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In the next fifty years, the increasing importance of designing spaces for human communication and interaction will lead to expansion in those aspects of computing that are focused on people, rather than machinery.… The work will be rooted in disciplines that focus on people and communication, such as psychology, communications, graphic design, and linguistics, as well as in the disciplines that support computing and communications technology….
Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Designing Interactive systems - DIS '06, 2006
i Summary Background This dissertation presents the investigations I have made in the last three years on how to design for social interaction in interactive environments. This research has been conducted within the Center for Interactive Spaces, ISIS Katrinebjerg and practical research projects have been engaged in collaboration with colleagues from the different disciplines working in the center, with external partners from industry and a range of users.
Handbook of language and social …, 2005
The explosive growth over the past decade in new digital media has been accompanied by a corresponding expansion in the research agendas of all disciplines concerned with communication practice. For the interdisciplinary study of Language and Social Inter- action, the ongoing evolution of information and communication technology (what we will refer to here as design) invites changes in the research agenda that are far more profound than merely extending the study of communication practice into new settings and new formats. The most important challenge we face in responding to the advance of information and communication technology is the challenge of accommodating a design enterprise within what has so far been understood primarily as an empirical enterprise-a very fundamental change in research practice and in what researchers pay attention to. What makes new information and communication technology important to the study of Language and Social Interaction? The introduction of computer and network mediation into talk is an interesting development in human history, and much useful empirical work is being done. Research on technologically mediated communication, however, tends to be organized around understanding whether what happens in these new en- vironments differs from what happens in more conventional contexts or using the new environments as a way to isolate particular forms of communication behavior. The first characterizes much of the work in computer-mediated communication (e.g., Hutchby, 2001). The latter characterizes much of the work in Language and Social Interaction us- ing the telephone to examine talk (e.g., Hopper, 1992; Schegloff, 2002). But much more important are the massively expanded opportunities for deliberate design and the accompanying explosion of interest in the structure, organization, and conditioning of discourse.
Research on Language and Social Interaction, 2014
Over the past 20 years or so researchers have, in a number of ways, considered how studies of talk and interaction might inform the design of new technologies. In this article, we discuss a "technical intervention" where studies of visual and material conduct informed by conversation analysis shaped 15 the design and development of a prototype communication system: a "media space." We conclude by briefly discussing some of the challenges and opportunities that arise when drawing from studies of social interaction to inform the design and assessment of new technologies.
In recent years, information and communication technology has taken on whole new meanings in Western society and everyday life: from productivity tools for industry and administration, to everyday household activities, major entertainment sectors, new modes of communication and cohabitation, digitally enhanced pervasive infrastructures and more. In this situation, interaction design is emerging as a new and challenging design discipline. It has a design-oriented focus on human interaction and communication mediated by digital ...
CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems on - CHI EA '13, 2013
This one-day workshop brings together HCI scholars and practitioners who share a common interest in understanding and exploring how we will be socially connected in the future. Central to our discussion will be the exploration of an interdisciplinary research agenda in social interaction design (SxD) that merges social networks and socially generated data with a vision for materiality in computing and the possibilities of tangible and embedded interaction.
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018
The extraordinary advances in hardware and networking technology over the past 50 years have not been matched by equivalent advances in software. Today's interactive systems are fraught with limitations and incompatibilities: they lack interoperability and flexibility for end users. The goal of this workshop is to rethink interaction by identifying frameworks, principles and approaches that break these limitations and create true human-computer partnerships.
Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Extending Boundaries - NordiCHI '10, 2010
Digital technologies increasingly form the backdrop for our lives, and both provide and shape possibilities for interaction. This is a function similar to that of architecture in the physical world. For this reason we suggest that it could be productive to view and critique interactive digital technologies as one might physical architecture: in terms of the possibilities they provide for action, visibility, and interaction. We begin by pointing to the many architectural metaphors that are already common in HCI, and then move on to demonstrate how an architectural perspective can make visible less obvious interactive spaces. Finally, we argue that the potential benefits of this perspective are that it can allow us to see where interactive spaces have been constructed (intentionally or not); think about how particular artifacts and systems interface with each other and with the whole of embodied experience; and link specific design decisions to potential social dynamics.
Journal of Communication, 1993
Electronic Workshops in Computing, 2010
As the world becomes increasingly computationally enabled, so our view of human-computer interaction (HCI) needs to evolve. The proliferation of wireless connectivity and mobile devices in all their various forms moves people from being outside a computer and interacting with it to being inside an information space and moving through it. Sensors on the body, wearable computers, wireless sensor networks, increasingly believable virtual characters and speech-based systems are all contributing to new interactive environments. New forms of interaction such as gesture and touch are rapidly emerging and interactions involving emotion and a real sense of presence are beginning. These are the new spaces of interaction we need to understand, design and engineer. Most importantly these new forms of interaction are fundamentally embodied. Older views of a disembodied cognition need to be replaced with an understanding of how people with bodies live in and move through spaces of interaction.
This chapter outlines a "human-centred" perspective on the design of novel interactive artefacts and environments. The approach builds on a variety of human and social science traditions that focus on understanding human activity, all of which seek to provide useful and pertinent observations on human action in the world. While technology may play an important role in these human activities, often the use of the technology is as an intrinsic mediating influence, rather than being the goal of the activity. The relevance of this approach to technology development is that it provides a distinct perspective that encompasses many of the key issues being faced by (ubiquitous) technology designers today-issues such as awareness, context, interaction, engagement and emotion. All of these aspects concern the activities of human actors in a (variety of) setting(s). The chapter then outlines a major research programme being conducted within our research unit which provides an exemplar of the human-centred interaction design research programme that we are advocating, which we believe could significantly shift the way in which we design, develop and evaluate novel technological artefacts and environments.
Interactive art has become much more common as a result of the many ways in which the computer and the Internet have facilitated it. Issues relating to human–computer interaction (HCI) are as important to interactive art making as issues relating to the colours of paint are to painting. It is not that HCI and art necessarily share goals. It is just that much of the knowledge of HCI and its methods can contribute to interactive art making. This paper reviews recent work that looks at these issues in the art context.
Ernest Edmonds and Ross Gibson his Symposium is part of a series of meetings on Creativity and Cognition. The Conferences have been held since 1993, with the next main event being in London in 2005. Interaction is one of the smaller Symposia that have been introduced in order to look in depth at particular research foci. This Symposium focuses on the emergence of art, communication, information and entertainment systems using interactive environments and media in museum, gallery and other public spaces.
We present a taxonomy for the design of workplace "break" spaces. The taxonomy can be used to identify aspects of current spaces that are either successful or problematic. From this analysis, we demonstrate how the taxonomy can be used to identify opportunities for computer mediated augmentation of spaces, and how such designs can be validated against this taxonomy.
Design Management Journal (Former Series), 1997
INTRODUCTION The Interaction Design Centre (IDC) was established in 1996 by Harold Thimbleby and Ann Blandford. It exists now as an umbrella group for a broad collection of usercentred research projects. Although the IDC does not enforce any particular creed on its researchers the 'brand' of HCI that has been pursued is theoretically based and principled. Much of the work has addressed the question of scientific abstractions of HCI issues, and yet the motivation of the work has been practical.
A major challenge for designers of information and communications technologies (ICTs) is to create an interface with the underlying computer technologies to achieve seamless, intuitive and expressive interactions. Accepting the claim, from theories of embodiment and ecological psychology that our ways of knowing and being rely on our full sensory capacities we argue for a physically embodied interaction with ICTs. Specifically this contribution is framed within two positions, the first is that time is an underlying property in the design of human computer interaction and it should be considered as an aesthetic property. Secondly these interactions should encompass our full bandwidth of communications through physical and multi-sensory means, not just the prevailing visual means of the Graphical User Interface (GUI). To attain an aesthetically pleasing interaction we believe emphasis should be placed on two central themes, time and multi-modal interaction. We articulate our positions on these themes through a review of relevant literature and give an account of the teaching programs we have developed to educate undergraduate design students in the Aesthetics of Interaction.