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The power quality is a major issue in the distribution system. There will b e problem occurs regarding reactive power transfer in distribution system due to large power angle even with substantial voltage magnitude gradient. Here a DSTATCOM is used as a FACTS device wh ich can compensate reactive power. D-STATCOM is three phase voltage source converter used to compensate voltage and make the system stable by absorbing and generating reactive power. Here simulin k model and control system is designed in MATLA B simu lin k environ ment. Here modeling of the D-STATCOM is also given.
A Static Compensator (STATCOM) is a flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) controller, which can either absorb or deliver reactive power to a power system. Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) is proposed for compensation of reactive power and unbalance caused by various loads in distribution system. Distribution static compensator is based on the VSC principle. A D-STATCOM injects a current into the system to correct the voltage sag, swell and power factor. Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator (D-STATCOM) is an effective measure to maintain voltage stability and improve power quality of distribution system. This paper deals with the modeling and control scheme of D-STATCOM. In this project by analyzing the different control techniques for designing the DSTATCOM & implementing the algorithm which will help in to design the model & working of DSTATCOM in MATLAB/simulink for the required result.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2019
Electric troubles continually occur irrespective of time and place. This may additionally because an impact to the electric deliver as a result may additionally have an effect on the manufacturing enterprise and hinder the economic development in a rustic. The principal electric powered troubles that usually arise in strength signal structures are the electricity signal pleasant problems which have been mentioned by way of the electrical engineers around the sector, on account that troubles have turn out to be a primary issue because of the fast improvement of sophisticated and touchy gadget in the production and manufacturing industries. In distribution structures, the energy sign first-class issues can lessen the electricity signal provided to the customers from its nominal value. Voltage sag, harmonic, temporary, overvoltage and underneath voltage are fundamental impacts to a distribution system. The excellent system to solve this hassle at distribution systems at minimum fee is by using the use of Custom Power sign own family of D-STATCOM.
DSTATCOM (Distribution Static Compensator) is Used for Mitigation of Power Quality Problems under unbalance caused by various loads and faults in distribution system. This paper addresses the modelling and analysis of custom power controllers, power electronic-based equipment aimed at enhancing the reliability and quality of power flows in low voltage distribution networks using DSTATCOM. A new PWM- based control scheme has been proposed that only requires voltage measurements the operation of the proposed control method is presented for D-STATCOM. Simulations and analysis are carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK with this control method for two proposed systems. In recent years, the custom power technology, the low voltage counterpart of the more widely known flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) technology, aimed at high voltage power transmission applications, has emerged as a credible solution to solve many of the problems relating to continuity of supply at the end-user level. Both...
This paper presents the enhancement of voltage sags, Harmonic distortion and low power factor using Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) with LCL Passive Filter in Distribution system. The model is based on the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) principle. The D-STATCOM injects a current into the system to mitigate the voltage sags.LCL Passive Filter Was then added to D-STATCOM to improve harmonic distortion and low power factor. The simulations were performed using MATLAB SIMULINK.
2013 Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE), 2013
The STATCOM is the shunt connected FACTS devices that are useful for reactive power compensation and mitigation of power quality problems in transmission and distribution system perticulaly in smart grid environment. This paper has dealed with performance analysis of D-STATCOM that is used for voltage flicker control. The D-STATCOM has been used to regulate voltage on a 33-kV distribution network for the plant absorbing continuously changing currents, like an arc furnace, that produces voltage flicker. The variable load current magnitude has been modulated at a frequency of 5 Hz so that its apparent power varies significantly and fast. It will be observed the ability of the D-STATCOM to mitigate voltage flicker.
This Paper distinguished the problems related to distribution system in terms of clean power and their solutions, in the particular of compensation of reactive power. The abnormalities has been modelled and then analyzed. The deviations in the distributions system analyzed by the using D-STATCOM in the real time with the LCL passive filter. Fuzzy logic control scheme is implemented for the control of D-STATCOM so that it can make reactive power and THD under control. A SIMULINK model has been developed for the proposed system. Simulink results for various operating conditions has been obtained and analyzed for the merit of proposed control technique.
This paper deals with the issue of modeling and analysis of power controllers, power electronic-based equipment aimed at improving the reliability, stability and quality of power flows in low voltage distribution networks. A new control scheme is proposed to generate the PWM signal based on the measurements of voltage, and no reactive power measurements are required. The operation of the proposed control method is presented for D-STATCOM. Simulations and analysis are carried out in MATLAB/PLECS with this control method for the proposed systems. The reliability of the control scheme in the system response to the voltage instabilities due to system faults or load variations is proved obviously in the simulation results.
Abstract-This paper describes the modeling, controlling and simulation of Distributed static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM). It is important for a distribution system to have controllability, voltage stability and good power transfer capability. Here, voltage source converter based d-statcom achieves voltage regulation in the system by absorbing or supplying the required reactive power. The system is modeled using various control strategies like direct and indirect control which includes D-Q transform. The comparative analysis of the control strategies has been done. The results of simulation are demonstrated and analyzed using MATLAB.
