SMKN 1 and SMK Soposurung Foundation Balige Majoring in Electrical Engineering Competence Technique Video Audio has had skills in assembling and making power amplifiers, active loudspeaker and repair TV, radio, VCD/DVD. Competence Expertise Technique Installation and Distribution of Electrical Power have basic skills in installing commercial electrical, roll up transformers and electric motors and other electrical machinery. Entrepreneurship spirit has been given to the student through the subject of entrepreneurship and basic training. Competence skills possessed has had by student and teacher that they made a production unit in the form of goods or services but the result have not boast as many competitors like them so that the entrepreneurial spirit has not been significant motivated. This basic capability should be developed and enhanced to be able to produce electrical/ electronic other types with low coast but has promising market opportunities that a large profit. One of the type of product electrical / electronic current that has a promising market opportunities and agreed with partners is to produce running text based microcontroller because this tool is still luxury and imported goods but already widely used by the public. Running text based microcontroller is a font viewer tool runs as media information and advertising, where the information which displayed can be change through software without changing the hardware.