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1985, Acta Psychologica
In this study we have attempted to demonstrate the validity of certain hypotheses based on the assumption that in some cases we represent time by means of a linear vector. A verification task in which the subject had to judge the correctness of sentences such as 'he arrived yesterday', 'they will speak tomorrow' was used to test predictions from a model in which there were the following stages of processing: (a) tense representation, i.e., past, present, and future; (b) adverb representation i.e., the localization of particular moments; (c) verification of tense-adverb coincidence: (d) response selection and output. The results support the hypothesis that the past has a longer and more detailed representation than the present and the future. Second, the unit of measurement of time appears not to be constant, but to increase as a function of the distance from the present of the moment to be localized. Third, the present and the future tenses seem to have some typical moments:
Cognition, 2010
The metaphoric mapping theory suggests that abstract concepts, like time, are represented in terms of concrete dimensions such as space. This theory receives support from several lines of research ranging from psychophysics to linguistics and cultural studies; especially strong support comes from recent response time studies. These studies have reported congruency effects between the dimensions of time and space indicating that time evokes spatial representations that may facilitate or impede responses to words with a temporal connotation. The present paper reports the results of three linguistic experiments that examined this congruency effect when participants processed past-and future-related sentences. Response time was shorter when past-related sentences required a left-hand response and future-related sentences a right-hand response than when this mapping of time onto response hand was reversed (Experiment 1). This result suggests that participants can form time-space associations during the processing of sentences and thus this result is consistent with the view that time is mentally represented from left to right. The activation of these time-space associations, however, appears to be non-automatic as shown by the results of Experiments 2 and 3 when participants were asked to perform a non-temporal meaning discrimination task.
In this work we assume that the human mind can- not perceive time directly and thus resorts to a meta- phor of space in order to conceptualize it (Casasanto & Boroditsky, 2008; Gentner et al., 2002; Merrit et al., 2010). We argue that time, which is conceptualized in terms of a path image schema, is needed along with spatial coordinates in order to locate a proposition in a possible world so that it can receive a truth-value. In other words, both time and space are needed to evaluate a proposition. The human mind codides the temporal properties of a proposition by means of three systems, which are based upon Reichenbach's (1947) temporal variables, namely speech time, evaluation time and ut- terance time: tense, which locates an event or situation along the temporal path image schema (past, present or future); aspect, which represents the speaker's view- point of the event or situation conveyed in the utterance (perfectivity and progressivity, among others); and le xical aspect or aktionsart, which encodes the temporal properties of the event or situation itself (i.e. whether it is bound, unbound, or punctual). Speci cally, we pro vide a mathematical model that represents the information codi ed by these three systems by means of a Euclidean vector (a geometric entity characterized by a magnitude, which in our case is a number times an abstract temporal unit) in a four-dimensional-like mental representation, namely an R3+ˆt mental representation: a three dimensional space (R3) de ned by three versors (a vector whose magnitude equals one unit and de nes a line), xˆ, yˆ and zˆ plus a fourth versor ˆt that de nes the temporal path image schema along which the propo- sition must be placed in order to receive a truth value. Ultimately, this work aims to offer a novel account of tense using theoretical tools from cognitive linguistics and formal logic, as well as mathematical formalisms, which will allow us to carry out the computational implementation of the model in NLP systems.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences doi: 10.1111/nyas.12491, 2014
We propose an event-based account of the cognitive and linguistic representation of time and temporal relations. Human beings differ from non-human animals in entertaining and communicating elaborate detached (as opposed to cued) event representations and temporal relational schemas. We distinguish deictically based (D-time) from sequentially based (S-time) representations, identifying these with the philosophical categories of A-series and B-series time. On the basis of crosslinguistic data, we claim that all cultures employ both D-time and S-time representations. We outline a cognitive model of event structure, emphasizing that this does not entail an explicit, separate representation of a time dimension. We propose that the notion of an event-independent, metric “time as such” is not universal, but a cultural and historical construction based on cognitive technologies for measuring time intervals. We critically examine claims that time is universally conceptualized in terms of spatial metaphors, and hypothesize that systematic space-time metaphor is only found in languages and cultures that have constructed the notion of time as a separate dimension. We emphasize the importance of distinguishing what is universal from what is variable in cultural and linguistic representations of time, and speculate on the general implications of an event-based understanding of time.
Amazonia Investiga, 2020
The article aims to describe the verbal representation of the time category as exemplified by languages with different structures. The authors consider semantic features of temporal vocabulary, namely, the semantics and functioning of temporal verbs, adjectives and adverbs in English, French and Russian from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. The article presents the possible themed classification of these lexical units. The authors conduct their comparative analysis, highlight issues of their semantization and metaphorization, as well as analyze their roles and functions in the formation of the speaker's worldview. While considering methods of verbalizing universal categories of human life, the authors outline prospects for determining the dominant national parameters of communication.
In the first section a sketch of a tense logic is presented and a mechanism is suggested for including aspects of the tense logic into the Grammar (theory cf language). Specifically, several grammatical structures are.sAown to incorporate temporal features. A semantic projection mechanism is utilized to amalgamate the temporal features in elements of the auxiliary, conjunctions, adverbials and, in addition, the inherent temporal, eatures of nouns and veibs to yield an overall reading of temporal specification..The second section examines the psychological validity of a tense logic model. Two alternative hypotheses are considered to account for the encoding of structures cf temporal specification. The first is a derivational theory of complexity of the sort proposed in recent psycholinguistics. The other is a theory based on the structure of the tense logic model, It would appear thak subjects are sensitive to thelkemporal information in conjunctions as well as the information expressed by the elements of the verbal auxiliary. This suppints tke. hypothesis that the overall temporal 'specification is derived by tlie amalgamation (projection) of temporal features or properties of various linguistic structures, and that the enccded representation can be conceived of as a complex "event space" in which tie temporal relations among all the events in an ctterance cr discourse-are specified. (Author/AMR) 4
Language Learning, 2008
ABSTRACT The article first discusses some recent work in time perception—in particular the distinction among prospective timing, retrospective timing, and passage of time judgments. The history and application of an “internal clock” model as an explanation of prospective timing performance is reviewed and contrasted with the different mechanisms needed for the other two types of time judgments. The article then discusses two areas suggesting relations between time perception research and language. The first is the idea that disturbances in the perception of duration, usually of very brief auditory stimuli, are associated with some language disorders. Another is the common use of metaphors for time, and the article relates these to the issue of whether a genuine “time sense” exists.
In: K. Jaszczolt & L. de Saussure, eds, 2013, Time: Language, Cognition, and Reality, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-11
Representing time in language is one of the most debated issues in semantics, philosophy and cognitive science and yet it is ridden with unresolved questions, puzzles and paradoxes.
First, I want to sincerely thank my advisor James F. Allen for always being very welcoming, considerate, understanding, and encouraging. He gave me the freedom to pursue my own research, and at the same time provided me with ideas and support whenever I needed -not to mention the torture I did to him with the first draft of my documents, including this thesis, which he patiently went through and returned with insightful feedback. My special thanks to Jeffery P. Bigham for giving me the opportunity to be exposed to the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) area, and to collaborate on exciting projects. I want to especially thank Lenhart K. Schubert for giving me constructive suggestions on various topics and for our fruitful discussions on the Timegraph (section 5.3.1
Minds and Machines, 1997
I present a new problem for the tense realist concerning the evaluation of cross-temporal claims, such as ‘John is now taller than Michael was in 1984’. Time can play two different roles in the evaluation of an utterance of a sentence: either as an element that completes the content expressed by the utterance (the completion role), or as part of the circumstances against which the content is evaluated (the evaluation role). It is this latter role that time plays in the realist view of tenses. I argue that if the content of a cross-temporal sentence is taken at face value (as an ascription of a crosstemporally instantiated relation), time does not play the evaluation role. Therefore, the world of the tense realist seems to leave no room for cross-temporality.
The present article investigates the category of temporality in the English language and demonstrates the ways of its expression in English sentences. The author enumerates types of adverbial modifier of time and enlightens the problem of expression of temporality in the structure of English sentence. The article covers a deep linguistic analysis of the syntactic component of adverbial modifier of time in English. The article provides a definition of the grammatical term \"adverbial modifier of time\" and ways of its expression in English sentences.
Final version available in Language and Cognition 10: 26-55, 2018
Forthcoming in Language and Cognition. Special issue Time ed. by V. Evans and C. Sinha 'Sometimes I feel that life is passing me by, not slowly either, but with ropes of steam and spark-spattered wheels and a hoarse roar of power or terror. It's passing, yet I'm the one who is doing all the moving. I'm not the station, I'm not the stop: I'm the train. I'm the train.' Martin Amis, Money, 1984, London: Vintage Books, p. 112.
