi konselor Kristen dalam konteks pelayanan gerejawi.
Menguji Kebenaran Injil Non-Kanonikal
This article will describe about regarding religion as an inspiration, not aspiration. In this context, humans need religion as something original from God. So, God can abstract photographed significantly when humans were able to implement the teachings of the religion properly and correctly in everyday life. Understanding of the religion is contrary to the idea that religion comes ftom the community itself Religious social problem occurs because there is no compatibility between the expectations that have been inscribed with religious faith with the reality of how religion functions in society. It is clear that the problem is caused by the interpretation of a monodimensional against religious texts. Religion rather than serve as a guide to good behavior in respect of other human beings of different faith, even used as a guide to force others to follow his will.
Detha Putri Saifunnida, Dwi Maryani, 2023
Nabi adalah orang yang mendapat wahyu dari Allah yang berisikan syariat, tanpa diperintahkan menyampaikan wahyu itu kepada umatnya. Sedangkan, rasul adalah orang yang mendapatkan wahyu dari Allah melalui perantara malaikat Jibril, dalam keadaan terjaga dan sadar. Nabi dan rasul adalah orang yang dimuliakan Allah, karena mereka adalah manusia pilihan. Yang membedakan antara keduanya adalah materi wahyu yang diterimanya. Wahyu yang diterima rasul adalah berupa syariat baru, sedangkan wahyu yang diterima nabi adalah peneguhan atas syariat yang telah ada. Misi kenabian dan kerasulan secara umum sama yaitu tabligh atau menyampaikan pesan suci (wahyu) yang diterima nabi dan rasul pada umatnya.Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam QS. al-Ma'idah ayat 65. Rasul maupun nabi menyampaikan ajaran yang sama, mengajak umatnya untuk berakidah yang sama, yaitu mengesakan Tuhan, dan melaksanakan syariat yang dibawanya.
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat, 2018
Historical method and narrative criticism are the two approaches that have become important tools in exegetical work of canonical Gospels. Both have given important contribution, however the two approaches have inadequacies. The historical approach depends on external data, and narrative criticism tends to treat the Gospel texts as modern narratives. In the subsequent development of studies on the canonical Gospels, it has been found some significant similarities between the Gospels and Greco-Roman biographical writings. This writing observes three similarities, namely the format of content, focus of story and purpose. The content of Greco-Roman biography, mostly narrates the public work or ministry of the main character. The same thing is found on the Gospels. Likewise, the focus of story that orients to one main character and the purpose of authorship that has rhetorical and persuasive element. The similarities indicate that the canonical Gospels may be categorized as Greco-Roman biographical genre. Certainly, it has hermeneutical implication. The Gospels should be read in accordance with its genre.
Alam Tarlam, 2022
ABSTRACT The Bible is one of the oldest holy books in the world used by both Jews and Christians. The Bible is the beginning of hermeneutic studies to understand a text. The demands of the reality of reading texts in the present era necessitate methodological enrichment, especially in sacred texts such as religious scriptures. In this context, Islamic thinkers in the field of Tafsir al-Qur'an try to study hermeneutics. A branch of science interpreting texts that are no longer possible to confirm with the author/author. As the relative truth contained by ta'wil (allegic) which is known in the classical interpretation of the Qur'an, Hermeneutics also presents an analysis product that contains relative truth. That is why, Hermeneutics requires "rukun" or requirements so that the analysis product is as close as possible to the intent of the creator of the text. Through an analysis of the philosophy of language, this paper attempts to provide an overview of how hermeneutics works as an approach to Bible study. Based on this analysis, it was found that Hermeneutics and the Bible are a very related unit of discussion, because the giron or the study of hermeneutics is studying the understanding of texts including the Bible. Keywords : hermenetik, interpretasi, interpretasi. ABSTRAK Bible merupakan salah satu kitab suci tertua di dunia digunakan oleh Yahudi dan Kristen. Bibel sebagai awal mula kajian hermeneutik untuk memahami sebuah teks. Tuntutan realitas pembacaan teks era sekarang meniscayakan pengayaan metodologis, terutama pada teks-teks sakral semisal kitab suci keagamaan. Dalam konteks ini, para pemikir Islam di bidang Tafsir al-Qur’an mencoba mengkaji hermeneutika. Suatu cabang ilmu menafsirkan teks yang tidak lagi memungkinkan dikonfirmasi kepada pencipta/penulisnya. Sebagaimana kebenaran relatif yang dikandung oleh ta’wil (alegoric) yang dikenal dalam tafsir al-Qur’an klasik, Hermeneutika juga menyuguhkan produk analisis yang mengandung kebenaran relatif. Itulah sebabnya, Hermeneutika membutuhkan “rukun” atau persyaratan agar produk analisisnya sedekat mungkin kepada maksud pencipta teks. Melalui analisis filsafat bahasa, makalah ini mencoba memberikan gambaran umum bagaimana hermeneutika bekerja sebagai suatu pendekatan dalam pengkajian Bible. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut ditemukan bahwa Hermeneutik dan Bibel adalah satu kesatuan bahasan yang sangat berhubungan, karena giron atau kajian hermeneutika yaitu mengkaji pemahaman teks temasuk Bible. Kata kunci: hermenetik, interpretasi, bibel.
