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2023, The Kantian Mind, edited by Mark Timmons & Sorin Baiasu (Routledge)…
15 pages
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Kant’s ‘Analytic of Principles’ is in many regards the lynch-pin of the Critique of Pure Reason; it can be understood only by recognising what Kant draws together in it from his systematic study of our basic human forms of conceptually structured judgment and our forms of sensory receptivity. This chapter begins with seven parameters of Kant’s analysis of the principles of cognitive judgment (§1). It then epitomizes his four sets of principles of cognitive judgment (§2): the ‘Axioms of Intuition’, the ‘Anticipations of Perception’ (§3), the ‘Analogies of Experience’ (§4) and the ‘Postulates of Empirical Thinking’ (§5); his ‘Refutation’ of empirical ‘Idealism’ (§6), and his Critical grounds for distinguishing between phenomena and noumena (§7). Following some Critical observations (§8), it concludes with a diagram of Kant’s Critical account of perceptual knowledge (§9).
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 2005
In the Critique of Pure Reason Kant appears to characterize analytic judgments in four distinct ways: once in terms of “containment,” a second time in terms of “identity,” a third time in terms of the explicative–ampliative contrast, and a fourth time in terms of the notion of “cognizability in accordance with the principle of contradiction.” The paper asks: Which of these characterizations—or apparent characterizations—best captures Kant’s conception of analyticity in the first Critique? It suggests: “the second.” It argues, further, that Kant’s distinction is intended to apply only to judgments of subject–predicate form, and that the fourth alleged characterization is not properly speaking a characterization at all. These theses are defended in the course of a more general investigation of the distinction’s meaning, its epistemology, and its tenability.
Inquiry, 2012
Both parties in the active philosophical debate concerning the conceptual character of perception trace their roots back to Kant's account of sensible intuition in the Critique of Pure Reason. This striking fact can be attributed to Kant's tendency both to assert and to deny the involvement of our conceptual capacities in sensible intuition. He appears to waver between these two positions in different passages, and can thus seem thoroughly confused on this issue. But this is not, in fact, the case, for, as I will argue, the appearance of contradiction in his account stems from the failure of some commentators to pay sufficient attention to Kant's developmental approach to philosophy. Although he begins by asserting the independence of intuition, Kant proceeds from this nonconceptualist starting point to reveal a deeper connection between intuitions and concepts. On this reading, Kant's seemingly conflicting claims are actually the result of a careful and deliberate strategy for gradually convincing his readers of the conceptual nature of perception.
The Critical Philosophy Next we turn to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, a watershed figure who forever altered the course of philosophical thinking in the Western tradition. Long after his thorough indoctrination into the quasi-scholastic German appreciation of the metaphysical systems of Leibniz and Wolff, Kant said, it was a careful reading of David Hume that "interrupted my dogmatic slumbers and gave my investigations in the field of speculative philosophy a quite new direction." Having appreciated the full force of such skeptical arguments, Kant supposed that the only adequate response would be a "Copernican Revolution" in philosophy, a recognition that the appearance of the external world depends in some measure upon the position and movement of its observers. This central idea became the basis for his lifelong project of developing a critical philosophy that could withstand them. Kant's aim was to move beyond the traditional dichotomy between rationalism and empiricism. The rationalists had tried to show that we can understand the world by careful use of reason; this guarantees the indubitability of our knowledge but leaves serious questions about its practical content. The empiricists, on the other hand, had argued that all of our knowledge must be firmly grounded in experience; practical content is thus secured, but it turns out that we can be certain of very little. Both approaches have failed, Kant supposed, because both are premised on the same mistaken assumption. Progress in philosophy, according to Kant, requires that we frame the epistemological problem in an entirely different way. The crucial question is not how we can bring ourselves to understand the world, but how the world comes to be understood by us. Instead of trying, by reason or experience, to make our concepts match the nature of objects, Kant held, we must allow the structure of our concepts shape our experience of objects. This is the purpose of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1781, 1787): to show how reason determines the conditions under which experience and knowledge are possible. Varieties of Judgment In the Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysic (1783) Kant presented the central themes of the first Critique in a somewhat different manner, starting from instances in which we do appear to have achieved knowledge and asking under what conditions each case becomes possible. So he began by carefully drawing a pair of crucial distinctions among the judgments we do actually make. The first distinction separates a priori from a posteriori judgments by reference to the origin of our knowledge of them. A priori judgments are based upon reason alone, independently of all sensory experience, and therefore apply with strict universality. A posteriori judgments, on the other hand, must be grounded upon experience and are consequently limited and uncertain in their application to specific cases. Thus, this distinction also marks the difference traditionally noted in logic between necessary and contingent truths. But Kant also made a less familiar distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments, according to the information conveyed as their content. Analytic judgments are those whose predicates are wholly contained in their subjects; since they add nothing to our concept of the subject, such judgments are purely explicative and can be deduced from the principle of non-contradiction. Synthetic judgments, on the other hand, are those whose predicates are wholly distinct from their subjects, to which they must be shown to relate because of some real connection external to the concepts themselves. Hence, synthetic judgments are genuinely informative but require justification by reference to some outside principle. Kant supposed that previous philosophers had failed to differentiate properly between these two distinctions. Both Leibniz and Hume had made just one distinction, between matters of fact based on sensory experience and the uninformative truths of pure reason. In fact, Kant held, the two distinctions are not entirely coextensive; we need at least to consider all four of their logically possible combinations: Analytic a posteriori judgments cannot arise, since there is never any need to appeal to experience in support of a purely explicative assertion. Synthetic a posteriori judgments are the relatively uncontroversial matters of fact we come to know by means of our sensory experience (though Wolff had tried to derive even these from the principle of contradiction). Analytic a priori judgments, everyone agrees, include all merely logical truths and straightforward matters of definition; they are necessarily true.
Kant-Studien, 2024
It is well known that Kant connects judgment and feeling in the third Critique. However, the precise relationship between these two faculties remains virtually unexplored, in large part due to the unpopularity of Kant's faculty psychology. This paper considers why, for Kant, judgment and feeling go together, arguing that he had good philosophical reasons for forging this connection. The discussion begins by situating these faculties within Kant's mature faculty psychology. While the 'power of judgment' [Urteilskraft] is fundamentally reflective, feeling [Gefühl] reveals itself as essentially non-discursive. Their systematic connection emerges through the principle of purposiveness [Zweckmäßigkeit], which the former legislates for the latter. I claim that we must understand this notion in terms of the suitability of the faculties for each other, as displayed in mere reflection. That is, we can only recognize the fitness of two things for each other through feeling, which, in turn, is the only way that we can engage in the activity of merely reflecting judgment. I conclude by gesturing at an even further way in which judgment and feeling are related, based on their mutual role in orienting all of the faculties of the human mind.
In order to secure the limits of the critical use of reason, and to succeed in the critique of speculative metaphysics, Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) had to present a full account of human cognitive experience. Perception in Kant’s Model of Experience is a detailed investigation of this aspect of Kant’s grand enterprise with a special focus: perception. The overarching goal is to understand this common phenomenon both in itself and as the key to understanding Kant’s views of experience. In the process, the author argues against any such reading of Kant that puts too much emphasis on concepts and understanding in perception. This means that claims of the sort that intuitions cannot play their role without concepts, that sensibility cannot bring anything to cognition without being mediated through the functions of understanding, or that there is no such thing as concept-independent perception, are shown to be either plainly false or misleading at best. Together with the contemporary topics examined by the end of the book, the findings suggest how the role of conceptual thinking in human cognition has been exaggerated partly because of a misplaced interpretation of Kant, which not only makes perception far more intellectual in character than what was intended by Kant himself, but distorts Kant’s account of cognition by overlooking what there is at the heart of his critical philosophy: the revaluation of sensible cognition.
