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Reaktor-Buletin Pengelolaan Reaktor, 2010
ABSTRAK EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN IRADIASI SAMPEL DI RSG-GAS PADA TERAS 51 SAMPAI TERAS 60. Pelayanan iradiasi sampel merupakan salah satu tugas yang diemban RSG-GAS. Pelaksanaan iradiasi sampel bisa menimbulkan gangguan neutronik dan termohidrolik pada teras. Evaluasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui secara kualitatif pengaruh pelaksanaan iradiasi sampel terhadap keselamatan operasi reaktor. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan memilih lima jenis sampel yang paling sering diiradiasi yaitu TeO 2 , U-235, Sm 2 O 3 , Re-m dan MoO 3. Parameter yang dievaluasi adalah jenis sampel, volume/berat, reaktivitas dan aspek termohidrolik sampel dalam teras. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan parameter keselamatan untuk setiap sampel dengan batasan-batasan yang diperbolehkan dalam LAK masing-masing sampel dan LAK RSG-GAS. Reaktivitas TeO 2-0,0066%, reaktvitas U-235 0,2%, reaktivitas Sm 2 O 3 dan Renium 0,031%, reaktivitas MoO 3 bisa diabaiakan. Nilai reaktivitas kelima sampel tersebut masih dibawah batas yang diijinkan LAK RSG-GAS yaitu 0,5%. Integritas kelima sampel masih terjaga karena suhu sampel ketika di dalam teras masih jauh dibawah titik leleh masing-masing sampel. Dari evaluasi ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pelaksanaan iradiasi sampel di dalam teras reaktor tidak membahayakan keselamatan operasi reaktor. Kata kunci: iradiasi, sampel, keselamatan, batasan ABSTRACT EVALUATION ON IRRADIATION SAMPLES IMPLEMENTATION AT THE RSG-GAS OF 51 st-60 th CYCLES. Samples irradiation service is one of RSG-GAS task. The implementation of samples irradiation can cause interference neutronic and thermohydraulic in the core. The evaluation carried out to qualitatively know the effect of samples irradiation to the safety reactor operation. The evaluation was done by selecting the five most frequent type of samples, they are TeO 2 , U-235, Sm 2 O 3 , Re-m and MoO 3. Parameters evaluated were irradiated samples types, volume / weight, reactivity and thermohydraulic aspects of a sample in the core. The evaluation was done by comparing the safety parameters for each sample with the limits allowed in each SAR sample and RSG-GAS SAR. TeO 2 reactivity is-0.0066%, U-235 reactivity is 0.2%, Sm 2 O 3 and Re-m reactivity are 0.031% and MoO 3 reactivity is ignored. The five samples reactivity values are still below the allowable limit of RSG-GAS SAR of 0.5%. The five samples integrity is preserved because the samples temperature is still below the melting point. From this evaluation concluded that the implementation of irradiation samples in the reactor core does not endanger the safety of reactor operation.
The complexity of the construction work, the risk of workplace accidents become higher, so the Health and Safety Work Management System (SMK3) important to be implemented in the construction company. Therefore, it is necessary to know how far the extent of implementation SMK3 especially in construction services company in Kupang City. This study used the questionnaire. The result of questionnaires data collection is processed using the Normalization de Boer formula and analyzed with concept of Traffic Light System. The survey results revealed that the percentage of SMK3 implementation in construction services company in Kota Kupang is 62.38% (yellow category) and the accident rate is on the green category. This explained that SMK3 implementations are at level 2 (safe enough). Based on the type of company, BUMN enterprises have SMK3 implementation of 87.10% and domestic private firms by 56.06%. SMK3 implementation for 5-10 year-old company at 47.85%, 10-20 years-old company at 54.18%...
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR)
Road map the community service of Swiss German University activities in 2016 until 2020 about manage of non-organic wasted. In addition, Keranggan village is used as the pilot project to implement the program of non-organic waste management which is located in district of Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. Swiss German University provides non-organic waste tool to facilitate burn non-organic waste such as, banana peels and humid waste are name of few and its names as traditional incinerator. The objective to develop this tool is used the burn the waste and the waste may use for fertilizer and bricks manufacturer. At the same time, to educate the villagers to look after their environments and lead to life clean and healthy. The activity has been implemented in 2018 and therefore, monitoring and evaluating is implemented in 2019. The results shows that the incinerator was rarely used for burning waste and it impacts to the environment. It is an input for the SGU’s academic research center ...
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, 2021
The waste's production rate in Sidoarjo Regency is estimated at 1,216 tpd. Around 464 tpd (ton per day) are transported to Jabon Landfill, and about 298 tpd are treated at the Integrated Garbage Treatment Center (TPST), 3R Treatment Center, and the Bank of Garbage. Therefore, there are still 454 tpd of waste that has not yet been managed, potentially harming the environment. The still limited garbage service level to be transported to the landfill has made the community take the initiative to process the garbage with incinerators placed at the existing TPST. These incinerators can reduce the waste up to 25% to 30% by weight of the waste that enters the TPST. In this research, ten incinerators were studied in the TPST. From the sample conditions obtained, almost all incinerators were operated below the technical standards required for optimum operation and minimum environmental impact. The combustion temperature is generally below 800 °C, the gas residence time is less than 2 sec...