The Bible is the word of God that needs to be understood by all those who already have Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. This is called a Christian. It is different from people who are Christians as a 'religion'. Christians are obliged to study the Bible as a basic truth in order to know God's will from time to time. On the other hand, Bible learners often experience confusion problems, when understanding the continuity of the contents from Genesis to Revelation. Are there interrelations? Or it is just a fragmented story with different intentions.There are appropriate methods in avoiding confusion when doing this learning process. This method has been understood since the beginning of the century which then became popular throughout the world in the 19th century, with the term Dispensationalism.Dispensation is a period of time during which humans are tested in the perspective of obedience to a specific revelation of…
Percakapan antara gagasan pembenaran oleh iman di dalam Kekristenan tentu akan diperhadapkan kepada dua figur raksasa di dalam sejarah Kekristenan yaitu Paulus dan Yakobus. Sepintas keduanya seperti memiliki perbedaan ketika sedang mempercakapkan iman dan perbuatan. Pembenaran oleh iman seolah sangat digaungkan oleh Paulus dan seolah
Journal of Religious and Socio-Cultural, 2021
Allah adalah benar, Allahlah yang meniupkan keluar atau mengilhami Alkitab, maka Alkitab adalah benar. Seiring dengan sejarah serangan-serangan terhadap ketidakkeliruan Alkitab pun terjadi. Muncul kaum errantis dan kaum Inerrantis, keduanya mempunyai pemikir-pemikir yang cakap menghadapi fakta-fakta beberapa bagian-bagian Alkitab yang dipermasalahkan dan kedua pihak membaca kesimpulankesimpulan dari lawannya. Kemudian amat penting diingat bahwa Alkitab mengesahkan dirinya sendiri karena kitab-kitab ditiupkan oleh napas Allah (2 Timotius 3:16). Dengan kata lain, kekanonannya telah melekat di dalam kitab-kitab itu, karena berasal dari Allah. Demikian pula penafsiran Alkitab oleh terang Roh Kudus memampukan kita mempercayai kebenaran Alkitab. Kata Kunci: alkitab, pengilhaman, ketidakkeliruan, kanon, penafsiran
The Psalms are part of The Holy Canon. This book has four synonym names. Why is that? Inn addition, this book indicates the form of poetry and so it is called Psalms number 1 to 150. This unity of 150 poetry has what meaning and importance to the life of the Christian faithful? Research on this is based on the Christian Canonical Scriptures in their final form. In order to answer the two research questions above, the researcher used the biblical library research method with the literary criticism approach. The research of Psalms biblical literature is valuable written literary data as it is owned and maintained by the community of users, so the research on it also pays attention to this phenomenon. Synonymization of the mention of the Holly Book of the Canon of the Psalms in several translations indicates the importance of the Scriptures to be revitalized by the, of faith in their lives. The Psalms are still relevant for the life of the faithful in motivating to live historically on...
