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2010, Proceedings of the IEEE …
The increasing trend towards many-core architectures, particularly GPUs, poses unique challenges in understanding and optimizing performance due to their parallel nature and complex dynamic behaviors. This paper explores how traditional performance tuning methods may overlook critical optimization opportunities because they rely on fixed performance metrics. It proposes detailed measurement metrics that can capture dynamic behaviors more effectively, allowing for better performance analysis and optimization of applications using many-core architectures.
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering
GPUs have become common in HPC systems to accelerate scientific computing and machine learning applications. Efficiently mapping these applications to rapid evolutions of GPU architectures for high performance is a well-known challenge. Various performance inefficiencies exist in GPU kernels that impede applications from obtaining bare-metal performance. While existing tools are able to measure these inefficiencies, they mostly focus on data collection and presentation, requiring significant manual efforts to understand the root causes for actionable optimization. Thus, we develop DrGPU, a novel profiler that performs top-down analysis to guide GPU code optimization. As its salient feature, DrGPU leverages hardware performance counters available in commodity GPUs to quantify stall cycles, decompose them into various stall reasons, pinpoint root causes, and provide intuitive optimization guidance. With the help of DrGPU, we are able to analyze important GPU benchmarks and applications and obtain nontrivial speedups-up to 1.77× on V100 and 2.03× on GTX 1650. CCS CONCEPTS • Software and its engineering → Compilers; General programming languages; • General and reference → Measurement; Metrics.
… and Analysis (SC), …, 2011
We propose GROPHECY, a GPU performance projection framework that can estimate the performance benefit of GPU acceleration without actual GPU programming or hardware. Users need only to skeletonize pieces of CPU code that are targets for GPU acceleration. Code skeletons are automatically transformed in various ways to mimic tuned GPU codes with characteristics resembling real implementations. The synthesized characteristics are used by an existing analytical model to project GPU performance. The cost and benefit of GPU development can then be estimated according to the transformed code skeleton that yields the best projected performance. With GROPHECY, users can leap toward GPU acceleration only when the cost-benefit makes sense. The framework is validated using kernel benchmarks and data-parallel codes in legacy scientific applications. The measured performance of manually tuned codes deviates from the projected performance by 17% in geometric mean.
Tuning code for GPGPU and other emerging many-core platforms is a challenge because few models or tools can precisely pinpoint the root cause of performance bottlenecks. In this paper, we present a performance analysis framework that can help shed light on such bottlenecks for GPGPU applications. Although a handful of GPGPU profiling tools exist, most of the traditional tools, unfortunately, simply provide programmers with a variety of measurements and metrics obtained by running applications, and it is often difficult to map these metrics to understand the root causes of slowdowns, much less decide what next optimization step to take to alleviate the bottleneck. In our approach, we first develop an analytical performance model that can precisely predict performance and aims to provide programmer-interpretable metrics. Then, we apply static and dynamic profiling to instantiate our performance model for a particular input code and show how the model can predict the potential performance benefits. We demonstrate our framework on a suite of micro-benchmarks as well as a variety of computations extracted from real codes.
Parallel Computing, 2021
To address the challenge of performance analysis on the US DOE's forthcoming exascale supercomputers, Rice University has been extending its HPCToolkit performance tools to support measurement and analysis of GPU-accelerated applications. To help developers understand the performance of accelerated applications as a whole, HPCToolkit's measurement and analysis tools attribute metrics to calling contexts that span both CPUs and GPUs. To measure GPU-accelerated applications efficiently, HPCToolkit employs a novel wait-free data structure to coordinate monitoring and attribution of GPU performance. To help developers understand the performance of complex GPU code generated from high-level programming models, HPCToolkit constructs sophisticated approximations of call path profiles for GPU computations. To support fine-grained analysis and tuning, HPCToolkit uses PC sampling and instrumentation to measure and attribute GPU performance metrics to source lines, loops, and inlined code. To supplement fine-grained measurements, HPCToolkit can measure GPU kernel executions using hardware performance counters. To provide a view of how an execution evolves over time, HPCToolkit can collect, analyze, and visualize call path traces within and across nodes. Finally, on NVIDIA GPUs, HPCToolkit can derive and attribute a collection of useful performance metrics based on measurements using GPU PC samples. We illustrate HPCToolkit's new capabilities for analyzing GPU-accelerated applications with several codes developed as part of the Exascale Computing Project.