2021 International Conference on Control, Automation, Power and Signal Processing (CAPS)
In the present scenario, power quality is an important element of power system. Different nonlinear devices like diodes, rectifiers, and furnaces are generating power fluctuation, voltage sag and swell concerns, load imbalance, voltage imbalance, and other power quality issues, which may be controlled by FACTS devices such as DVR, STATCOM, Active power filter, UPFC, and UPQC. In the present work, application of DSTATCOM in the distribution network to overcome power quality issues, meeting the reactive requirement of the load to raise power factor to unity are addressed. A novel Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) control technique is employed to reduce the harmonics in the distribution network. It relies on weighted value convergence and is unaffected by carrier signal characteristics. In this paper, four different cases have been considered with varying supply voltages. The simulation results show that D-STATCOM works efficiently and offers very less THD for different power quality problem like voltage sag, swell, load imbalance, voltage fluctuation etc. The Voltage Source Converter is regulated using the Sinusoidal PWM method. The result indicates that the DSTATCOM and SPWM control technique is helpful for power quality improvement.
Proceedings of the Mizoram Science Congress 2018 (MSC 2018) - Perspective and Trends in the Development of Science Education and Research, 2018
The power quality concerns are augmenting day by day due to the growth of loading requirements. In this paper, we address these concerns while trying to provide the solutions. With the advancement of technology, the power quality concerns can be handled efficiently by flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) devices such as distribution static shunt synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM), static volt-ampere reactive compensator (SVC), static synchronous series compensator (SSSC), thyristor-controlled series compensator (TCSC), unified power flow controller (UPFC), etc. This paper presents the solutions for power quality issues related to Mizoram with the help of D-STATCOM. D-STATCOM enhances the power quality by varying the various parameters of the system and make the system more flexible. We propose a MATLAB Simulink model of D-STATCOM which demonstrates the control of active and reactive power and hence maintains the voltage profile. In Mizoram, during peak hours Undervoltage is a frequent phenomenon which causes damage to various domestic appliances as well as it significantly affects the electrical equipment of small industries. By incorporating D-STATCOM in the existing system at the distribution level we can greatly improve the voltage profile of distribution system, which not only provide better power quality but also increase the lifespan of domestic as well as small industrial equipment, by this proposed modification in existing system the revenue of distribution, as well as customer satisfaction, can be improved.
ABSRTACT: Power quality is an important issue that is becoming increasingly important to electricity consumers at all levels of usage .It is a measure to provide a system supports for reliable operation for various loading condition. The intermittent switching of heavy nonlinear loads results in voltage sag, harmonics in distribution line and frequency variation .D-STATCOM is is used to improve power quality of distribution system .Unit Template Algorithm is used for reference current generation which is a simple method for implementation and control. In this algorithm the control strategy ,formations of unit vectors for inphase component and quadrature component is calculated for instantaneous value of voltage measurement at Pcc.The line parameter of 415 volt connected with linear loads are considered for analysis. The DSTATCOM model is done with MATLAB-SIMULATION software. Power quality improvement is analysed by comparing using controller and Unit Template algorithm with model wi...
Increasing awareness and concerns regarding unacceptable power quality are causing a growing interest in custom power devices, used to improve power quality on distribution level. One of the most interesting types of custom power devices, due to its exibility and fast control, is the shunt-connected voltage source converter (VSC), also known as the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM). And when this compensator used in distribution system it is known as Distribution STATCOM i.e. DSTATCOM. This work deals with the review on control, performance and applications of STATCOMs equipped with energy storage for power quality improvements. Keywords: Power electronics, voltage source converter (VSC), distribution static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM), energy storage, power quality, dynamic loads
A Static Compensator (STATCOM) is a flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) controller, which can either absorb or deliver reactive power to a power system. Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) is proposed for compensation of reactive power and unbalance caused by various loads (Sensitive and Non-Linear Loads) in distribution system. Distribution static compensator is based on the VSC principle. A D-STATCOM injects a current into the system to correct the voltage sag, swell and power factor. Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator (D-STATCOM) is an effective measure to maintain voltage stability and improve power quality of distribution system. An LCL filter has been used at the front end of a voltage source inverter (VSI), which provides better switching harmonics elimination while using much smaller value of an inductor as compared with the traditional L filter. A capacitor is used in series with an LCL filter to reduce the dc-link voltage of the DSTATCOM. This consequently reduces the power rating of the VSI. With reduced dc-link voltage, the voltage across the shunt capacitor of the LCL filter will be also less. It will reduce the power losses in the damping resistor as compared with the traditional LCL filter with passive damping. Therefore, the proposed DSTATCOM topology will have reduced weight, cost, rating, and size with improved efficiency and current compensation capability compared with the traditional topology. This paper deals with the modeling and control scheme of D-STATCOM. In this project by analyzing the different control techniques for designing the DSTATCOM & implementing the algorithm which will help in to design the model & working of DSTATCOM in MATLAB/Simulink for the required result.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
In recent years, the deterioration in the power quality of a distribution system such as the aggravation of voltage imbalance and current imbalance or the increase of harmonics has been apprehended. It is thought to be causally related to the diversification of load by progress of power electronics technology and the increase of the number of interconnection of distributed generators for home use with the reduction of the effect on the environment. The purpose of this study is development of power conditioner systems (PCSs) with a function of improvement of power quality in the distribution system. In this paper, the authors propose a control method of restraint of harmonics and improvement of voltage imbalance in the distribution system utilizing the PCSs of photovoltaic systems. Moreover, it includes a determination method of the interconnection power factor and the optimal gain of filtering operation of PCSs so as to minimize the voltage imbalance factor and so as to minimize the maximum value of voltage total harmonic distortion in the distribution system by real-time feedback control with measured data from the information technology switches of distribution line. The numerical calculation is carried out in order to verify the validity of the proposal method.
