Extremal Polyomino Chains on k-matchings and k-independent Sets

2007, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry


Denote by T n the set of polyomino chains with n squares. For any T n ∈ T n , let m k (T n ) and i k (T n ) be the number of k-matchings and k-independent sets of T n , respectively. In this paper, we show that for any polyomino chain T n ∈ T n and any k 0, m k (L n ) m k (T n ) m k (Z n ) and i k (L n ) i k (T n ) i k (Z n ), with the left equalities holding for all k only if T n = L n , and the right equalities holding for all k only if T n = Z n , where L n and Z n are the linear chain and the zig-zag chain, respectively.