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis on - SC '13, 2013
Performance analysis of GPU-accelerated systems requires a system-wide view that considers both CPU and GPU components. In this paper, we describe how to extend system-wide, sampling-based performance analysis methods to GPU-accelerated systems. Since current GPUs do not support sampling, our implementation required careful coordination of instrumentation-based performance data collection on GPUs with sampling-based methods employed on CPUs. In addition, we also introduce a novel technique for analyzing systemic idleness in CPU/GPU systems. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques with application case studies on Titan and Keeneland. Some of the highlights of our case studies are: 1) we improved performance for LULESH 1.0 by 30%, 2) we identified a hardware performance problem on Keeneland, 3) we identified a scaling problem in LAMMPS derived from CUDA initialization, and 4) we identified a performance problem that is caused by GPU synchronization operations that suffer delays due to blocking system calls. A B KernelM KernelN wait wait Hot spot analysis Blame shifting 40% 5% CPU GPU Timeline : Here we consider a timeline for a CPU-GPU execution. The CPU executes code fragments A and B, and spends a total of 45% of its time waiting. Tuning GPU KernelN has the potential for a larger reduction in execution time than tuning GPU KernelM. Hot spot analysis would identify KernelM, the longer of the two, as the most promising candidate for tuning. Our CPU-GPU blame shifting approach would highlight KernelN since it has a greater potential for reducing CPU idleness.
GPU architectures are increasingly important in the multi-core era due to their high number of parallel processors. Programming thousands of massively parallel threads is a big challenge for software engineers, but understanding the performance bottlenecks of those parallel programs on GPU architectures to improve application performance is even more difficult. Current approaches rely on programmers to tune their applications by exploiting the design space exhaustively without fully understanding the performance characteristics of their applications. To provide insights into the performance bottlenecks of parallel applications on GPU architectures, we propose a simple analytical model that estimates the execution time of massively parallel programs. The key component of our model is estimating the number of parallel memory requests (we call this the memory warp parallelism) by considering the number of running threads and memory bandwidth. Based on the degree of memory warp parallelism, the model estimates the cost of memory requests, thereby estimating the overall execution time of a program. Comparisons between the outcome of the model and the actual execution time in several GPUs show that the geometric mean of absolute error of our model on micro-benchmarks is 5.4% and on GPU computing applications is 13.3%. All the applications are written in the CUDA programming language.
GPUs develop at a rapid pace, with new architectures emerging every 12 to 18 months. Every new GPU architecture introduces new features, expecting to improve on previous generations. However, the impact of these changes on the performance of GPGPU applications may not be directly apparent; it is often unclear to developers how exactly these features will affect the performance of their code. In this paper we propose a suite of microbenchmarks to uncover the performance of novel GPU hardware features in isolation. We target features in both the memory system and the arithmetic cores. We further ensure, by design, that our microbenchmarks capture the massively parallel nature of the GPUs, while providing finegrained timing information at the level of individual compute units. Using this benchmarking suite, we study the differences between three of the most recent NVIDIA architectures: Pascal, Turing, and Ampere. We find that the architecture differences can have a meaningful impact on both synthetic and more realistic applications. This impact is visible both in terms of outright performance, but also affects the choice of execution parameters for realistic applications. We conclude that microbenchmarking, adapted to massive GPU parallelism, can expose differences between GPU generations, and discuss how it can be adapted for future architectures. CCS CONCEPTS • Computer systems organization → Multicore architectures; • Software and its engineering → Software performance; • Computing methodologies → Parallel programming languages.
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2021
This study analyzes the efficiency of parallel computational applications with the adoption of recent graphics processing units (GPUs). We investigate the impacts of the additional resources of recent architecture on the popular benchmarks compared with previous architecture. Our simulation results demonstrate that Pascal GPU architecture improves the performance by 273% on average compared to old-fashioned Fermi architecture. To evaluate the performance improvement depending on specific hardware resources, we divide the hardware resources into two types: computing and memory resources. Computing resources have bigger impact on performance improvement than memory resources in most of benchmarks. For hotspot and B+ tree, the architecture adopting only enhanced computing resources can achieve similar performance gains of the architecture adopting both computing and memory resources. We also evaluate the influence of the number of warp schedulers in the SM (streaming multiprocessor) to the GPU performance in relationship with barrier waiting time. Based on these analyses, we propose the development direction for the future generation of GPUs.
2021 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)
Developing efficient GPU kernels can be difficult because of the complexity of GPU architectures and programming models. Existing performance tools only provide coarse-grained suggestions at the kernel level, if any. In this paper, we describe GPA, a performance advisor for NVIDIA GPUs that suggests potential code optimization opportunities at a hierarchy of levels, including individual lines, loops, and functions. To relieve users of the burden of interpreting performance counters and analyzing bottlenecks, GPA uses data flow analysis to approximately attribute measured instruction stalls to their root causes and uses information about a program's structure and the GPU to match inefficiency patterns with suggestions for optimization. To quantify each suggestion's potential benefits, we developed PC samplingbased performance models to estimate its speedup. Our experiments with benchmarks and applications show that GPA provides an insightful report to guide performance optimization. Using GPA, we obtained speedups on a Volta V100 GPU ranging from 1.03× to 3.86×, with a geometric mean of 1.22×.
Abstract Tuning code for GPGPU and other emerging many-core platforms is a challenge because few models or tools can precisely pinpoint the root cause of performance bottlenecks. In this paper, we present a performance analysis framework that can help shed light on such bottlenecks for GPGPU applications.
Current GPU tools and performance models provide some common architectural insights that guide the programmers to write optimal code. We challenge these performance models, by modeling and analyzing a lesser known, but very severe performance pitfall, called 'Partition Camping', in NVIDIA GPUs. Partition Camping is caused by memory accesses that are skewed towards a subset of the available memory partitions, which may degrade the performance of memory-bound CUDA kernels by up to seven-times. No existing tool can detect the partition camping effect in CUDA kernels. We complement the existing tools by developing 'CampProf', a spreadsheet based, visual analysis tool, that detects the degree to which any memory-bound kernel suffers from partition camping. In addition, CampProf also predicts the kernel's performance at all execution configurations, if its performance parameters are known at any one of them. To demonstrate the utility of CampProf, we analyze three different applications using our tool, and demonstrate how it can be used to discover partition camping. We also demonstrate how CampProf can be used to monitor the performance improvements in the kernels, as the partition camping effect is being removed. The performance model that drives CampProf was developed by applying multiple linear regression techniques over a set of specific micro-benchmarks that simulated the partition camping behavior. Our results show that the geometric mean of errors in our prediction model is within 12% of the actual execution times. In summary, CampProf is a new, accurate, and easy-to-use tool that can be used in conjunction with the existing tools to analyze and improve the overall performance of memory-bound CUDA kernels.
Sketch and taxonomies of current performance modeling landscape for GPGPU.A thorough description of 10 different approaches to GPU performance modeling.Empirical evaluation of models' performance using three kernels and four GPUs.Discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the studied model classes. GPUs are gaining fast adoption as high-performance computing architectures, mainly because of their impressive peak performance. Yet most applications only achieve small fractions of this performance. While both programmers and architects have clear opinions about the causes of this performance gap, finding and quantifying the real problems remains a topic for performance modeling tools. In this paper, we sketch the landscape of modern GPUs' performance limiters and optimization opportunities, and dive into details on modeling attempts for GPU-based systems. We highlight the specific features of the relevant contributions in this field, along with the optimization and design sp...
