People's happiness depends upon their awaking. Contradiction, harmony, war, and suffering have cause from misunderstanding the world, which you are living. In the Buddha's teachings, he taught us the way of look at the world that is the doctrine of emptiness. Patrick Carré, a famous French Scholar, says about doctrine of Śūnyatā: ―This is a truly strange concept. If the world and ‗oneself', colorful entities are presenting, existing cannot deny, but in fact, they are empty, merely hollow, it must be cruelly mad that can advocate this unreasonable thing! Certainly, this respectable concept, the nihilism of the East may be merely ‗a Modern Movement' bringing temporary character in our homeland. Due to it is still searching for itself a way in the forest which contents all empty concepts to discover a position obviously and establish the entirely new truth.‖ Most people believe that the doctrine of emptiness was arisen from Nagārjuna but in fact the notion of emptiness was begun from the Buddha time. Nagārjuna merely received and developed it became the doctrine of emptiness. It is demonstrated by the Buddha's discourse in Pāli Nikayas. Afterwards, the doctrine developed in the Abhidharma schools. Besides, the system of Prajñāparamita Sūtras is place an importance role in this doctrine Last but not least, the period of the Madhyamaka School is the pinnacle period of emptiness philosophy. In this essay, Writer depended on the Buddha's teachings that recorded in Pāli Nikāyas to search origin for this doctrine.