On the location of zeros of the Homfly polynomial

2011, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment


F.Y. Wu, J. Wang, S.-C. Chang and R. Shrock initiated the study of zeros of the Jones polynomial since it was the special case of partition functions of the Potts model in physics. The Homfly polynomial is the generalization of the Jones polynomial. Let L be an oriented link, and P L (v, z) be its Homfly polynomial. In this paper, we study zeros of P L (v, z) with z fixed. We prove the so-called unit circle theorem for a family of generalized Jaeger's links {D n (G)|n = 1, 2, · · ·} which states that |v| = 1 is the limits of zeros of Homfly polynomials of generalized Jaeger's links {D n (G)|n = 1, 2, · · ·} if G is bridgeless. Similar to the result of the Jones polynomial, we also prove that zeros of Homfly polynomials are dense in the whole complex plane.