European Journal of Philosophy , 2018
In the A-preface of the Critique of Pure Reason Kant kindly warns his readers to pay special attention to the chapter on the “Deduction of the Pure Concepts of the Understanding.” Looking to mitigate the reader’s effort, Kant goes on to explain the chapter’s methodology, suggesting that the inquiry will have “two sides.” One side deals with the “objective validity” of the pure categories of the understanding; he calls this the “objective deduction.” The other deals with the powers of cognition on which the understanding rests; he calls this the “subjective deduction.” Having gone to such great lengths to outline his method ahead of time, it comes as no small surprise that the actual chapter offers no clear indication of where the two deductions are located. In this essay, I address this puzzle. On the way, I engage with both traditional and recent interpretations of the subjective deduction, arguing that they fail—in one way or another—to satisfy the criteria that Kant develops in the preface.
Kantian Review, 2023
My aim in this article is to provide an account of practical judgement, for Kant, that situates it within his theory of judgement as a whole – particularly, with regards to the distinction between the determining and reflecting use of judgement. I argue that practical judgement is a kind of determining judgement, but also one in which reflecting judgement plays a significant role. More specifically, I claim that practical judgement arises from the cooperation of the reflecting power of judgement with the faculty of reason – the former assisting the latter in the application of its principle. I conclude by considering a possible role for feeling in practical judgement.
This thesis takes issue with the charge leveled against Kant, that the discursivity principle, which states knowledge of objects requires intuitions as well as concepts, remains unargued for in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, and therefore is an ungrounded presupposition underlying Kant’s Transcendental Idealism. I argue that Kant in the Introduction to the Critique Kant provides sufficient tools from which an argument for this principle can be reconstructed. Kant’s critique of metaphysics is taken as the first step of this argument which proceeds with an analysis of the conditions of synthetic judgments, a priori and a posteriori. This argument rests on comparing the form of thought, whose properties are investigated by the science of General Logic, with the form of knowledge, which Kant finds is displayed by synthetic judgments. The initial critique of metaphysics in the Introduction is, therefore, at the same time a critique of the science of General Logic, and the results of thi...
Griot, 2023
Kant's theory of judgment involves his answer to the question "How is knowledge of the pattern underlying intentional strategies of objective-true and justified-representation of empirical events possible?" When we problematize this question, the problem of the scope of our notion of consistency in empirical reasoning emerges. We will argue in this article that Kant's theory includes a thesis about the circular nature of our patterns of consistency, based on the ability to protect the conceptual presuppositions that harmonize knowledge of truth as opposed to falsity in any paradigm of theoretical reflection. This thesis allows Kant to develop a foundationalism about the knowledge of the content of judgments (the ability to recognize conceptual correctness or rule consistency) without committing to a static and transcendent view of the ideal object of our assertion strategies. In our view, this view is still one of the most competitive in describing the necessary-though not static-status of the propositions of empirical science.
"This paper addresses a number of closely related questions concerning Kant’s model of intentionality, and his conceptions of unity and of magnitude [Grösse]. These questions are important because they shed light on three issues which are central to the Critical system, and which connect directly to the recent analytic literature on perception: the issues are conceptualism, the status of the imagination, and perceptual atomism. In Section 1, I provide a sketch of the exegetical and philosophical problems raised by Kant’s views on these issues. I then develop, in Section 2, a detailed analysis of Kant’s theory of perception as elaborated in both the Critique of Pure Reason and the Critique of Judgment; I show how this analysis provides a preliminary framework for resolving the difficulties raised in Section 1. In Section 3, I extend my analysis of Kant’s position by considering a specific test case: the Axioms of Intuition. I contend that one way to make sense of Kant’s argument is by juxtaposing it with Russell’s response to Bradley’s regress; I focus in particular on the concept of ‘unity’. Finally, I offer, in Section 4, a philosophical assessment of the position attributed to Kant in Sections 2 and 3. I argue that, while Kant’s account has significant strengths, a number of key areas remain underdeveloped; I suggest that the phenomenological tradition may be read as attempting to fill precisely those gaps."