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan
In order to realize net zero emissions in waste sector, the government encourages the application of Waste-to-Energy (WtE) thermal process technology in 12 cities in Indonesia. There are many obstacles and challenges in implementing WtE as an alternative for waste management, starting from changes in consistency of regulations, environmental issues as well as technical and economic feasibility. Therefore, this study aims to examine the Techno-Economics of WtE Incinerator Implementation in Indonesia by taking the case in City "X" as an illustration for stakeholders in making decisions. The methods used include the desk study, direct observation, and interviews. In this study, City "X" becomes a model for the implementation of WtE with a waste processing capacity of 1,500 tpd which is a typical waste generation in big cities in Indonesia. City set a target to reduce 80–90% of waste volume. After technology selection stage, the MGI was selected as the main WtE unit....
Abstrak Strategi e-Government dihasilkan dari harapan dari masyarakat untuk dapat menggunakan Internet teknologi sebagai sarana strategis komunikasi dan hubungan dengan publiknya sektor, virtualisasi pengiriman layanan publik. Untuk memenuhi harapan ini, hukum negara memaksa semua dewan kota Spanyol untuk dapat menyediakan layanan mereka secara elektronik. Studi kasus disajikan merinci bagaimana e-Benidorm's strategi pemerintah dibuat dan dilaksanakan. Ini dapat menghasilkan wawasan berharga ke dalam identifikasi dan manajemen masalah kritis selama berevolusi dan pencapaian proses bisnis kembali desain di e-government lokal terhadap seorang warga negara pendekatan sentris .
perkembangan desentralisasi telah mengalami masa yang panjang di indonesia mulay pada masa kolonial sampai masa pasca revormasi untuk memperkuat desentralisasi di indonesia telah mengalami bayak perubahan kebijakan dengan tujuan agar pemerintah daerah dapat mengelola daerahya sendiri Desentralisasi merupakan konsep yang penting dalam pemerintahan moderen yang memberikan otonomi dan kewenangan kepada pemerintah local , seperti pemerintah daerah atau komunitas lokal untuk memperkuat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengambilan keputusan, meningkatkan efisiensi pengelolaan sumber daya, dan merespons kebutuhan khusus masyarakat setempat
JFT: Jurnal Fisika dan Terapannya, 2017
This study aims to determine the model design and the incinerators tool mechanism to tackle air pollution in burning waste. The filter used is water by spraying using a spray nozzle on the tube filter. Testing is done by testing and observing the work incinerator combustion in incinerators and burning freely. Observations for plastic waste with a mass of 1 kg burned freely color black smoke, combustion rate 2 kg/hours, the combustion efficiency of 67.5 %. Combustion in incinerators two-stage color white smoke, combustion rate of 1.7 kg / h, the combustion efficiency of 67.5 %. At burning incinerator is better than burning freely.
Abstrak : Konstruksi merupakan pekerjaan untuk mewujudkan suatu konsep maupun gambaran dalam bentuk nyata, terlihat, dan mampu dilakukan. Gedung Rusunawa ITB Jatinangor merupakan infrastruktur penunjang kegiatan belajar di wilayah ITB Jatinangor yang akan mengalami tahap konstruksi. Untuk dapat mewujudkan infrastuktur tersebut diperlukan perencanaan pelaksanaan konstruksi sehingga mampu diwujudkan sesuai dengan target yang ditetapkan. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah merencanakan kembali perencanaan pelaksanaan konstruksi Gedung Rusunawa ITB Jatinangor yang terdiri dari analisis metode konstruksi eksisting kemudian merencanakan metode konstruksi terbaru dan mendapatkan penjadwalan dari kegiatan konstruksi maupun sumber daya konstruksi. Tugas akhir ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan dasar berupa dokumen RKS, bill of quantity, bar chart dari pihak pelaksana, serta dokumentasi pelaksanaan dari pihak pelaksana. Penjadwalan dilakukan dengan bantuan software Microsoft Project 2010 dan penentuan kebutuhan sumber daya berupa tenaga kerja dan peralatan menggunakan standar SNI. Didapatkan hasil metode konstruksi dengan dua tower gedung rusunawa dilakukan secara bersamaan menghasilkan durasi 257.8 hari kerja. Hasil tersebut dilakukan dengan mengganti metode pondasi struktur bawah single acting hammer dengan vibratory pile driven, penggunaan komponen Pre Cast untuk superstruktur, dan penempatan sumber daya tanpa ada kejadian overalokasi berdasarkan kebutuhan pekerjaan. Kata kunci : metode pelaksanaan, penjadwalan, sumber daya, overalokasi
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Media Akuakultur
Phronesis: Jurnal Teologi dan Misi
Jurnal Manajemen dan Supervisi Pendidikan, 2019