2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)
Automating the device selection in heterogeneous computing platforms requires the modelling of performance both on CPUs and on accelerators. This work argues for the use of a hybrid analytical performance modelling approach is a practical way to build fast and efficient methods to select an appropriate target for a given computation kernel. The target selection problem has been addressed in the literature, however there has been a strong emphasis on building empirical models with machine learning techniques. We argue that the applicability of such solutions is often limited in production systems. This paper focus on the issue of building a selector to decide if an OpenMP loop nest should be executed in a CPU or in a GPU. To this end, it offers a comprehensive comparison evaluation of the difference in GPU kernel performance on devices of multiple generations of architectures. The idea is to underscore the need for accurate analytical performance models and to provide insights in the evolution of GPU accelerators. This work also highlights a drawback of existing approaches to modelling GPU performance-accurate modelling of memory coalescing characteristics. To that end, we examine a novel application of an inter-thread difference analysis that can further improve analytical models. Finally, this work presents an initial study of an Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) runtime framework for target-offloading target selection.
Proceedings of the 36th annual international symposium on Computer architecture, 2009
GPU architectures are increasingly important in the multi-core era due to their high number of parallel processors. Programming thousands of massively parallel threads is a big challenge for software engineers, but understanding the performance bottlenecks of those parallel programs on GPU architectures to improve application performance is even more difficult. Current approaches rely on programmers to tune their applications by exploiting the design space exhaustively without fully understanding the performance characteristics of their applications. To provide insights into the performance bottlenecks of parallel applications on GPU architectures, we propose a simple analytical model that estimates the execution time of massively parallel programs. The key component of our model is estimating the number of parallel memory requests (we call this the memory warp parallelism) by considering the number of running threads and memory bandwidth. Based on the degree of memory warp parallelism, the model estimates the cost of memory requests, thereby estimating the overall execution time of a program. Comparisons between the outcome of the model and the actual execution time in several GPUs show that the geometric mean of absolute error of our model on micro-benchmarks is 5.4% and on GPU computing applications is 13.3%. All the applications are written in the CUDA programming language.
International Journal of Computing, 2014
This paper examines the computational programming issues that arise from the introduction of GPUs and multi-core computer systems. The discussions and analyses examine the implication of two principles (spatial and temporal locality) that provide useful metrics to guide programmers in designing and implementing efficient sequential and parallel application programs. Spatial and temporal locality represents a science of information flow and is relevant in the development of highly efficient computational programs. The art of high performance programming is to take combinations of these principles and unravel the bottlenecks and latencies associate with the architecture for each manufacturer computer system, and develop appropriate coding and/or task scheduling schemes to mitigate or eliminate these latencies.
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 1999
The advent of superscalar processors with out-of-or der execution makes it increasingly difficult to determine how we ll an applica- tion is utilizing the processor and how to adapt th e application to improve its performance. In this paper, we describ e a visualiza- tion system for the analysis of application behavio r on superscalar processors. Our system provides an
2019 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2019
Nowadays, there are several different architectures available not only for the industry, but also for normal consumers. Traditional multicore processors, GPUs, accelerators such as the Sunway SW26010, or even energy efficiency-driven processors such as the ARM family, present very different architectural characteristics. This wide range of characteristics presents a challenge for the developers of applications. Developers must deal with different instruction sets, memory hierarchies, or even different programming paradigms when programming for these architectures. Therefore, the same application can perform well when executing on one architecture, but poorly on another architecture. To optimize an application, it is important to have a deep understanding of how it behaves on different architectures. The related work in this area mostly focuses on a limited analysis encompassing execution time and energy. In this paper, we perform a detailed investigation on the impact of the memory subsystem of different architectures, which is one of the most important aspects to be considered. For this study, we performed experiments in the Broadwell CPU and Pascal GPU, using applications from the Rodinia benchmark suite. In this way, we were able to understand why an application performs well on one architecture and poorly on others.
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