
This study aimed to examine the effect of the application of cooperative learning model TPS (Think Pair Share) on student learning outcomes matter Pancasila democracy Class X SMA Negeri 1 Padangbolak. This research was carried out by using descriptive methods in the form of correlation is to look at a picture and see the effect between the two variables of the study. When the study is done for 3 months starting June until September 2013. Population in this study were all students of Class X SMA Negeri 1 Padangbolak totaling 35 students. The sample is the entire population of Class X SMA Negeri 1 Padangbolak numbered 35 students. From the results of the analysis carried out it turns out that the alternative hypothesis is accepted or not enforced not be approved truth thitung > ttabel (3,73 > 1,70). That is not a significant difference between the application of cooperative learning model TPS (Think Pair Share) on the results of student learning material Pancasila democracy Class X SMA Negeri 1 Padangbolak.