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The corrosive marine environment is a threat to the ultimate strength of steel sandwich structures. Therefore, ultimate strength experiments were carried out in three-point bending for beams with different corrosion exposure times, i.e. one and two years. Standard laser-welded web-core sandwich beams are studied and different corrosion protection systems considered. The beams experienced general corrosion. The thickness reduction in unprotected plates and laser welds is around the typical 0.1 mm/year. This led to an ultimate strength reduction of 10% and 17% for beams with exposure times of one and two years, respectively. The experimental ultimate strength is in agreement with finite element simulations. The ultimate strength was maintained for the beams protected with coating or closed-cell polyurethane (PU) foam.
Jelovica, J., Romanoff, J. and Remes, H., “Influence of general corrosion on buckling strength of laser-welded web-core sandwich plates”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.101, 2014, p. 342-350.
The strength of a web-core steel sandwich plate is potentially reduced in a corrosive environment. This study is dedicated to the influence of a reduction in the thickness of the plates as a result of general corrosion on sandwich plate buckling strength and first-fibre failure. Two scenarios are investigated in which corrosion reduces the thickness of (a) the outer sides of the face plates and (b) all surfaces, including the core. The laser weld between the face sheets and the core is assumed to be intact. The assumptions are made on the basis of earlier experimental findings. Critical buckling and geometric non-linear analysis are carried out with the finite element method, with the kinematics being represented using two approaches: (1) equivalent single-layer with first-order shear deformation theory, and (2) a three-dimensional model of the actual geometry of the structure, modelled using shell and connector elements. The former is used to identify the effect of corrosion on the stiffness coefficients and, consequently, the buckling strength. The latter is used for verification and for stress prediction during post-buckling. A rapid decrease in the buckling strength was found for corrosion affecting the outer sides of the sandwich plate. The decrease in the buckling strength doubled in the case of the diffusion of moisture (water) into the core. The shear-induced secondary bending of the faces was found to affect the first-fibre yield.
Materials & Design, 2017
Laser stake-welded steel sandwich panels are widely used in engineering due to their high stiffness-to-weight ratios. The welds are thinner than the plates they join so that there are two crack-like notches on each side of a weld. As a consequence, the welded joints are susceptible to fatigue. In this study, as a remedy to the fatigue problem, low-density H80-grade Divinycell polyvinylchloride foam is bonded adhesively to the voids of stakewelded web-core sandwich beams. The foam reduces shear-induced stresses in the stake-welds. The choice of Divinycell H80 is founded on earlier J-integral-based finite element fatigue assessments of sandwich panels. Empty and the H80-filled sandwich beams are tested in three-point-bending for stiffness, ultimate strength and fatigue (load ratio R = 0.05). The failure modes in the weld joint region are studied using scanning electron microscopy. The experimental results show that the filling increases the stiffness of the sandwich beams by a factor of three while the weight is increased only by 6%. The ultimate strength is increased by 2.7 times. As for the fatigue behavior, the slope increases from m = 4.508 of empty panels to m = 7.321 of filled panels while the load level at 2 million cycles increases by a factor of 8.5.
Marine Structures, 2007
This paper presents an approach to the structural analysis of patch-loaded, laser-welded web-core sandwich plates. This approach is especially suitable for the concept design phase of ship structures. The method consists of two parts; the global bending response is evaluated using sandwich plate theory and the local response of the patch-loaded face plate is determined with the help of basic plate theory. Both analyses utilise analytical and numerical methods and include the effect of the rotation stiffness of the laser-welded T-joint between the face and web plate. Combining the results of these two analyses gives the total response of the web-core sandwich plate. The results of the proposed approach are compared to those given by 3D solid and shell element FE analyses and the agreement of deflections and normal stresses is found to be good. The sensitivity of the response to patch-load size, T-joint rotation stiffness, and plate aspect ratio is studied. The main benefits of the proposed approach are its short analysis time and the good accuracy of deflections and stresses. This considered advantageous when applied to the design of large ship structures such as hoistable car decks.