Jurnal BIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual (Jurnal STAKN Toraja), 2018
Abstract: This article is intended to discuss the doctrine of illumination in light of some current debates among scholars. In addition to the critical evaluation of the debate, I would like to contribute to this discussion by providing my own exegetical observation on various biblical texts. I will conclude this article with a brief review of the relationship between illumination and prayer. Abstrak: Artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk membahas doktrin iluminasi terutama tentang beberapa perdebatan saat ini di antara para sarjana. Selain evaluasi kritis terhadap debat, saya ingin berkontribusi pada diskusi ini dengan memberikan pengamatan eksegetikal saya sendiri pada berbagai teks alkitabiah. Saya akan menyimpulkan artikel ini dengan tinjauan singkat tentang hubungan antara iluminasi dan doa.
Jurnal Amanat Agung, 2009
Riset sejarah-biblis mengenai peran amanuensis dalam penulisan surat-surat Paulus serta kaitan implikatifnya dengan isu inspirasi dan otoritas surat-surat Paulus
Jurnal Kadesi, 2024
Literature is a product of human thought that is essential to be introduced to students since it can be used to help students perceive this life in a more holistic way, thus helping them become not only practical in thinking, but also wise as well as mature individuals. In the process of reading and criticizing or appreciating literary works, there is always a basic framework used. This article aims to discuss how the Christian worldview, and in particular the grand narrative of the Bible, can serve as a frame of reference in the process of teaching and interpreting literature. This is done by examining the key ideas of the four Biblical grand narratives -Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation -and using them to appreciate "Bumi Manusia," a novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
Abstrak Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan data etnografi berupa catatan, observasi, pengalaman langsung penulis dan beberapa wawancara ritual umrah di Makkah tanggal 12-20 Maret, 2016. Tulisan ini berusaha memotret kota Makkah modern dari relasi antara perkembangan kota ini dan bagaimana pelaksanaan ritual umrah meliputi: tawaf, sai, dan kehidupan para peziarah di sana ketika penulis melaksanakan ibadah itu. Lebih jelasnya, penulis coba menilik pencarian Tuhan di tengah kerumuman manusia dalam kehidupan modern-postmodern dalam kesibukan kota Makkah sebagai pusat ritual dan sakralitas Muslim. Proses komodifikasi ibadah dengan berbagai motif dan latar belakang bisnis dan kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi terlihat jelas dalam ibadah umrah. Pencarian Tuhan dalam ritual ini tidak pada kondisi kesepian dan menyendiri, tetapi pencarian di tengah kerumunan kapitalisasi dan komersialisasi tempat-tempat utama Makkah di sekitar area Haram. Ritual umrah dan komodifikasi ritual di tengah pasar global menunjukkan menyatunya Islam dengan kapitalisme. [This article is written based on ethnographical notes, that is observation, and experience of the writer during the performance of umrah (lesser pilgrimage) to Mecca March 12-20th, 2016. Firstly, this articles portrays the modern city of Mecca and its relation to the performance of umrah which includes tawaf (Ka'ba circumambulation), sai (running between Shofa and Marwa), and the
Upaya di dalam buku ini, merupakan mengisi kekosongan kajian pemikiran Islam yang mulai banyak ditinggalkan oleh para penstudi Islam di Indonesia. Besar harapan kita, kajian ini tidak “dihantui” oleh berbagai konsep-konsep yang menakutkan. Karena dari dialektika pemikiran, akan muncul berbagai tafsiran baru terhadap dinamika studi Islam di republik ini. Akhirnya, saya mengucaptkan selamat atas karya ini dan semoga dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi dalam kajian pemikiran Islam di Nusantara. Demikian pula, saya berharap, karya ini bukan merupakan karya terakhir dari Habib Miswari. (KBA)
Reading scriptures or a scipture interreligiously has not quite often been done inIndonesia, despite the fact the country has been known as a place for many religions. Thisarticle is intended to show how such readings can be done. It is also suggested that thatkind of readings should be more encouraged, especially in the academic field. Three waysof reading al-Qur’an and Alkitab (the Bible) will be displayed, i.e., reading a shered storywritten in both scriptures, reading interculturally involving Islam and Christiancommunities, and, reading Alkitab from the perspective of a Moslem painter. This effortrelates not only Islam and Christianity but also religion and art. The readings have ahermeneutical basis which is not the same as the classic historical criticism. In historicalcriticism the task of the interpreter is just to excavate the meaning from the historicalbackgrounds of the text. The finding is not up to the interpreter but to the historicity liesbehind the text. Recent deve...
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