This paper presents an elucidation of Kant's notion of judgment, which clearly is a central challenge to the understanding of the Critic of Pure Reason, as well as of the Transcendental Idealism. In contrast to contemporary interpretation, but taking it as starting point, the following theses will be endorsed here: i) the synthesis of judgment expresses a conceptual relation understood as subordination in traditional Aristotelian logical scheme; ii) the logical form of judgment does not comprise intuitions (or singular representations); iii) the relation to intuition is not a judgment concern; iv) the response to the question about the 'x' that grounds the conceptual relation in judgments must be sought in transcendental aspects: 1) on construction in pure form of intuition, 2) in experience and 3) in the requirements to experience, respectively to mathematical, empirical, and philosophical
Kantian Review, 2022
Kant’s notion of common sense (Gemeinsinn) is crucial not only for his account of judgements of beauty, but also for the link he draws between the necessary conditions of such judgements and cognition in general. Contrary to existing interpretations which connect common sense to pleasure, I argue that it should be understood as the capacity to sense the harmony of the cognitive faculties through asui generissensation distinct from pleasure. This sensed harmony of the faculties is not only the ground of judgements of beauty and the basis of pleasure in the beautiful, but is also essential, I argue, for the reflecting judgements through which we acquire empirical concepts.
Here I reconstruct how Kant constructed his Critique of Pure Reason. I begin with Kant’s initial clues (§2). There are two. One is Johann Nicolas Tetens’ innovation, to require demonstrating the genuine cognitive use of a concept or principle by ‘realising’ it in this sense: demonstratively indicating at least one relevant instance of that concept or principle (§2.1). The second is Kant’s methodological challenge, to figure out how to identify credibly and accurately by philosophical reflection the structure and functioning of sub-personal cognitive processes (§2.2). These are functions and conditions which must be satisfied, if we are to be at all self-conscious in the most basic ways we are. Kant departs radically from both rationalism and empiricism in this regard. I then consider briefly why Kant holds that we have any a priori concepts (§3), taking up one of his examples: the general concept of ‘cause’. Then Kant’s issues about perceptual synthesis are specified by four problems of sensory ‘binding’, as it is now known (§4). These issues are fundamental to sensory-perceptual discrimination and identification. One of Kant’s central tasks is to figure out what is required for such identification and discrimination to be at all possible for us. What functions of sensory-perceptual syntheses must there be? Which such functions can or do we exercise? Kant’s clue, of course, is Aristotle’s logic, which is now known to be both complete and ever so empirically useful (§5). I elucidate these points by recounting the Square of Categorical Oppositions (§5.1) and briefly indicate how Aristotle’s syllogistic logic is cognitively fundamental, because it is the kind of logic of judgment and inference required to identify, develop, assess and use classifications and taxonomies (§5.2). Aristotle’s logic provides Kant’s clue to the twelve fundamental formal aspects of judging, identified and reconstructed by Michael Wolff (§6). I then consider, briefly, how Kant uses his Table of twelve formal aspects judging to identify twelve fundamental concepts, the Categories – plus two more: the concepts of space and of time (§7). The functions Kant assigns to these concepts and their roles in guiding sub-personal sensory-perceptual synthesis and in enabling explicit, self-conscious cognitive judgments are diagrammed for clarity in an Appendix: ‘Kant’s Cognitive Architecture’ (§13). Next I introduce Kant’s semantics of singular, specifically cognitive reference (§8), which is required for experience or knowledge in any non-formal domain, such as that of spatio-temporal particulars (§8.1). After stating (what I call) Kant’s Thesis of Singular Cognitive Reference (§8.2), I specify a set of five cognitively quite distinct activities and achievements, crucial to both empirical knowledge and to epistemology (§8.3). Having made these preparations, I recount Kant’s constructive strategy in the Critique of Pure Reason (§9), beginning with his (express) methodological constructivism (§9.1) and the four (generic) steps involved in the constructivist strategy (§9.2). One important point is Kant’s indication of the two-fold use of the Categories, in sub-personal sensory-perceptual synthesis, and also in any explicit judgments we make about whatever we perceive or experience (§9.3). I then review briefly Kant’s lead question (§9.4), his most basic inventory of our cognitive capacities (§9.5) and his main constructive epistemological (or transcendental) question (§9.6). Answering that question requires addressing five Critical sub-issues (§9.7). With Kant’s agenda thus stated and summarised, I then synopsise the structure of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (§10), focussing on his ‘Analytic of Concepts’ and ‘Analytic of Principles’. For clear conspectus, this structure and its use of Kant’s inventory of basic formal features of our cognitive capacities is tabulated (§14). I then conclude briefly, indicating the aims and scope of this reconstruction of Kant’s construction of the Critique of Pure Reason (§11). (An Appendix begins with §12, containing two diagrams of the Aristotelian Square of Logical Oppositions.)
ii. Strong Kantian non-conceptualiSm Let's consider these Kant-texts. Objects can indeed appear to us without necessarily having to be related to the functions of the understanding. (A89/B122, underlining added) Appearances could after all be so constituted that the understanding would not find them in accord with the conditions of its unity.… Appearances would nonetheless offer objects to our intuition, for intuition by no means requires the functions of thinking. (A90/B123, underlining added) That representation which can be given prior to all thinking is called intuition. (B132, underlining added) The manifold for intuition must already be given prior to the synthesis of the understanding and independently from it. (B145, underlining added) Concept differs from intuition by virtue of the fact that all intuition is singular. He who sees his first tree does not know what it is that he sees. (VL AA 24, p. 905, underlining added)
The author in this text offers a seríes of hypothescs regarding lhe manner in which Kant solvcd lhe fundamental problem of transcendaital philosophy, narnely, the problem of the possibility of synthetic judgements a priorL The task at hand is to determine the a priori conditions required for synthetic judgements to be presumed as either given or true. This, as the author himself indicates, entails an analysis of some of the major steps of Kant's philsophical metod: the theory of categories, the metaphysical and trandscendental exposition of judgements, the status of concepts (eg space and time), and the operations of pure reasori The author also offers an analysis of the theses of objectivity and ideality, as well as Kant's transcendental deduction, In the end, the author demonstrates that there is a circle in Kands transcendental proofs, although not a vicious one.
According to what I call the Judgmentalist Reading (JR), Kant holds that every act of using a concept is an act of judging. Against this, it has been argued that, on the contrary, Kant thinks that concepts are also employed in the perceptual apprehension of objects, which is distinct from judging. However, advocates of this Non-Judgmentalist Reading face the problem that the evidence for JR, which comes primarily from the so-called Metaphysical Deduction, appears to be very strong. The aim of this paper is to address this problem and thus to strengthen the case for the Non-Judgmentalist Reading. To do this, I provide an interpretation of the Metaphysical Deduction that shows that in fact the evidence does not support JR over its competitor. According to this interpretation, Kant holds that the capacity to use concepts depends on the capacity to employ them in judgment. But this does not entail that every exercise of the capacity to use concepts is an act of judgment. So Kant can consistently hold that concepts are employed outside judgment.
Re-Thinking Kant: Vol 7 (ed. Edgar Valdez), 2024
According to a widely held view, a Kantian intuition functions like a singular term. I argue that this view is false. Its apparent plausibility, both textual and philosophical, rests on attributing to Kant a Fregean conception of judgment. I show that Kant does not hold a Fregean conception of judgment and argue that, as a consequence, intuition cannot be understood on analogy with singular terms.
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