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This paper aims to illustrate the nature of "metafiction" as a postmodern technique, and to examine its effect on the reception of Mustaghanami's novels, especially her "Chaos of the Senses" (1998), in the Arab world.
Journal of Educational and Social Research
The current study compares the two translations of Ahlam Mostaghenami’s second novel Fawda Al-Hawas into English as Chaos of the Senses by (Baria Ahmar Sreih, 2004) and Chaos of the Senses by (Nancy Roberts, 2015) and examines the reception of both translations in the English-speaking communities where they were circulated. The study seeks to find out answers to questions about: the reasons for retranslating Fawda Al-Hawas after a relatively short period of time after its first translation, the roles of human agents such as the author, translators, and publishers in the production and reception of the two translations of Fawda Al-Hawas , how the retranslation tried to avoid previous problems, if any, that hindered the circulation of the first translation, the role of paratexts in the reception of the two translations. The study draws on major concepts form reception theory as adopted by (Brown, 1994) in her study of Latin American novels published in West Germany. Specifically, the...
Anuario de Letras Modernas. Volumen 15, …, 2010
Defined for practical purposes as fiction about fiction, metafiction goes against the grain of conventional aesthetics by conveying a sense of playful or even parodic
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
Purpose of the study: This study aims to explore how fantasy probes the embedded meanings of creativity and communication. It also seeks to reiterate the role of fantasy and imagination in confronting contemporary issues in real life. Methodology: This study uses an interpretative approach using J.R.R Tolkien's theory of fantasy to analyze the text as an allegory. Through close reading and textual analysis, the text is analysed, relating the events to a personal and political context, which it allegorizes. Online scholarly materials on fantasy and storytelling, collected from various digital sources and libraries were explored to assist in analyzing the role of fantasy in dealing with the contemporary issues in the real world. Main Findings: The study has found that the power of imagination has brought fantasy into existence and fantasy is analyzed as a tool to resist the contemporary issues regarding the freedom of thought and speech in the real life. The study has also found t...
Tracing the concept of hybridity in two of Salman Rushdie's most prominent works of magical realism, this paper argues that these two works represent an unambiguous transition in the way Rushdie advocates for hybridity. Sermonizing first for imagination as a hybrid keystone, Rushdie subsequently opts for the multimedia art form combined with fantasy as a hybrid bedrock. Elaborating on this idea, this paper discusses postcolonial ideas of hybridity in the context of the two Rushdie narratives, indeed much more diasporic and postcolonial that mere allegories or children’s books.
European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 2021
Meta-fiction refers to containing a critical text within a literary text, where the author introduces his personal vision of the writing process, the challenges of it, the tools, language, significations, and his relationship with reality. This study's purpose is to explore the meta-fictional features in Ahlam Mosteghanemi "Delicious as a Separation". Dealing with the comprehensive structure requires looking closely on three levels: Para-text, the main text, and the post text. This study will deal in: What is the role of modernism in spreading the phenomenon of meta-fiction in Arabic novels? What are the origins of meta-fiction in classical Arabic literature? What are the metafictional contents and significances in "Delicious as a Separation"? What are the different forms of meta-fiction in the novel, their functions and meanings? How is the meta-fictional content related to the feminist content in this work? The Results indicate that there are Meta fictional roots in classical literature, The self-conscious writing focuses on writing as a craft, as if the writer states "I write therefore I exist".The purpose of the feminist meta-fictional is to draw attention to the issues associated with women's writings.Meta-fiction has a therapy role for unspecified people So that the implied reader will be absent, and he tends to imagine and withdraw from reality, to confirm the adherence to this reality again.Meta-fiction reminds us that what we read is a fictional work, and confirm our reality and communicate with it.
Hamid's novels exhibit preoccupations with the issues of vulnerabilities and disorientations leading to subsequent displacement, decadence and alienation of the characters. The individual and collective trauma crumbles characters' sense of individuality and cognition leading to their cultural dislocation, fragmentation and social isolation. In the tumult of the postmodern world, they suffer invariably from cultural displacement, language barriers, disenfranchisement, identity loss, nostalgia, tyranny and marginalisation. Using complex forms and contents, Hamid insinuates the probability of recovery, realisation of difference and surmounting crisis in the shared world. His novels discreetly advocate strategies for living an unruffled life. However, he tends to leave his novels open-ended anticipating the readers to assume the future events. He subtly relates the intricate events of the world speculating the readers to form links to the present turmoil of the country. Hamid has earned the distinction of a free, fierce and vehement post-modernist novelist in Pakistani English literature. His are the worlds of tinsel towns, celluloid screens, glamorous ads, yellow journalism, the clouds of smoke, the tinkling of glasses, the loud pop music, social and political unrest, technological innovations, xenophobia, late-capitalism etc. The high and low, elite and popular, the creative and vulgar, the glamorous and cheap, the heights and depths of social culture are mixed in various combinations in the presentation of his novels. The world of images assumes the role of reality and the distinction between what is real and what is imagined is blurred. In his fiction, he intersects the traditional genre conventions and differences between fact and fiction, poetry and prose and real and imaginary. Hamid's postmodern fiction abundantly invites and facilitates the study of vulnerability and disorientation which till date has escaped the attention of the researchers. The thesis is divided into four chapters with an introduction and a conclusion. A list of works cited is also added. The thesis is developed as per the following pattern.
