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În cadrul manifestărilor Seminarului Internaţional „Didactica” 2016, se derulează Simpozionul „Cea mai preţioasă călătorie este aceea către sufletul nostru, către noi înşine. Călătorie ce o facem în singurătate.” Dacă citatul lui Mircea Eliade ne invită la introspecţie, noi, colectivul de implementare şi cel de organizare, vă invităm într-o călătorie, aceea de cunoaştere a operei sale, o călătorie pe care să o facem împreună, cadre didactice şi elevi din învăţământul preuniversitar.
Analele Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați. Fascicula XX, Sociologie / The Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XX, Sociology, 2016
This study aims to describe the issues specific to international adoption. The author starts from a short presentation of the history of international adoptions in the Republic of Moldova and the specific conditions for making international adoptions in the Republic of Moldova. International adoption has a number of peculiarities, because besides the specific problems that the integration of the child in the adoption family (such as the problems of age, personality and availability between child and family) increase, others factors such as cultural differences and physical differences (color, height, language, race, etc.) between the child and adoptive parents. Another factor that influences international adoptions is legislative policies on international adoptions, policies that can encourage or aggravate the process of international adoption. Although, in essence, international adoption has a noble purpose, to provide children with permanent families, in practice they also encountered situations of irregularities (child trafficking, violations of principle and violations of the law) that led to a negative perception on the process of international adoption.
Cercetări teatrale, 2024
Nina Zarechnaya is metaphorically seen in this research paper as a prototype of the apprentice in acting, as she is clearly a teenager facing the decision to engage in an artistic career and the ensuing hold-backs, such as her desperate attempts to perform, which culminate in personal and professional failure. In my paper, I have attributed a type of syndrome to this famous character, as a label for a great number of obstacles acting students have to overcome.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
G. Schopflin's three-variable equation is a model that attempts to explain the relationship between state, ethnicity, and civil society. The equation suggests that the state, ethnicity, and civil society are interdependent and interact in complex ways. According to this model, the state is a political entity that exercises power and authority over a territory and its citizens. Ethnicity refers to shared cultural and social characteristics that distinguish one group of people from another. Civil society refers to the space between the state and the individual, comprising the networks, organizations, and associations that operate independently of the state.
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2015
One of the most dynamic works of Romanian Orthodox Church in the last 25 years is spiritual care for Romanians working abroad. Sensitive to the pastoral needs of the Romanian Orthodox believers temporarily or permanently established in the countries majority unorthodox, Romanian Patriarchate organized new Orthodox dioceses and parishes in different countries, to ensure to the Romanian believers religious assistance and an appropriate pastoral care, an ethos of life similar of the country, with traditions, habits, religious services and community organization.
Cercetări arheologice, 2022
Acest studiu este dedicat unei categorii speciale de material arheologic, păstrate în colecțiile Muzeului Național de Istorie, terra sigillata de la Feldioara. Analiza a fost realizată pe un lot de 44 de piese ce au fost descoperite în cadrul campaniilor arheologice întreprinse între anii 1987-1990. În urma analizei stilistice (în cazul pieselor cu decor), coroborată cu analiza tipologică și cea a pastelor din care sunt confecționate obiectele am constatat faptul că importurile provin din două mari centre producătoare de terra sigillata: Lezoux și Rheinzabern. Astfel, centrul de la Lezoux reprezintă locul de proveniență a celei mai mari părți din sigilatele descoperite la Feldioara. Atelierele de la Rheinzabern constituie, de asemenea, una dintre sursele principale de terra sigillata de la Feldioara.
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2007
The goal of sustainable design is to find thouse constructive solutions, which are reflected in the construction features, which will ensure on the one hand the welfare and on the other hand the coexistence of the three groups that make up the global ecosystem (inorganic elements, living organisms and people). Achieving sustainable design goal is through education in a conceptual framework that has three levels: principles, strategies and methods. They correspond to the three objectives of architectural education regarding the environment: the creation of care towards the environment, explaining the building ecosystem and learning how buildings can be designed in the concept of sustainable development. Each of this principles includes a unique set of strategies, whose study leads to a better understanding of the interaction with the environment. This creates the premise for analyzing the specific methods that both builders together and architects together with other professionals can apply to reduce the impact of buildings they made with the environment.
