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The work carried out in recent decades in Alentejo, inserted in the investigation that the signatory has developed on the Recent Prehistory, aim to study the genesis and evolution of the first peasant societies, an integrated perspective that considers, in general terms, all components of the life and death of these companies, by conducting archaeological excavations and archaeological surveys. The results of this work allow us to conduct a first assessment of its evolution (s), in Central Alentejo.
AMANHAR A TERRA. ARQUEOLOGIA DA AGRICULTURA [Do Neolítico ao Período Medieval], 2023
Entre 2014 e 2018 foi realizada a primeira fase do projecto de investigação “Território e espaços de morte na Pré-História Recente. Contributo para uma nova leitura do povoamento megalítico no concelho de Avis – TEMPH”. Apresenta-se o balanço dos resultados obtidos, os quais contribuíram para um maior conhecimento da ocupação pré-histórica no concelho de Avis. Pretende-se ainda abordar as orientações de intervenção e as problemáticas que se encontram associadas à segunda fase do projecto, a desenvolver entre 2020 e 2023, e que se prendem sobretudo com a caracterização das modalidades de transição para o Neolítico e a avaliação de continuidades e rupturas ao longo desse período, reforçando a importância deste território enquanto plataforma de circulação regional durante a Pré-História.
In the project «Levantamento Arqueológico e Patrimonial de Arraiolos», initiated in 2010 by Leonor Rocha and Ivo Santos, were identified several archaeological sites that contribute to the scientific characterization of the area in the Neolithic. The works were supported entirely by the Câmara Municipal de Arraiolos, with the purpose of updating the archeological record of the area and to help understanding the ancient communities that lived in the study area. Keywords: Neolithic; archaeological sites; Alentejo Central.
Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 2018
The site of Juromenha 1 was excavated about 20 years ago in a Rescue excavation related with the building of Alqueva dam. In order to present the results obtained in recent works of geo-magnetic field survey, we intent to present here a brief study of the results obtained in the 1998 test-pits.
Muita gente, poucas antas, 2003
This study reports the preliminary use ‐wear analysis of the flint tools assemblages recovered from two archaeo‐ logical sites (Palácio dos Lumiares and Encosta de Sant’Ana) nearby the Tagus estuary, present Lisbon. The sites dated as early Neolithic (in the transition from 5th. to the 4th. millennium) via absolute dating and techno‐ ‐typological analysis. The preliminary results show evidences of agriculture and local hunting in Palácio dos Lumiares while no evi‐ dences of these activities were found in Encosta de Sant’Ana. Thus, the two groups probably had different sub‐ sistence strategies and economical activities. This study aims at understanding the subsistence strategies and territorial occupation of two contemporane‐ ous early Neolithic communities that occupied the same geographic region (estuary of the Tagus river, present Lisbon) and thus had similar natural resources.
Aparentemente este livro fala do processo de passagem de caçadores-recolectores a agricultores/pastores no Norte de Portugal, durante o 6.º/5.º milénios a.C., tomando como fundamentação o padrão de vida identificado na estação arqueológica do Prazo (Alto Douro português). Uma leitura rápida poderia também induzir o leitor a pensar que Sérgio Rodrigues acredita que o sítio do Prazo fornece de forma determinante elementos explicativos para o entendimento da chamada "neolitização", ou seja, a emergência duma "economia de produção" na região que o autor prioritariamente investiga. Mas será que o objectivo deste livro se reduz à identificação regional de tal processo de neolitização?
OPHIUSSA. Revista do Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2019
In the scientific debate about the Neolithisation process in Westen Iberia, one of the less characterized cultural phases in discussion is the Middle Neolithic. If, in one hand, the archaeological research understands its decisive importance in the evolution of Neolithic societies, on the other hand this moment is still associated to a lack of scientific knowledge, in opposition to the other Neolithic phases (Early and Late Neolithic). This paper presents, in a historiographical perspective, the research progress about the Middle Neolithic in the centre and south Portugal, from the 1970s to the present. In this almost 50-year journey, we will highlight the main archaeologists, scientific studies and archaeological sites that contributed most to the study of this specific chrono-cultural moment, as well as the methodologies adopted and the main goals of the scientific quiz that guided all archaeological actions during the research.
The first results obtained in the last five years in research about the Early Neolithic in Lower Estremadura (including the peninsulas of Lisboa and Setúbal) are presented. There was an advance in the understanding resulting from preventive excavations. The settlements are distributed, as far as their characterization permits, between specialized sites and plurianual residential sites, while the necropolis corresponds to the use of natural caves. The dates now obtained and published for the first time indicate the Neolithic presence more ancient known for residential sites, dating lrom the Early Neolithic, ca. 5400-4900 BC, in which the ceramics impressed by "Cardium" are residual, while the sole necropolis dated reports to a time corresponding to the second half of the VI millennium BC though the registry is absent of the above mentioned ceramic productions, in contrast with the abundance of the decorated ceramics by incisive motifs, impressed and plastic. The transition to the Middle Neolithic is located though with the limitations resulting from the type of analysis and the materials used in the second half of the V millennium BC, apparently with the persistence of the decorated ceramics from early tradition.
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Arqueologia em Portugal - 150 Anos., 2013
"Arqueologia em Portugal - 150 anos. Actas do I Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses", 2013., 2013
digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes, 2019
Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 2005
Arqueologia em Portugal.2020- Estado da Questãom(pp.125-138) Lisboa:AAP e CITCEM, 2020
História e Economia. Revista Interdisciplinar, 2018