Beyond the Via Moderna: Luther’s Anti-Nominalist Soteriology

A distinction developed during the fourteenth century "between the realist epistemology of the via antiqua and the nominalist epistemology of the via moderna." 2 What lay at the heart of the conflict was the relationship between theology and philosophy. Theodor Dieter rightly states that, "While the via antiqua insisted on a close connection between the arts faculty and the theological faculty, interpreting Aristotle as consonant with faith, the via moderna emphasized the differences between natural insight (Aristotle) and supernatural faith, and pointed to tensions and contradiction between them." 3 Who were the theologians of the via antiqua? This stream of thought included figures such as Aristotle, Averroes, Albert the Great, but more specifically it referred to Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, and John Duns Scotus. 4 If these figures were considered to be a part of the via antiqua then who were the theologians of the via moderna?