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Technology is a science of skills which comes from the Greek word "Techne", an art which refers to an art or craft and logia, meaning an area of study; thus, technology literally means the study or science of crafting. Is the application of skills, tools or methods to the production of goods and services which comes in two forms:
Adolescents & Technology in the 21st Century, 2014
Technology has advanced greatly over the last decade. We have devices like the cell phone, the flat screen television, and various gaming systems that have had access to the internet for some time. It seems that in the last ten years or so these products of technology have advanced significantly and have heavily impacted the young people of today. The uses that technology offers have become second nature to them and are a part of their everyday lives. A problem with this comes when our youth uses these technologies so much that it becomes all they know and their natural development is compromised. Important life structures such as education and health become less important to adolescents as they spend more time glued to their electronic devices. Children would rather converse through these devices rather than have face-to-face interactions. There needs to be a limit set around the access our young people have to technology because it will only continue to grow. If there is no change or limit set to our youth’s use of technology, their natural development in education, health, and social skills will continue to be compromised.
This research is about examining the effect of the invading technology represented in the internet using personal computers and Smartphone on the behavior of the youth. The subjects of interest about the youth are their friendships and social lives, family relations, general health and personal achievements.
SAMRIDDHI : A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2021
Our world has become more accessible, and we have brought it closer to our fingertips. Through its applications, smartphone has taken over people's lives. The chatter that used to be heard on the outskirts of the village or over a coffee shop in the city has faded away. The interactions are no longer conversations. The applause on humor ceases to exist. Boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 18 are falling into the illusion of assuming that how you look on a Facebook profile or other social handle is more important than how you actually look. These fully commercially run sites that are easily accessible to adolescent children are capitalizing on their confidence. What do these apps take from you that trigger your loss if they are free? "When nothing is taken from you to get a service, you are the commodity," it is said in the business world. These sites offer you as a commodity as well. Ad revenue is real money. You're surfing for shoes on Flipkart, but you're not concerned about why you're receiving shoe advertisements on every app you use. Humans no longer power these artificial intelligence-driven platforms. Programs that use all of the users' data
Current technology has become a must for young persons nowadays, many of their activities being generated and accompanied by today's technological structures. From learning, to keeping informed, from work to entertainment and recreation activities, all these elements with pragmatic or aesthetic focus, in a collective perspective or an intimately individual one, are built upon or mediated through the new technologies. Rejecting technology, in the name of a number of so-called absolute theoretical values would mean not paying attention to reality and rejecting it. The best thing to do would be to subdue technology, to humanise and spiritualise it, assigning it practices where the complementarity of values should be present. Recognising the conduct that youth have adopted towards the new technologies makes us think that they are not considerably negative and blamable, the way they might be described at first glance. Most young people use technology very carefully and within reasonable limits, the excesses not being greater than the ones peculiar to other psycho-behavioral contexts. Nevertheless, the delay and the creation of certain habits -and also the awareness regarding their existence! -causes us not to lose from sight the possible lapses which we can prevent at the level of our educational activities. Especially when the people under consideration are still flexible and sensitive to the different educogen stimuli.
This is an individual study paper on Young Children as Technology users. The paper endeavors at explaining the extensive, excessive, addictive and impulsive aspects of digital utilization in children especially the use of internet. The paper starts with an introduction to the evolution of the modern technology and the role of children in shaping a market for the manufacturers of digital media. This paper is divided into basically portions whereby I dare to present the true facts and studies performed by eminent researchers in this field. The first chapter deals with the Introduction, the definitions, the history, the background of the problem. The second chapter
With the advent of technology, the world is witnessing a makeover of the lifestyles of people in general and youth in particular. With the use of technology especially internet, the youth is well informed, well connected. They are performing array of activities and internet has become an integral part of their lives. Earlier food was an essential part to live but now internet has become the lifeline or blood of people. This paper deals with the use of technology and its impact on today's youth .It shows the insights how it is used, by whom and what threats it poses. This paper traces some of the barriers to usage and some measures to be taken to combat the over usage. 1Assistant professor, Bahra faculty of management 2Assistant professor, Bahra faculty of management 3Assistant professor, Bahra faculty of management
Education and Information Technologies, 2013
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media New York. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".
Sustainability, 2020
The aim of this paper is to investigate the issue of access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at younger ages, which is leading to dependency on mobile phones, video games, and compulsive aimless internet surfing—an issue that schools have been increasingly seeking to tackle. With the appearance of emerging technologies, and not forgetting those already established, an instrument is required that will adapt to new casuistry and help to design intervention programmes in accordance with present and future patterns of use, abuse, and addiction. Studies such as the one proposed here will provide data about the profile of this population in order to improve programmes and influence the ICT policies rolled out by central and local governments. The chief aim of this paper is to construct and validate an instrument capable of evaluating problems experienced by young people in relation to technology use, abuse, and addiction within the programmes developed in Spain. The res...
Technological developments that occurred in the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century, increased the use of technology in almost every aspect of human life and also its importance. The evolution of technology has meant that today anyone can use it at any time: everyone can have access to the Internet for different purposes. This thesis will focus on learning technology in higher education in Albania and specifically will use a survey on the use of technology by students of the Faculty of Economy during their studies. The main purpose of this work is to examine how much support there is and how students use technology in their learning process. The task has three main objectives: • To determine the attitudes and the degree of acceptance of technological change from students of faculty • To determine the extent of use of technologies during their studies, analyzing the types of technology frequently used by. • To determine how e-learning is recognized and how necessary is its usage by students's perspective. The methodology used is a qualitative analysis conducted through the distribution of questionnaires to students of faculty, as the main stakeholders of this research. Finally, from the analysis conducted it is concluded that students prefer technology; the most used technology is the laptop, less used is Instant Messaging and recognition of the concept of e-learning is at the average level, but still seen as a possibility to have a better study. Introduction Technology can be defined as the key word of this early twenty-first century. Technological developments that have occurred in the late twentieth century, where we can mention the invention of the airplane, telephone, computer and internet; and developments of the twenty one century, like:
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)
Nowadays, information communication technology is becoming an essential part of our life. We find technology everywhere to facilitate teaching and learning, especially in schools and homes. It always comes along with interactive and interacting approaches to help children learn math and science and so on. This paper, however, discusses the downside effects of using technology to children from age 2 to 17 years old. There are some earlier studies with some statistics indicate the percentage of children who use different kinds of technology in their daily life. Then the paper will be demonstrated the social, cognitive, and physical impacts of using too much technology. Then it will be specified three types of technology as it is common among children: playing video games, surfing websites, and communicating via the internet. Finally, some regulations and guidance are mentioned to protect children throughout giving them better methods to use technology in proper ways and involving children in social, cognitive, and physical activities alongside.
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The New Educational Review, 2021
Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics, 2014
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 2003
Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application, 2020
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 2014
Digital Education Review, 2021
Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 2020
Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, 2018
The New Educational Review, 2016
SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference
IJISRT (International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology), 2018
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 2022
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies