The path of totalitarianism


Totalitarianism, unlike many other doctrines and political theories, it was stated later in the scientific and academic fields. His study asserted simultaneously to contemporary historical events that could not be included in older doctrinal and theoretical classifications. Like most of these new terms, linked to contingent historical circumstances, it inspired a myriad of interpretations, sometimes even opposed to each other, before arriving at a "peace" amongst scholars in accepting this new definition of a new kind of political regime. According to this analysis, I will be explained what totalitarianism is, how the concept has evolved and which of the many models or theories take as an evaluation criterion, to be able to apply it to the practical case. The task here is to revive the term, without considering the interpretation "right" or "better" than the other. Answering the question of what is the most useful, the most functional to the work that is the most important reason to be this paper.