A space syntax approach to spatial cognition in urban environments



Abstract Geographic space is a large scale space which is beyond the human perception, and can not be seen from a single viewpoint. Maps and drawings provide one way of perceiving and understanding geographic spaces. Here another approach to spatial cognition is addressed. The approach, space syntax, is proved to be of great value in predicting human spatial behaviour in urban environments.

Key takeaways

  • Therefore the paper is intended to provide cognitive evidence as to why human behaviour is predictable using the space syntax approach, rather than how people explore the urban system with an axial map.
  • The space syntax approach provides an urban morphological representation by looking at only public spaces (open space).
  • You may have sensed from the above introduction to the space syntax that the theory is based on the graph theory, or more precisely that the actual morphological computation is based on the associated graph of the axial map.
  • However, we argue that maps are poor in perceiving spatial configuration, while axial maps, a special map based on open spaces, are good in analysing the morphological properties of urban environments.
  • An axial map is an economic representation of urban form, which is a kind of morphological representation.