— This paper gives point by point data about adaptable D-STATCOM, which is utilized to decreases a wide range of deficiencies and enhance control quality and work as a Distributed Generation. It gives proceeds with power supply to the heaps even the primary source is separated and doesn't intrude. In this manner D-STATCOM works same as an adaptable D-STATCOM and consequently is known as Flexible D-STATCOM. The execution of Flexible D-STATCOM framework is to enhance the power quality by decreasing flaws in circulation framework execution under a wide range of framework related unsettling influences and framework lopsided deficiencies, for example, Line-to-Line and DLG blames under islanding condition. 12-beat D-STATCOM setup is used with IGBT which is planned and is utilized as a part of deciding the graphical portrayal of the D-STATCOM utilizing the product PSCAD/EMTDC electromagnetic transient recreation program. The unwavering quality and heartiness of the control conspires in the framework is dictated by the voltage aggravations happened by Line to line and twofold line to ground issues and islanded working condition are along these lines confirmed in the outcomes acquired in reproduction.
The device analyzed in this paper is distribution static compensator (D-STATCOM) due to its capability to improve the power quality issues in distribution systems, in this paper the control of D-STATCOM is realized by proportional integral PI controllers to ensure perfect decoupling between the two active and reactive axes and to keep the DC-link voltage of D-STATCOM constant under linear-load variation. D-STATCOM is developed for the compensating reactive power demanded by unbalanced load. Moreover power factor of the source is improved, validation of models and control algorithms is carried out through simulations in MATLAB/Simulink .
D-STATCOM is a compensating device which is used to control the flow of reactive power in the distribution systems. Most of loads in this system, being inductive in nature consume more reactive power. As a result, power factor of load deteriorates and this limits the active power flow in the line. The paper aims at developing a D-STATCOM, based on voltage source converter, which injects the reactive power in distribution line. The output voltage of D-STATCOM is made leading to that of system voltage for the purpose of controlling VAR generation. Implementation of D-STATCOM by using PI controller is carried out in MATLAB/ Simulink.
A Power quality problem is an occurrence manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure or a mis-operation of end user equipments. Utility distribution networks, sensitive industrial loads and critical commercial operations suffer from various types of outages and service interruptions which can cost significant financial losses. With the restructuring of power systems and with shifting trend towards distributed and dispersed generation, the issue of power quality is going to take newer dimensions. In developing countries like India, where the variation of power frequency and many such other determinants of power quality are themselves a serious question, it is very vital to take positive steps in this direction .The present work is to identify the prominent concerns in this area and hence the measures that can enhance the quality of the power are recommended.
This paper focuses to design and analyze the Simulink model for the control of Distributed static synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM). It is important for a distribution system to have controllability, voltage stability and good power transfer capability. The voltage source converter based D-STATCOM achieves voltage regulation in the system by absorbing or supplying the required reactive power. The system is modeled using two control strategies, i.e., direct and indirect control which includes d-q transform. The comparative analysis of the control strategies has been done. The results of simulation are demonstrated and analyzed using MATLAB.
Photovoltaic systems have been increasingly used in the generation of electrical energy because of the cost of energy produced from fossil fuels is rising day to-day and there by photovoltaic energy becomes a promising alternative source for fossil fuels. The most important operational requirement in power network at both transmission and distribution levels. Whenever there is a penetration of photovoltaic cell power to the low voltage distributed grid. Power quality is the major problem that occurs between grid to end user transmission lines. In this paper one of the FACTS controller devices D-ST A TCOM is used to improve the voltage regulation thereby the power system stability. DSTATCOM is the one of the power quality compensating device which will rectifies the power quality problems such as voltage sag and swell which occurs in high voltage power transmission lines. The use of distributed energy resources is increasingly being pursued as a supplement and an alternative to large conventional central power stations. Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) is proposed for compensation of reactive power and unbalance caused by various loads in distribution system.
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