Analytical models for the dynamic response of sandwich beams to an underwater shock are developed. The relative performance of the clamped beams is sensitive to the choice of the core topology of the beams. It is found that lattice cores with high through-thickness and longitudinal strength outperform metallic foam cores. It is concluded that sandwich panels have high potential as lightweight structures capable of mitigating shock.
The thesis presents a theory for the bending of laser-welded web-core sandwich plates. The sandwich plate theory and homogenization are utilised, enabling a similar, fairly coarse, FE mesh to be used for design alternatives with different cross-sectional dimensions. This is considered to be beneficial during the design, when different alternatives should be evaluated. The thesis also studies the main factors that contribute to the total bending response of laser-welded webcore sandwich plates. The actual periodic structure is homogenized, giving equivalent stiffness properties for the sandwich plate. The differential equations for this homogenous sandwich plate, with thick face plates, consist of those for displacements of the well-known Reissner-Mindlin and Kirchoff plate theories. Therefore, the solution of these differential equations can be carried out using commercial Finite Element software. The periodic structure is reconsidered when the stress formulations are derived. The approach is validated with Finite Element calculations based on actual 3D topology. The rotation stiffness of the laser stake welded T-joint between the web and face plate is derived experimentally. This is considered to be important since the rotation stiffness affects the shear stiffness in the opposite direction to that of the web plate. An experimental procedure for the determination of the T-joint rotation stiffness is developed and validated. The mechanics of the T-joint are investigated with Finite Element analyses. The moment introduced by the web plate to the face plate is very important when deflections and normal stresses are considered. This moment is affected by the stiffnesses of the web plate and the T-joint. The deflections are significantly increased by a decrease in the web plate or T-joint rotation stiffness. The influence is greatest with cross-sections where the face plate thickness is large and the web plate spacing is small. Plates with a low aspect ratio under a uniform pressure load have the same maximum deflection, regardless of the T-joint rotation stiffness. Contrary to this, plates with a high aspect ratio or a patch load on a small area are very sensitive to rotation stiffness. The periodicity of the structure is found to have a significant influence on normal stresses in the face and web plates. Because of homogenization shear-induced, periodic, normal stresses vanish. In actual structures these stresses can be an order of magnitude higher than those induced by the bending moments of the sandwich plate. Therefore, the periodic structure as presented in this thesis should be taken into consideration when the normal stresses are calculated. Patch loads on a very small area can cause normal stresses even higher than those induced by shear. The web plate thickness is found to have a significant influence on stresses, but in the measured range of T-joint rotation stiffness values, the stresses are found to be unaffected.
Steel sandwich panels welded by laser can offer 30-50 % weight savings compared to the conventional steel structures. Helsinki University of Technology/Ship Laboratory has done active research during the past 10 years on various topics related to the laser welded steel sandwich panels. The work carried out includes development of design formulations for the ultimate and impact strength, analysis of fatigue strength for the joints, and development of solutions to improve the behaviour under fire. A number of research projects both at the national and European level have been ongoing. In the paper, a summary of the marine applications, main benefits and problem areas of the panels as well as available design tools are given. A case study for weight and cost optimisation of a hoistable cardeck is also presented proving some of the described benefits of all steel sandwich panels.
Brodogradnja, 2005
Sažetak Steel sandwich panels welded by laser can offer 30-50% weight savings compared to the conventional steel structures. Helsinki University of Technology/Ship Laboratory has done active research during the past 10 years on various topics related to the laser welded steel sandwich panels. The work carried out includes development of design formulations for the ultimate and impact strength, analysis of fatigue strength for the joints, and development of solutions to improve the behaviour under fire. A number of research ...
Corrosion Science, 2014
The state-of-the-art in modelling the influence of corrosion damage on the ultimate strength of aged steel-plated maritime platforms is reviewed. This critical review outlines the corrosion mechanisms and fundamentals of steel-plated structures in the marine environment. Recent developments in mathematical modelling strategies, in association with in situ thickness measurements, have significantly enhanced the qualitative understanding of the corrosion processes at various locations within marine structures. Based on the corrosion prediction, both experimental and numerical methods have been adopted to realistically assess the ultimate strength of such corroded steel ship structures, in order to ultimately improve the survey and repair strategies.
Thin-Walled Structures, 2007
The purpose of this paper is to describe experiments carried out on laser stake welded T-joints of web-core steel sandwich structures. A special test setup was developed to measure the shear-induced rotation at the T-joint. The ratio of the shear force to rotation angle gave the joint stiffness. This stiffness was measured for specimens with two different face-plate thicknesses. The influence of weld thickness, root gap and occurrence of contact were further investigated with finite element simulations. Finally, the shear stiffness of the sandwich structure transverse to the web plate direction was determined using the experimentally obtained average joint stiffness value. The validation of the shear stiffness was carried out by considering a beam in four-point bending. The agreement between calculated deflection and stress and experimental results was found to be good. r
Applied Composite Materials, 1996
An analytical determination of the ultimate strength of a typical GRP/PVC sandwich beam has been performed. These beams represent common building practise in marine applications. Equations describing the behaviour of a sandwich panel under beam loading and various failure modes have been developed. The method has been applied to predict the ultimate load for a simple supported sandwich beam. The critical loads have been compared with those from the experimental investigation of a typical bulkhead-to-hull GRP/PVC sandwich T-joint under pull out forces.
Corrosion can lead to reduction of structural stiffness and strength. This paper investigates the influence of a reduction in the thickness of the plates as a result of general corrosion on sandwich panel buckling load and onset of plasticity. The results are compared to the stiffened panel of the same in-plane and bending stiffness. Current guidelines for corrosion protection threat these two structures equally. Load-shortening curves are obtained with the finite element method, with the kinematics being represented using two approaches: (1) equivalent single-layer with first-order shear deformation theory, and (2) a three-dimensional model of the actual geometry of the structure, modeled using shell and connector elements. The former is also used to identify the influence of corrosion on the stiffness coefficients and, consequently, the buckling load, also via analytical equation. The decrease of the buckling load is found higher in sandwich panel than in stiffened panel. The redu...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2010
This is the last of three companion papers which examine the elastic buckling and collapse of laser-welded a sandwich panels with an adhesively bonded core and uni-directional vertical webs. By evaluation of the buckling stress in the first two papers it has been found that the buckling stress in compression parallel and normal to the webs typically reaches the proportional limit of the face plate and web material well before elastic buckling occurs. Hence, this paper presents an extension of the buckling model into the elasto-plastic regime, with the aim to determine the ultimate (local) strength of the sandwich and to allow experimental verification of the results. Using tangent modulus theory to 'plasticise' the elastic buckling model, the ultimate strength is evaluated for a sandwich configuration with high-strength steel face plates and a broad range of core moduli. The critical load predicted by the inelastic buckling model agrees well with non-linear finite element results and experimental values obtained from compression testing.
Volume 6 Number 2, 2010
There are a large number of steel structures subjected to corrosion due to environmental exposure; which results in reduction of its load carrying capacity. In this paper, thickness loss data were compiled from three samples of corrosion damaged I-beams, removed from a petrochemical industry. Common examples of corrosion that were found included damage loss of section in flanges and holes in the web which is likely to reduce the shear capacity significantly. The collected data was used to calculate the percentage of remaining shear capacity. Corrosion damaged model was developed for steel I-beams based on average measured thicknesses of corroded beams. Formulas were developed to relate the percentage of remaining shear capacity to percentage thickness loss of the corrosion damaged I-beam. It will be shown that very few approximations were needed to derive these analytical relations. The effects of corrosion on steel beams are analyzed by evaluating the remaining capacity with regard to shear failure. Hence, the results of this study can be used for better prediction of the service life for deteriorating steel beams.
