Assessment of the Zn status of chickpea by plant analysis



Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is extensively grown in areas where soils are deficient in zinc (Zn). To determine the response of chickpea to Zn nutrition and to diagnose Zn status in plant tissue, two glasshouse experiments were conducted using Zn-deficient siliceous sandy soil. In Experiment 1, two genotypes of desi chickpea (Dooen and Tyson) were grown at five Zn levels (0, 0.04, 0.2, 1.0 and 5.0 mg kg 1 of soil). After 4 weeks, no difference in growth and no visible symptoms of Zn deficiency were detected. After 6-8 weeks of growth, chlorosis of younger leaves and stipules occured in the Zn 0 treatment, with shoot dry weight being only 24% of that recorded at the highest Zn level. Root growth increased from 0.52 g/plant when no Zn was applied to 1.04 g/plant in the treatment with 0.2 mg Zn kg 1 of soil; no response to further increase of Zn fertilization occurred. Zinc concentration in the whole shoot increased significantly with increased in Zn application. The critical Zn concentration in the shoot tissue, associated with 90% of maximum growth, was 20 mg kg 1 for both genotypes at flowering stage.