Revista Institutului Naţional de Justiţie, 2020
Problematica încadrării societăţii civile în procesul de autoadministrare a justiţiei este de o importanţă vitală pentru societatea și justiţia contemporană. Asigurarea transparenţei decizionale a Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii prin implicarea unui număr mai mare de membri – profesori titulari, în formatul de reprezentanţi ai societăţii civile – a fost unul din obiectivele reformei justiţiei naţionale. Anume argumentarea, calificarea coraportului de competenţe decizionale, ajustarea legii cu privire la Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii la standardele de calitate internaţionale este scopul acestei intervenţii interpretative de natură doctrinară. Valorificarea corectă și eficientă a încadrării societăţii civile în ansamblul complex de autoadministrare a justiţiei contribuie la realizarea eficientă și clară a interacţiunii dintre diferite organe specializate care activează pe lângă Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii, păstrându-și capacitatea decizională proprie și coraportul ...
In prezentul demers stiinţific autorul analizează, in baza izvoarelor de arhivă inedite, modalitatea de instituire si acti- vitate a Comisiei Regionale din cadrul Adunării Deputaţilor Nobilimii din Basarabia in scopul intocmirii unui nou recensământ fiscal al populaţiei. Autorul demonstrează că ţarismul a manifestat un interes special faţă de studierea situaţiei demografice din regiune in scopul impunerii fiscale si asigurării armatei ruse cu produse alimentare, furaje, incartiruirii ostasilor, in condiţiile unui eventul război cu Imperiul Otoman, dar si in scopul asigurării armatei ruse de ocupaţie din regiune. După efectuarea, in scurt timp după anexare, a recensământului populaţiei din 1817, in scopul depunerii de către populaţie a jurământului de credinţă impăratului rus si determinării numărului de contribuabili in teritoriul nou-anexat, ţarismul avea nevoie de un nou recensământ al populaţiei care ar fi reflectat mult mai veridic numărul familiilor de con- tribuabili din Basar...
Locuirea urbana constituie rezultatul complexelor functii socio-economice la nivel de grup si individuale care au loc in spatiul orasului. Calitatea urbana consta in gradul de confort de care beneficiaza populatia orasului, mai ridicat decat in restul teritoriului, rezultat al nivelului de echipare complexa al acestor asezari. Locuirea presupune de asemenea si legatura intre locuinte, dotari tehnico-edilitare si social-culturale iIntr-un scop
Revista Română de Sociologie, 2011
THE AROMANIANS IN CONTEMPORARY ROMANIA Romanians are one of the native people from this part of Europe, the only heirs of the eastern Roman Empire. Romanians were born, as showed in historical and linguistic studies, on both sides of the Danube River, an ethnical continuity on both banks of the river, until the Slav people arrived in the 6th and 7th centuries AD. The political situation created after the First World War caused serious problems for the Aromanians in the newly created Balkan states. There were substantial population exchanges among the Balkanic countries (Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria). This situation led to the change of the ethnic composition in these countries There were three main emigration centers: Meglenia, Veria and Vodena. The idea of the Macedo-Romanians' migration to Cadrilater represents a consequence of the demographic pressure put on the Aromanian population living in Greece. The difficulties, which appeared, caused the migration to Cadrilater of an important Aromanian segment (more than 25 000), between 1925 and 1933. But these circumstances did not mean the end of their tragedy because they were displaced to Constanţa and Tulcea when territory in Cadrilater was ceded to Bulgaria (September 1940). In Dobrudja, the Macedo-Romanians are a linguistic and cultural community, but, at the same time, south-Danubian Romanians, due to hostile historical events, were forced to settle here. In their native lands, they were in contact with other Balkan people, being separated from the body of Carpathian and Danubian Romanianhood. Looking after sheep, carrying merchandise and trading were the main issues that shaped the common ethnic and linguistic aspects of survival on both sides of the Danube River. The paper is focused upon the situation and specific problems of the Aromanians living in contemporary Romania.
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Ph.D. thesis (University of Bucharest - History; University of Bordeaux - Political Science), 2016
Scriitori români de expresie străină. Écrivains roumains d’expression étrangère. Romanian Authors Writing in Foreign Tongues, 2021
Premio de Arquitectura Miguel Martín-Fernández de la Torre. Architecture Award 2008-2017 / Colegio oficial de arquitectos de Gran Canaria (Ed.), p. 167-172, 2020
Limba, literatura, folclor, 2021
Tyragetia, 2015
Diacronia, 2016
Saeculum Christianum
Cercetări arheologice, 2016