A working draft on design education [Final]


Approaching architecture as social discourse, this essay forwards a meta‐model in critical context analysis for design education. Working within a social construction frame, I propose a dialogical investigation into the constitutive power of language, and discuss analytical processes in spatial communication, for first‐year students of architecture. As such, this essay organizes an expository sequence of classroom or design‐studio talks, diagrams, and commentary, compiled from several years of classroom experience. By this means, I model the critical processes that have most effectively helped students to self‐situate within the action of social and spatial context analysis. These processes, which employ critical dialogue and co‐constructed investigative research, engender modes of operation by which students may learn to qualify the products of their investigative and creative activities, and in turn, initiate new forms of those processes, practical and meaningful to them, throughout design school and career.

Key takeaways

  • It involves a manner analytical practice, of seeing critically, our various social groups or orders, and the expanded dimensions of time and memory that dialogic socio-spatial materialization can embody, and through that sight, mapping the relationships of use and meaning as emergent, rather than static, understandings of context reality.
  • While they ultimately conclude that such transparency may be a limited phenomenon, the concept, extended here into the emergent life of social discourse, is a useful frame for qualitative description of the dialogic tensions inherent within the critically observable action of socio-spatial context.
  • Going back to Figure-6, the critical element in play, which makes this model dialogic, is possibility-the possibility for investigation of socio-spatial meaning that arises within dialogue, specifically as dialogic tension.
  • This opens up our field of possibility beyond the language of objective priority, i.e. home is house is four walls and a roof-we consider the emergent breadth and historical depth of cultural, political, economic, and geographic systems, within which our architectural emergence is situated, and by which we may responsively investigate socio-spatial life -Context.
  • These interactions are the living, responsive order of socio-spatial lifethe places where the rules are modified to make way for life-these are the dialogic tensions playing out in observable reality, and we can investigate these moments, critically.