Nady Al-Adab:Jurnal Bahasa Arab, 2023
The Saudi novel has experienced profound thematic and artistic development changes. Going through the Saudi novel's several stages of development may assist readers in understanding the types of aesthetic advancements made at each step. By tracing the origins, evolution, and importance of Saudi fiction, a significant literary genre, the study aims to shed light on its growth and significance. In this literary work, the researcher uses an analytical-critical approach in keeping with the nature of the literary analysis. The paper gets started with a terse outline of the conception of the novel before moving on to talk over the following topics: the literary status of Makkah Al Mukarramah and an outline of the Arabic and Saudi novel. The paper then goes on to analytically shed light on Hamid Damanhori's novel, The Price of Sacrifice. The paper finishes with recommendable discussions and a conclusion.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2020
Fantasy and realism are the traits to be found in every culture and individual. Fantasy was often dismissed for being a thing associated with children. This was a practice found to be rampant in the past or it was rather a matter of the past so to say. After centuries of oblivion, people have started giving importance to fantasy when there is a lot of chaos in the society. Fantasy as a genre that helps us to band together, explain, change and form an opinion on reality. Fantasy can surely tempt the human desire, for more than the familiar world of the readers, into ease, anyway from reality and communicate with immense imagination that the readers can connect to. With this in mind, the paper tries to analyze Rushdie's Midnight's Children the bizarre and the fantastic blurs the boundaries between the real and plausible in the novel, thereby problematizing the identities of gender, parenthood, and nationality, and renders the readers into a state of uncertainty by incorporating oblique references or links. It also aims to critically analyze and discuss how the lines between fantasy and reality are blurred in literature. The importance of this study is to connect the fine line of fantasy with reality in literature and to present perceptions to the readers on how literature is understood differently by different people.
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 7 (2007): 25-49, 2008
This paper will try to show the interrelationship between the Egyptian culture, as portrayed by Naguib Mahfouz’s fiction and the Egyptian personality represented by Kamal in the trilogy from a philosophical point of view. The novel ‘Abath al-Aqdar’ (The Mockery of Fate) deals with the impact of the concept of predestination on the individual in general and creativity and change in particular. The paper will try to offer some recommendations for the promotion of the concept of creativity. The paper also is trying to make a comparative study between the Arab world and the West concerning the concept of change.
This study aimed at revealing the tendency or new vision of Arabic authors in creating literary works. Literary works published in modern times (in the 2000s) are the novels that reveal about the existing social reality in society. The creation of these novels is, certainly motivated by the occurring events in the midst of society.The authors’ life background certainly serves a significant role in producing novels which carry the author's vision. To reveal the tendency of the author's vision, a descriptive and qualitative method was used and implemented the sociology of literature that focuses on examining the author's sociology and literary works. The results revealed that the author's new vision was reflected in the novels under study in which the author's personal experience was strongly affected by the social realities he faced, as the vision was manifested in the novel “Banat Ar-Riyad” (2005), “Yauman Ma ... Kuntu Islamiyyan” (2012 ). Thus, these novels are ...
The World Represented in Contemporary Arabic Literature, 2024
In the immediate aftermath of the Gulf War, the Egyptian author Ǧamāl al-Ġīṭānī expressed his anxieties for the failures of Arab politics in the novel Hātif al-maġīb (The Call of the Sunset, 1991). In this travelogue, based on the rewriting of pre-modern genres related to creative imagination, the author's alter ego embarks on a visionary and full-of-wonders journey from Egypt to the sunset, which is, symbolically, Morocco and a metaphor for death. In this contribution, we will investigate the construction of the fantastic in the novel, in order to underscore the multiple meanings of the sunset motif, mainly inspired by the mythology of ancient Egypt. Our reading of the fantastic components will be informed by studies carried out by the Moroccan literary critic Šuʻayb Ḥalīfī in the field. It will turn out that the fantastic re-combines the real, being a means to interpret human experience and the author's inner concern with time and death.
Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 2018
This article is a study of Ahmad Khaled Tawfik's 2008 best-selling novel Utopia within the context of Arabic science fiction, the genre of Arabic literature experiencing a certain renewal in the recent years. The analysis of the novel's themes, motifs, style, language and literary techniques is aimed at understanding its main influences and its place in the development of Arabic science fiction. As a dystopian novel, it is influenced by the respective European tradition while being socially relevant to the problems of today's Egypt as well. The article also offers a brief look at Arabic science fiction in general at the present state of its evolution.
This paper will discuss on two of Salman Rushdie’s novel Midnight’s Children and Haroun and the Sea of Stories. Firstly a brief introduction about postmodernism is given along with how its ideas clashes with modernism’s doctrines. It will also talk on how the notion of politics and history is deconstructed by postmodernism, and also on the role memory plays while writing the historical narratives. Magic realism and oral tradition also plays a role in novels which will also be covered. Rushdie’s alterations of the English language and how his style inspired new writers has will also be discussed. The rest of the paper will focus on how Salman Rushdie delegitimizes politics, language and history and his intentions for using magic realism and oral tradition in the two novels.
AN EXAMINATION OF THE KEY FEATURES OF SALMAN RUSHDIE’S HISTORIOGRAPHIC METAFICTION: A POSSIBLE WORLDS THEORY APPROACH George Shamshayooadeh Old Dominion University, 2018 Director: Dr. Edward Jacobs This investigative study is informed by Ursula Kluwick’s contention that Salman Rushdie’s novels – Midnight’s Children and Shame – written within the postcolonial context, need to be approached and conceptualized differently from the magical realist fiction produced by Latin American novelists such as Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende, and Laura Esquivel due to the fact that the relations between the realistic and magical/supernatural codes in Rushdie’s texts are not harmonious and are, for the most part, antithetical in ways that manifest and highlight the friction between the twin codes, which render them ‘contingent’ and ‘provisional,’ but beyond that destabilize the narrative text as fictional versus realistic. As Kluwick notes with respect to Rushdie’s works, “Definitions of magic reali...
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