Corrosion of steel rebar is the most common source of degradation in reinforced concrete structures of marine environments. The effect of plain reinforcement corrosion on the flexural response of post-tensioned (PT) concrete structures is, however, not fully assessed yet. This paper presents the results of an experimental study involving the flexural behavior of sound, deteriorated and repaired PT beams under monotonic loading. The effect of concrete removal from the beam due to the corrosion of reinforcing bars and the efficiency of high performance patch repair for restoring the load-bearing capacity of deteriorated beam have been investigated. It was found that repairing with high performance concrete can enhance the structural performance of deteriorated PT beams with non-corroded tendons.
Composite Structures, 2007
This paper presents a stress analysis method for web-core sandwich beams. The beam is a transverse cut from a sandwich plate. The analysis is carried out by transforming the initially periodic web-core sandwich beam, constructed from a set of unit cells, into an equivalent homogenous sandwich beam. Certain deformation components are set equal both in periodic and homogenous beams when a unit cell is considered. The structural analysis of the homogenized beam follows thick face plate kinematics giving the deflection, bending moment and shear force distributions. Then the normal stress components can be calculated accurately by reconsidering the periodic structure of the beam. The validation of the proposed method is carried out with FE-analyses.
Composite Structures, 2006
This paper presents a new analytical solution for the bending response of a web-core sandwich beam. The beam is a transverse cut from the sandwich plate. The method is based on the plane frame analysis, where the response of the beam is divided into local and global components. The ClebschÕs method is used to calculate the deflection of the face plates. The validation of the plane frame method is carried out with FE-analyses based on the shell element formulation. Also a comparison is made with the method based on homogenized beam. Periodic stress distributions in the face plates are revealed with the plane frame analysis and are supported by the FE-analysis. The existing methods based on homogenized beam are not able to predict these stresses. The plane frame analysis can benefit the development of the theory related to web-core sandwich plate.
Ecf17 Brno 2008, 2013
An investigation was conducted on failure of composite sandwich beams under threepoint bending and in cantilever beams under end loading. The beams consisted of unidirectional carbon/epoxy facings and a variety of core materials, including aluminum honeycomb, PVC closedcell foams, polyurethane foam and balsa wood. The constituent materials were fully characterized and in the case of the core materials, failure envelopes were developed for biaxial states of stress. Deformation and failure mechanisms include core shear failure and compression facing wrinkling. Results were obtained for stress (strain) distributions in the linear and nonlinear/plastic range of the core, critical failure loads due to shear core failure and compression facing wrinkling and their dependence on geometrical dimensions, material parameters and loading conditions. w
Materials and Corrosion-werkstoffe Und Korrosion, 2009
The load bearing capacity (LBC), often referred to as strength, of spot-welded joints on as-received and pre-strained sheets of an interstitial free (IF) steel has been examined under 3.5% sodium chloride solution using tensile-shear (TS) specimens. These tests have been carried out under three different test conditions: (i) after immersing the samples in the solution for various duration of time, (ii) at various slow strain rates by keeping the samples in solution, and (iii) at slow strain rate under in situ hydrogen charging. Analyses of the results infer that (i) increased duration of immersion of the samples in aggressive environment decreases their LBC but increases their extension corresponding to the maximum load (EML), (ii) slow strain rate tests in the solution indicate marginal decrease of LBC and EML of the spot-welds, (iii) the LBC and EML of the spot-welds of pre-strained sheets decrease considerably with cathodic hydrogen charging while EML of the spot-welded joints on the as-received sheets is found to improve, and finally, (iv) the detrimental effect of corrosive environment increases with increased pre-strain of the investigated sheets. These observations have been discussed together with post-failure examinations of the broken fractured surfaces, which have assisted in understanding their failure mechanism.
An assessment of the underwater blast resistance of sandwich beams with a prismatic Y-truss core is presented, utilizing three-dimensional finite element calculations. Results show a significant performance benefit for sandwich construction when compared to a monolithic plate of the same mass when the sandwich core combines high shear strength with low compressive strength.
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