This paper describes a method to represent temporal localization in such a way that it could be used in a system for natural language processing. We show that linguistic information is not su cient to deal with temporal localization adverbials in natural language processing. A representation of time with a greater level of abstraction must be used. We propose an implementation of such a representation, based on a type lattice structure, and a method for interfacing this representation with discourse.
Linguistics in The Netherlands, 2000
Human Cognitive Processing, 2016
Do people think about time the way they talk about it? This chapter examines dissociations between temporal language and temporal thinking in speakers of English and of Darija, a dialect of Moroccan Arabic. In both languages, conventional metaphors suggest that the future is ahead of the speaker and the past is behind. Yet, English speakers typically conceptualize the future as rightward and the past as leftwarda spatial mapping that is not conventionalized in any known spoken language. Darija speakers typically conceptualize the past as ahead and the future a behind them-a spatial mapping that directly contradicts their verbal metaphors. Darija speakers' "backward" mapping of time does not appear to arise from any feature of their language, or from their physical experience with the natural world, but rather from their cultural bias to focus on the past (i.e., to value their ancestry and practice ancient traditions). Analyses of verbal space-time metaphors reveal that humans' temporal thinking depends, in part, on spatial mappings. Yet, essential features of these mappings, including their spatial orientation and direction, may be absent from language and can only be discovered using extra-linguistic methods. Beyond the influences of language and of physical experience, cultural values and non-linguistic cultural practices can play important roles in shaping our mental representations of time. As a result, at any moment people may be thinking about time differently from the way they are talking about it, using different spatial schemas.
Three reasons render the expression of temporality a particularly in-teresting issue in language acquisition research. Firstly, temporality is a fundamental category of human experience and cognition, and all human languages have developed a wide range of devices to express it. These devices are similar, but not identical, across languages, and this well-defined, or at least well-definable, variability presents the learner with a clear set of acquisitional problems, and allows the re-searcher to study in which order, and in which way, these problems are approached. Secondly, the expression of temporality in a par-ticular language typically involves the interplay of several means -lexical (eg., inherent verb meaning), morphological (e.g., tense mark-ing), syntactic (e.g., position of temporal adverbs), pragmatic (e.g., rules of discourse organisation). This allows the researcher to study how an interacting system, rather than some isolated phenomenon, is acquired. Thirdly, one major ...
Memory & Cognition
It is widely accepted that people can predict the relative imminence of future events. However, it is unknown whether the timing of future events is represented using only a "strength-like" estimate or if future events are represented conjunctively with their position on a mental timeline. We examined how people judge temporal relationships among anticipated future events using the novel Judgment of Anticipated Co-Occurrence (JACO) task. Participants were initially trained on a stream of letters sampled from a probabilistically repeating sequence. During test trials, the stream was interrupted with pairs of probe letters and the participants' task was to choose the probe letter they expected to appear in the stream during a lagged target window 4-6 items (4.3-8.5 s) in the future. Participants performed above chance as they gained experience with the task. Because the correct item was sometimes the more imminent probe letter and other times the less imminent probe letter, these results rule out the possibility that participants relied solely on thresholding a strength-like estimate of temporal imminence. Rather, these results suggest that participants held (1) temporally organized predictions of the future letters in the stream, (2) a temporal estimate of the lagged target window, and (3) some means to compare the two and evaluate their temporal alignment. Response time increased with the lag to the more imminent probe letter, suggesting that participants accessed the future sequentially in a manner that mirrors scanning processes previously proposed to operate on memory representations in the short-term judgment of recency task.
Research in Language 12 (4), 2014
The paper investigates the possible conceptual bases of differences between seemingly synonymous and easily definable temporal expressions. Looking at the usage patterns of nominal temporal phrases in reference corpora of English and Polish we attempt to relate these subtleties to the different granularity of the cognitive scales on which construals of time quantities in general are based. More specifically, we focus on a subset of nominal temporal expressions which adhere to the "number + time unit" pattern, matching what Haspelmath (1997: 26) describes as "culture-bound artificial time units". Using the British National Corpus (BNC) and the National Corpus of Polish (NCP), we first analyse both the variation and the regularity found in naturally-occurring samples of Polish and English. Finally, we compare the patterns of use emerging from the two corpora and arrive at cross-linguistic generalisations about the conceptualisation of time quantities.
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