An onion? Conceptualising and researching identity

2013, Medical Education


The biggest question I am presently grappling with concerns the concept of identity. What does an identity look like and how can we research it? Of course, across the behavioural and social sciences, the concept of identity and identities has been hotly debated and there is no single idea of what this (or these) are. 1 But from a personal perspective, I'm still oscillating between the seductive notion of an individual's identity being something internal to one's self that can be a measurable and known entity 2 and the thinking that identities are co-constructed through interaction in social settings. 3 I guess my biggest issue is my personal desire to measure identity within individuals (e.g. moral identity) and relate that back to personal actions. But at the same time, my own research clearly demonstrates that identities (in the plural) are enacted interactionally and are highly fluid and contextual. 4 What do you think?